Birth of Crypto Gaming

in #crypto6 years ago

Blockade technology for a short time leaves a significant footprint in the financial industry and forces its unresolved potential to shake up world governments. The next step is to rethink the video game industry.

Smart traders from Wall Street typically rely on their life experience, which suggests they make money from digital assets, such as bitcoin and etherium, a long-known and simple rule: "Buy cheaper - sell more expensive." But there are other audiences ready for the distribution of crypto currencies - the multi-million-dollar army of gamers, among whom have long been accepted to purchase virtual titles and features for virtual characters for in-game currency.You can call it "loan", "gold" or something else, but the fact is that game users in the digital money journey are long ago, when there is no bitcoin guidance.

In-game currency is a feature of the A-class game project - World of Warcraft, Hearthstone and Clash of Clans. Moreover, in line with them, the game is independent with their growing economy, whose audience is growing at a crazy speed. Here it is important to note CryptoKitties and Parsec Frontiers, where the game mechanism is based on crypto currency exchange.

In CryptoKitties, users need to grow a virtual cat to sell it for profit. At the Parsec Border, players transform into intergalactic space spaces with their economies, encouraging the inhabitants of the universe to actively trade goods for financial gain. These are just two simple examples; in other games users can acquire digital assets if they beat enemies, complete missions, sell virtual goods or invest original money.This all leads to the fact that gamers begin to understand the trading of digital currencies no worse than merchants.

Games with crypto currency support can make other small revolutions. And what if the in-game stuff (magic spell, armor, sword, vehicle, etc.) Will be protected and verified by the blockade? This will radically alter the idea of ​​ownership in cyberspace, and players will become participants in the truly free goods market.

In the traditional paradigm, the in-game item lifecycle is supported by the developer studio. That is, he is the owner of the goods, not the players. If the game project is closed, then the item loses its value. At the same time, players spend a lot of time and energy investing in personal funds to develop character to a certain level.But if the gamer is tired and no longer wants to spend time on virtual entertainment, then he can not refuse the invested business. We can assume that the time has passed is useless. Only the studio controls everything and can keep the value of virtual things.

Just as blocking technology ensures that digital assets will always remain yours, so the emergence of a new generation crypto will help create a more progressive decentralized economic system in video games.

Game growth with crypt support gives players more rights to the game, including unprecedented control over the inventory acquired on the virtual battlefield. It almost complements the digital objects with the quality of things from the physical world, because when you buy a chess board in a store, it's all yours to the fullest and is used by you at will. Similarly, in-game currency and things will become your complete property.

Currently, the BitGuild ecosystem has emerged - a platform for registering wallets by players, where all their digital assets can be saved, and transactions are made using smart eterium contracts. Now the power is back in the hands of gamers. If a user kills a monster and gets a sword, then he can safely sell it for crypto currency.

In ordinary computer games, where blockade technology has not been used, large sums of money are being circulated. Market research shows that in 2017 the gaming industry generated $ 108 billion. Most of the revenue earned through the distribution of so-called "free models" when a person just download and enjoy the game, but to develop at least some strength and possible characters, must upgrade for in-game currency, which becomes real money.Over the past year, players have spent about $ 82 billion in similar games. So why do not we protect this market with blockbuster technology that keeps Wall Street traders moving.

Games with cryptocurrency gamers turn into full master odigitalf their virtual stuff, and developers will be able to ensure a fair and secure platform for users, where you can trade freely, which will certainly lead to an increase in asset value and earn real money. Cryptocurrency understanding of the world for many years is difficult because of the many graphs, technical indicators, slang exchanges, but the penetration of mass blockcheyna through video games will be fun and cheerful.

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