Google Chrome Banning Extensions Mining Cryptocurrency

in #crypto6 years ago

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Another bad news for the crypto users.

Google Chrome is now banning all crypto mining extension from it's store by July this year in order to prevent illegal mining.

It is actually a decentralized currency which makes it impossible to track, which criminals take advantage and use it for illegal activities.

People have come up with many new ways of making money, since the Crypto business have skyrocketed a few months back which has subsequently crashed.

Google said,


There was many ways to mine crypto currencies, however most of the times they are illegally mined through “Cryptojacking” i.e. without the consent of a user when they visit a certain link their computer automatically uses it's resources to mine crypto currency, which is similar to malware's and viruses.

This has become very popular now days and many websites have been found using "Cryptojacking" scripts to generate illegal money.

Source Link 1 | Link 2


You are amazing for posting this crypto news. Yes i always thought mining in your browser was a wierd idea.

Thankyou :)

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