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RE: Killer of Giants

in #crypto6 years ago

It's actually really simple to use, and is quite big in southern Eurasia. It just never saw widespread adoption in the US, therefore they're wimping out.

Swing by my page (link at the top) and you'll see. It's mostly a place of galleries and interest groups. But until Steemit came along, it was pretty much my Haven from FB, where I could pursue my work without freaking out my family.

Make no mistake, I'm certainly not suggesting that anyone leave Steemit for that place. But the fact is, that FB has already bought one of the larger crypto exchanges, and could stomp us flat with the assistance of the MSM if they wanted.

But it would cost them billions to even begin to address a threat of this nature, and slow them down quite a bit. Even if they won, many people would start to wonder "what else is there"?

In the meantime, we'll be refining Steemit, pushing out more apps, taking more market share...

It's just a thought. 😈

Posted using Partiko Android


Wow, cool to meet a G+ user in the wild (I knew there are some small communities but definitely very small)! I'm not in G+ or FB (much) because I'm not a social media person. But here I am lol....

As far as Google goes, are you suggesting Google to try to pick at Facebook while maintaining the G+ community so that both G+ and Steemit are up and sort of dilute FB's power? (And you get to continue using G+ :))

Yeah I don't really see it happening though.

As far as that video goes, it's quite crazy just how much of a role Facebook itself has on many global events... Wow.

Yes, that's precisely what I was suggesting. With FB eating our posts, it's clear that they already see us as a threat. My idea was as you said, divide and conquer.

I admit that it's incredibly unlikely, but it just tickled by fancy a little bit, ya know? =)

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