Monopoly Millionaire Game NFT

in #crypto2 years ago

Hi friends, this time I will provide information about a very interesting project for you to know about a new cryptocurrency called Monopoly. Before going to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still needs efforts to encourage adoption so that it continues to grow and continue to develop in the future. So for that, let's see a brief review of the Monopoly project below.


There are two paths in front of Humanity. Outside, we explore the vast expanses of the universe; inside, we enter virtual reality. The last form of virtual reality is metaverse. With the advent of the metaverse, everything that was created in the real world – land, social relations, any transactions, needs of spirits – would also exist in the metaverse, a parallel world in virtual reality. Like the role in the movie Ready Player One, humanity will live in the real world and the metaverse at the same time, with perceptual and cognitive abilities. improve to a point never seen, even new species may emerge.

In essential, metaverse links together the virtual and real world as one in the era of Web 3.0, forming a community where space, digital assets and economics are realized self- circling. Metaverse cannot exist if without technologies like VR, AR, blockchain, Token economics, storage and other edge technologies. Monopoly Millionaire Game (hereinafter referred to as “MMG” ) aims to build metaverse infrastructures that based on blockchain technology, so that it can offer MAAS level service, helping developers, game enthusiasts, artists and KOLs participate in metaverse simply and easily and keep a step ahead.

At present, metaverse is still in the MVP stage. Exploring metaverse at this moment is significant and rewarding. MMG consists of three parts or milestones, “Foundation”, “Man-machine” and “Discover”. Foundation: MMG will reserve no effort in building MASS framework, and it will create a blockchain that bases on TBFT, separately non-substrate computing, resource- account management technologies and combines PIV platforms. This will empower MMG to be a coordination platform that are competence to the fast iteration of metaverse.

  • Man-Machine: MMG will go all out to build a phenomenal metaverse game application -Modernizaing Park.

  • Discover: MMG will focus on the development of a decentralized metaverse ecosystem and establish a highly decentralized and self-updating governance model.

Monopoly Millionaire Game (MMG)

With the development of VR and AR technology as well as transaction support by blockchain, Metaverse is expected to grow to mass. The boundaries between the real world and the game will not be so indistinguishable from each other - the virtual will be closer to the real. Now more and more companies and users are using Metaverse. Internet companies like Valve Steam, MMcebook, Oculus& Horizon, Omniverse of NAVIDIA and the interactive physical engine by the Reworld team are all running ahead. However, Metaverse's infiltration of the masses in the real world still has a long way to go. No blockchain system can meet the requirements of mass adoption. Slow transaction speeds, poor user experience, and large code workloads prevent users and developers from entering the Metaverse.

For example, the transaction script paradigm (Decentraland) is an important part of creating value for users in the Metaverse. However, as we know, the API of many transaction scripts lacks security and poor standards, which is not able to protect the user's private key and always authorizes small payments that don't work.

In addition, metaverse application development sets high requirements for the development team. This requires versatile talents who master not only AR, blockchain technology, but also various economic models. From team building, concept design, to execution and market promotion, the whole process is time consuming. In solving problems in developing metaverse applications, MMG aims to build a high-performance, reliable and secure metaverse coordination platform, removing blocks along the way and helping developers, game enthusiasts, artists, KOL to easily create valuable content on the blockchain. and earn in content interactions. Ultimately, MMG hopes to encourage widespread adoption of the metaverse.

MMG Features

  • High Horizontal Scalability: To enable developers to easily participate in the construction of Metaverse in the public chain, MMG not only offers completely independent blockchain modules, clear interface definitions, installable replacements, but also realizes complete virtualization of intercommunication module, in which various network communication protocols such as function calls, inter-process communication (IPC) are all supported. This makes it possible to facilitate the assembly and combination of free modules. Deep modularization allows developers, based on their needs, to select different modules and components to quickly assemble a customized blockchain system. In addition, with a mountable, detachable, independent and controllable core framework, developers can quickly connect with profitable bases. single custom development module/module.

  • Better Support for High Throughput Metaverse Transaction Needs: We have verified the feasibility of separating computation from consensus to significantly increase throughput without compromising security. In our architecture, the consensus node defines only the order of transactions, and does not execute transaction. Instead, the computation is entrusted to the computation-optimized execution node, and a special verification node checks the calculation results. During normal operation, the consensus node does not check the calculations, but supervises the participating nodes to perform their tasks and assess potential challenges of the results.

In the next version, we will continue to optimize the MMG algorithm layer to avoid repeated calculations of verification nodes, so that the result verification can be distributed and parallelized across multiple verification nodes. The complete architecture significantly improves throughput as it delegates the calculation work to dedicated execution nodes and the inspection work to various weaker verification nodes. We provide a complete verification process for protocol specifications, including the challenge to the wrong calculation result and the result judgment process. Besides, we have already proved the effectiveness and safety of the system.

  • Decentralized Federation Identity Management: Humans participate in virtual activities on the Metaverse. The main parts are virtual identities and virtual assets. The game is a Metaverse presentation. With unique identity management, comprehensive asset types and contract engine, combined with 3D contract modeling system, MMG can support the realization of the world's top-level virtual reality network.

MMG identity management is compatible with centralized identity management, provides SOA identity management mechanisms, and supports DSSO and FIM. MMG INDE, the MMG identity management module, is located in the virtual application layer. For example, a Metaverse game user holding a DSSO can login to a virtual real estate application. Different metaverses based on MMG do not need to maintain different user systems.

  • Virtual Interface: Immersion is one of the most important elements in the Metaverse, while VR and AR are important technologies and tools for enhancing immersion. MMG team will work with VR equipment providers such as Nvidia, AMD, Oculus, Valve, and Microsoft to discuss and define interface protocols and standards. We will create a standard protocol that supports AR and VR and implement a blockchain world-specific protocol - BlockVirtualLink - on the MMG public chain. This will take AR and VR equipment and experiences to a new level. Via Virtual Link, low-power devices can also run AR or VR headsets or other hardware.

Real World RAW: MMG will build RAW modules for NFT and Oracle in the real world. Among them, NFT will adopt IPFS storage and Oracle will adopt server (recent) and Chain-link (forward). We plan to form a real-world research group MRR (MMG RAW RE) to maintain communication and collaboration with MKR RAW, which specializes in mapping real-world elements and the Metaverse.

MMG NFT Finance

Game Box


  • BUY MMG: Click here to buy MMG tokens at PANCAKESWAP MMG can be used for IPO investment, reasonable deflation and value-added.

  • BUY NFT: Buy NFT Click to enter MMG's NFT trading market Buy NFTs for high returns Stake to get 2% interest per day.

  • IPO: MMG IPO Click to access the IPO page Get 100% doubled public offer quota Total 50 million MMG IPO in 10 batches.

  • NFT artist idea contribution: NFT creative Join Contribution Get NFT royalties + sales NFT share.

Token Economy

A total of 1,000,000,000 MMG was issued. 100% of MMG will be used for platform ecological construction, including but not limited to witness block rewards, platform ecology developer incentives, global community construction, DAPP promotion activities, project operation and promotion, ecological partners, ecological investment, research and legal compliance, etc. This portion of the MMG token will be used as a reward for consensus work contributors, or given to users as free gifts or exchanged for other digital assets.

  1. 100% (1 billion) for initial issuance Among them, 100 million will be used for airdrop. Tokens for public offering are not for sale. 50 million tokens will be used for the initial public offering. 850 million for market liquidity. (unlock 20% every month, total 5 months).

  2. MMG2 tokens can be obtained through stake mining. Stake mining creates opportunities to win NFT. MMG has its own complete ecosystem, so every NFT in MMG is realized. MMG2 is a kind of special token for stake mining. MMG2 is not available for purchase at an early stage, and can only be obtained by participating in NFT and Metaverse games. 10 million MMG2 will be issued, 9 million of which can only be obtained through stake mining. And another 1 million can be found at ecological activities. The MMG2 has a guaranteed base price. As the number of MMG2 increases, the pool size will increase accordingly.

MMG is a governance token that allows holders to use the DAO structure to participate in the governance decisions of the platform. They can exercise voting rights on important events, such as the foundation's authorization of content and game creators, and priority functions on the platform's roadmap.

MMG Supply and Allocation

This is what I can say in this article. If you need accurate and reliable information, you can visit their official link, which I have provided below:


Username: Bidadari_surga
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1011291
BSC Wallet Address: 0xBd706dD25c38c5502DbB2B254bFA6bbD54b8F8d3


No blockchain system can meet the requirements of mass adoption.

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