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in #crypto6 years ago

it is a very broad and interesting subject, no doubt! :)

there are Utility tokens as BNB, Binance's token used there for paying fees on transactions. it is successful I would say. perhaps there are some other too, which I am not very familiar with.

while there are also sort of Security tokens...
as many has already pointed out in comments here before me, Security tokens raise a lot of questions and doubts. because Securities are strictly regulated and watched by gov entities such as SEC etc. there are rigid rules and laws. Investors / Stakeholders in traditional business require certain guarantees and protection, provided by law and all those regulations. otherwise it is very unlikely that someone would venture into some investments (i.e. buy stakes) with such a high risk. especially institutional investors.
at the same time, there is no yet any laws which are about Crypto!
all those existing laws are about Fiat money.
that makes it complicated and confusing even for gov agencies and law firms. what to speak of average investors.

take STEEM for example! it is from one hand can be considered as kind of Utility token: since it is been used in various operations and transactions here on Steemit and many other Apps. also it is a liquid tradable token which can speculate on exchanges. at the same time, in its "illiquid" form (aka "Non-Fungible") as Steem Power - it is de facto a Security Token. also at the same time Steem Power is not a Cryptocurrency :)
however STEEM token is a Cyrptocurrency, and it is being used to Invest or Stake into this Venture, as unit of Investment Capital albeit in cryptocurrency - nevertheless it IS an investment. so, yes, it is "Powered Up" first - in other words "Locked-up" or "frozen" (or Lend into System). and while it is being kept in the System - it is not moved (supposedly), thus becoming "Steem Power". which by the way - gives a dividends on Investment! in fact ONLY "Powered Up" STEEM coins can give the profit interest here - not the liquid STEEM! i.e. if one just keeps STEEM coins in one's wallet (not Powered Up) - those coins will NOT give any interest at all. so, in this regard each and every 1 "Powered Up" unit of STEEM coin (aka "Steem Power") is de facto a STAKE unit of the Capital into this Ecosystem! and each person who has some STEEM coins "Powered Up" in here - is de facto a Stakeholder. yet at the same time ... there is no any formal agreement between the Corporation and Stakeholder; there are no any guarantees; there is no any protection; while there are certain risks...

so, it is a HUGE subject! :)

but yes, the way all Crypto and in fact whole global financial system goes - it looks like more and more Companies and perhaps quite soon giant Corporations will start making their own tokens. and most likely majority of them would be precisely such Security Tokens. although some might be also as Utility tokens. some even express the opinions that soon enough ALL the Crypto will seize to exist (or become banned) and instead will be only those Corporate Tokens.

and .... government issued "crypto-fiat" :)
or CBDCs and / or "stablecoins", which has already started to emerge...

BTW perhaps such stablecoins can consider as Utility tokens. :)

but of course, a lot of questions and uncertainties still remain ...

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