The Real Story On Universal Basic Income (UBI) Is Improbable But True

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

While cryto markets collapse, Manna price continues to rise. But why buy Manna when you can get it for free???

Manna is a cryptocurrency distributed freely by the People’s Currency Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity recognized by the U.S. Federal Government. Every week they distribute Manna tokens to 1000s of people throughout the world. The only requirements are that you be a human being, have an email account and a phone for verification. That's it!

You would think millions of people are breaking the doors down to get their share with all the poverty there is on this planet, but the truth is the opposite. The People’s Currency Foundation has to struggle to acquire new participants.


I can't give you a good answer on that question. People are funny. They know they shouldn't smoke because it destroys their body, but they do it anyway. They know that eating Cheetos is bad nutrition, but they consume them by the boatload. UBI is sorely needed, but Steemit didn't even have a UBI topic until a few days ago.

Please help this organization get UBI up and running...

If you are a millionaire whale, who has no use for a few hundred dollars, join anyway to make this program work and to help your fellow man at the same time. There are many who really do need UBI and your participation enables this program to grow rather than wither and die.

Manna provides a White Paper, all the information about the founders and other personnel, a roadmap etc, when you sign up...


Don't put it off.

Let's get this UBI thing going. Stockton California and other cities are creating UBI for their citizens. How about getting ahead of the game and go global from the start with Manna for everyone, rich and poor alike...

Click here to get your weekly basic income payments now!


It isn't really free money because you have to make the effort to contact them to get a share. But after that first dispensation, how do you earn more? It needs exchange listings, and merchant adoption, or at least OTC shapeshift-style exchangers to give it exchange value. Unless it has reasonably compelling utility, it will have no value and more or less will be worthless.

I don't see any real reason why it could not acquire new value, except if it is issued too aggressively and users are primarily trying to sell it and nobody wants to buy it. UBI is really a nonsense idea, completely ignoring the facts of economics, that only useful (and durable) and scarce things have exchange value. This thing will not work if the last element is wrong, and without adoption the utility will also be lackluster.

Ultimately, all monetary items tend to be relatively cheap to acquire but do not become valuable if there is too much, if it's difficult to use and store, and if nobody accepts it as payment or for exchange.

In my opinion, a far better 'UBI' program would see them giving out crypto mining rigs on a payment plan. One decent current model miner only costs around $1500-2000 and pays for itself in 3 months. The sticky part of such an idea would be in ensuring that people don't just get them, sell them anonymously and go incommunicado. In fact, Steem itself is a great UBI, or it could be better at least, if it had a social credit system implemented in a reputation system, one that mandates distribution and gives no benefit to self-assignment of rewards. The way it is right now it's less than good because of the binding of stake to influence, and the fact that there is a tiny oligarchy of elite accounts that dictate everything, and who can silence critics by shutting off the rewards faucet. But I won't go too deeply into that problem, as nobody here who has influence cares about distributing it, a classic prisoner's dilemma.


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