
@thebigsweed. I’m impressed with your legwork around here, bravo! I’m seeing your name quite a bit these days, way to #engage.

(Just in case you haven’t heard it lately)

Thanks for the compliment and that news. Not that I mind being in the background. I started this whole venture as a way to create a log of different parts of my life. The intention was to record different aspects of my life so that future generations of thebigsweed would be able to see who Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and so on, was all about. I throw a lot of stuff out there, some sticks some doesn't. I totally enjoy the back and forth with other Steemians, and this has actually proved to be more enjoyable than I could have ever imagined. I am not one to meet and engage new people, as I find no need to add anyone to my short list, I call friends. NNF is pretty much how I have lived most of my life. "No New Friends." On Steemit, it is easy to see what other people enjoy. If I find them interesting, funny, or have similar interests I follow. It is much easier for me to deal with people this way, as I can just push the unfollow button.
It is not my cup of tea to listen to others who constantly interrupt, and are all too ready to verbalize the very next thing that comes into their head. They are poised , with lips pursed, feeling that only what they have to say is worthy of being listened to. After a minute or two of conversation, I usually stop engaging in the conversation because it is apparent they are not listening to a word of what I have to say. This makes me feel quit awkward, and removing myself from that type of situation, without offending them can be precarious.
When blogging you do not get cut off, or at least it is not as apparent. For instance I am going on and on without interuption, you may not read but I will never know. At the very least I get a chance to speak my mind.

Waiting for your next hilarious piece.

Well said @thebigsweed. Good call on recording yourself for future generations.

But not all of my pieces are funny, sir.

It’s funny you mention how rewarding this experience has been for you, I agree, I recently started an article titled “The People In My Phone.” Not the people in there that I’ve physically been around, but you and the people here who actually appear to be interested in me.

I receive more support here than I ever have anywhere else.

edit Consider hanging out in the #fff kitchen on Fridays, it’s a lot of fun man, a really good group of people too. Happy Friday!

I do no cooking. I don't know if you have ever seen the Movie PT109. Story of JFK played by Cliff Robertson . The story is about JFK's participation in WW11. At the beginning of the movie as the crew of the pt109 boat are getting ready to board, they are asked if anyone can cook. One guy says that the only thing he can make in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The captain says, well then I guess you are the cook.😁😁😁 That sums up my cooking ability. I have been trying to get my wife involved with blogging and have told her that she would love #fff. She is a fantastic cook, and i think she may be ready to get involved with the challenge.


I haven’t seen the movie but you’ve summed it up nicely. Dude, the only reason I started with #fff 3 or 4 months ago was to get my wife going.

She finally took off and had been hitting trails with her menus and recipes since but I haven’t stopped. She’s the cook, not me, I’m that natural peanut butter (the stuff with oil in it) and 2g sugar preserves between a couple of slices guy, I know what you mean.

But I’m still finding things to post about on Fridays. 😉

Whenever we take the time to get our friends/spouse involved they’re slow aren’t they? But eventually they figure out what they’ve been missing. Happy Friday!

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