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RE: I lost it all, everthing... gone.

in #crypto7 years ago

The euphoric aura surrounding cryptocurrencies is almost exactly the same as the dot com bubble in the late 90's. I went through that as well and remember no matter whatever stock I bought, it made money, for awhile. Then the crash came. Luckily I did buy tangible assets with some of my earnings like a, car, rental apt. etc. and I didn't lose everything; but the portfolio took a major hit.

A major lesson I learned from that experience is that the crypto world will be very similar. Last year you could of thrown darts at a dartboard containing any crypto and made money. That's why you shouldn't listen to anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, giving their BS technical analysis for any crypto, period! Anyone could have made these analyses and looked smart. It doesn't mean they know fuck-all!

Most cryptos are dogshit, wrapped in catshit, and deep fried in birdshit! Time WILL prove this to be true, just like most of the dot com companies of the late 90s. However there will be some major winners from this space that will change things dramatically (just like the 90s) and money and wealth will be created. And always be very wary of these scammy exchanges. I don't trust any of them really. Never EVER hold your crptos on an exchange! At least that's my 2 cents worth so take it for what it's worth.

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