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RE: The Flip Side: Why Facebook's Ban On Cryptocurrency Marketing Might Just Be A GOOD Thing... (Part TWO)

in #crypto6 years ago

I wish Facebook didn't lump in bitcoin and other legit crypto companies with the ICO scammers! That's just poor judgement on their part.

It would have also been great if Coinmarketcap banned Bitconnect ads and other scams from advertising on their site, but I guess ad $$$ trumps morals and values.


I'm pretty sure they don't. Zuck's no fool.

the 'scam scenario' might have just been an impetus leading to the decision. though as stated in part one - how many ads have you seen for the QUALITY blockchain projects on Facebook? Probably zero. The good stuff doesn't need marketing channels like Facebook's. Thus, there's no real damage done to the players with integrity - as if they're really strong enough and have the substance, network effects alone will do way beyond what marketing campaigns alone could.

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