Crypto money as sign/need for change - hell yeah!

in #crypto6 years ago


Just read this article:
"Governments are extremely worried about cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. These virtual currencies mean you can make payments without involving the banks that most economies and government financial models are built on. People can transfer large amounts of money without the authorities knowing, potentially making it easier to evade tax or launder money."
(kind of funny distraction - this url contains the word HODL ;)

Isn't this sweet? They preach about the dangers of crypto money, where the governments and banks can't see what's happening with money and value. Ice cream licks back.

I mean no disrespect to anyone, but should not we consider what the governments and banks are really standing for? Undoubtedly nothing else than profit, even if it means exploitation, famine or war - there is nothing what can't be bought or sold within the 'laws' of the current money-fueled system.
I deliberately QUOTE laws, as they are a joke - always allows the rich to get away while enslaving the poor. We can be as romantic and idealistic as much we want, but the fact is that if you have no money, you have no love in this world, because you fight not to starve to death. Okay, there is exception, maybe 0.1 percent can emerge beyond the threshold, maybe by also exploiting others, maybe with luck, maybe with hard work or talent, but still - the majority is always screwed.

People can rant about 'bitcoin can be used for crime' - while the mighty dollar we trust was never used to finance crime? How exactly it is ensured that the current money is not supporting harm? Sure, there are institutions, agencies what regulate flows, follow trails and rule by enforcement, but on the global scale it is an utter failure, because there is starvation, murder and annihilation every day. War industry brainwashing ordinary foe to go out there and ruthlessly kill in the name of some deluded idea, for money transfusion by un-volunteered donors of some far away 'developing' countries justified by some fabricated casus belli.

No way I say that's the fault of money itself, it's us, participants, who are the tiny cogs in the great systems and it's natural flow that change must emerge from time to time.

Let's look at from this angle: European Union - it has so much regulations about trade and money that it's literally choking - only benefits the corporations who are big enough to be able to lobby(buy) politicians and lawmakers to favor them - it was long due that something sort of new had to emerge - and voila' - technology and some pioneers created ways to distribute and track value without being able to be copied - thus new money can be used without A centralized 'lucky' authority.

Now more and more people start using crypto money, because there is no government tax, no bank fee(still there can be high transaction fee, but this is evolving already as more participants join) - if I want to sell something to someone, why would I need a private corporation, a bank to involve, to trust?

Because before I was not guaranteed that my trade was 'protected' - kind of like a mafia with licence to kill soldier boy enforcement army of nameless force.
But with the decentralized internet - it's the network and technology ensures that this trade is legit, smart - as it should be. And the network is many participants - agreeing on how this new system works. That's all it needs - accumulated agreement.

I might be anarchist, must admit, for me also about real, ground to earth love - why would I need to involve the government to my partnership, so then we are legally bound to each other? For me, it sounds like we don't trust each other enough, we need big daddy to watch over our shoulders. Same with money.

Governments and banks screwed up the people's trust big time. 'They' chose corrupt, evil causes to support over LIFE - thus any credibility left within them should shout for embracing the change.

2018 - It's all over the news - Britain and US 'foreign policy' can trick countries to jump into proxy wars in Syria pretending about liberty and freedom, while their main concern is oil, gas and territorial pissings. Or Israeli government playing holocaust in Gaza. Or Russia with Crimea, does not matter which country we pick, most of them are involved in some sort of completely evil scheme in order to profit, in the name of their gods and people. It's insane.
A documentary: All wars are bankers wars.

And when I say 'they' - I mean us, participants - I know, everyone has to earn money to keep their family well fed, educated and entertained, even with the price of upkeeping a corrupt, anti-life, environment-destructing system. Well, congratulations, well justified!

Sigh. It's not about resisting or fighting but to share understanding and explaining, to create new ways and lead by example. Whoever wants to fight the system, they end up hurting actual people, who are in fact ourselves:

"You are me in another life"

I am sure governments and corporations, as they are now kind of semi-aware consciousness systems evolved from their own past and sort of neural artificial intelligence, pre-programmed by - and into - each participants unconscious or conscious - will resist and try to fight change, but the key is for everyone to take responsibility and forgive. If I can talk and explain what I understand - I might be able to reach out others, who then one day might realize their responsibility and empowerment within also doing so. It's the real power - one plus one equals two - this is how everything works. I know, many has the inherent desire to step back, focus on self-interest and justify it by not harming as much as others do and just hope for change, but we have to step out from this mentality, or there will be complete and total degradation of respect to life or nature. And if anyone is fine by that - it's a sign of complete and successful brainwashing, no doubt.
Everyone and anyone can stand up, starting with small steps and dare to ask for support! The system is us - our external mirror creation, it's pretty simple to grasp it!

I do not blame or judge banks or governments, politicians or corporate princes - I study them, I embrace them and understand their strengths and weaknesses - and always reflect back to self here - anything I judge 'there', in 'them' - is 'here', 'within me'? And if so, I lead by example - for myself, for my family, my neighbor, my city, my country, my world - I change - I stop, I re-align, I re-define and I live. Simple as tying shoes. Needs a little bit of practice, but it's not rocket science.

Crypto money is a way to explore what's possible without the old system - and yes, it's not perfect, many of the old way is being imprinted into it the same way - but it's certainly a step forward. We have to take responsibility while crypto is in it's cradle-state to not inherit the old system's values and mind-traps - thus we have to amend our own self-dishonesty first to see - I have fear, I have greed, I have spite - and if I don't stop those, I will imprint it to the current creation, to next generations.
Many say crypto is a bubble, irrelevant - it's obviously not - and I am not emotionally enthusiastic about it - it's just investigation - it's just starting to emerge...

If it would not be, then governments and banks would not want to participate or create their own crypto money.
If it would not be a step forward, it would not inspire millions already, with market value bigger than some countries and it's just starting.
If it would not be great, mainstream media would not avoid it's crucial points, great advantages - it's being hold back, because it brings change - change is scary, because it brings unknown. Big enemy of the system, of the people who wants security and predictability, sustainability. Just the thing is - the current system is not sustainable, it's self destructing, thus change need to be done, by individuals, by everyone.

And for that, some systems might have to break down, in people's minds, in the economic sector as well.
That's why it's crucial to understand that singularity of A.I. and technological leap is already here - we are just not seeing it because we are in the eye of the twister, and once someone gets to the sideline, then the twist happens, just look at Yemen, Syria, Gaza, Liberia or any exploited places where life has no value in this system.
Change is coming, so better to utilize the awareness of it - that's why Basic Income and new agreement of laws is required, to not accept weapon or pharmaceutical industry to ruin lives for a handful of individual's profit, just because they got mesmerized and totally lost within their senseless mind-trip.

Recently I've switched job as seasoned software engineer and I've talked with banks(considered as taking a job as blockchain developer, but found another, equally interesting scenery for now), they are on it, because if they would not be, they would die out soon.

Many would say crypto is ridiculous, volatile and untrustworthy, kind of a wild west and any reasonable people should stay out of it, and only opportunists, con-men and geeks play with it as a form of gambling, and yes, there are many like that probably, but the majority are investing and developing much more evolved and user/client-friendly ways as service with more consideration to privacy and security with complete transparency.

Health care, property industry, insurance, loans, security, gaming, education, transportation, trading and literally everywhere it's spreading and changing. It's just not in front of everyone, but it's happening, every day it's one step closer to everyone's door.

What's our, participant's total responsibility is to open the door for change, stand up and out for LIFE's right for everyone from the start, and everyone needs money and it's never enough, sure, but to ensure that I do not want a system where I don't love my neighbor to the degree that I am fine if starves to death or being annihilated by some stupid royal psychopath's agenda.

The code of our minds, our personality and ethics is literally in our hands with the words we think, speak and act - and that's the programming code of who we are - and if we investigate ourselves, becoming able to realign to support and respect all life - and that is going to reflect back within the creation of new systems, should be that money or any kind of expression and extension of ourselves.

Don't fear or judge crypto before you fully understand - investigate, use common sense and share your realizations! Nothing should be favored by inflated desire for a change - decompose patterns and understand within specificity.

Free your mind!

Check out or to see to move the billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions.... haha you get it. Enjoy!

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