BandZ @OriginalWorks Contest Article Entry by @Sutter

in #crypto6 years ago


"What is the BandZ Network?"

BandZ2018 is a world apart from the internet offering a decentralized extranet that offers advanced processing methodology to technology consumers. Realizing the full possibility of achieving unsurpassed bandwidth processing abilities is coming to understand how "Bandwidth as a currency" is a conceptually accurate statement. This article will provide readers with a better sense of the BandZ2018 roadmap!

Today, the internet is one of the most highly trafficked places in the world. Alright, the internet is virtual. But, if it were considered a place, the internet would provide more tourists than anywhere in the world with information. In the old days, you used to have to travel to a library to get information. Today, the power of the internet has inspired many innovations. There are few that are bold enough to venture to say that their efforts can change the internet forever! The extranet aims to globalize an advanced form of "internet" by way of blockchain technology.

Imagine an internet apart from the internet we know today! Why you ask?

Think about the extranet as a clean slate that's offering the nuance in decentralized internet services. Which means that international extranet, and access within the connectivity of accessible domains offers many advantages to those in support of the BandZ network. Creating benefits for consumers often wins a pool of deals that can furnish funding for future development. The BandZ name is taken from the term "bandwidth."

What can The BandZ Network's extranet offer the world that goes beyond the internet?

The story of bandwidth is the story of processing. If you've ever worked for someone that confesses to be guilty of micro managing think about all the extras that might arise while employed as a caterer. Time expense is an expense that can be reduced by the power of The BandZ Network's offering to the blockchain. Have you ever experienced long load times for websites? This happens for a multiple of reasons, and one is the processing retrieval of data from global servers. Among the missions to make a superior internet style environment with the extranet The BandZ Network reduces bandwidth. The reduction of bandwidth can result in a number of user benefits! Load times can be reduced and naturally increases the processing speed along the extranet. With further data storage expansion localized servers, in all the nations of the word, can result in a product that offers users the fastest retrieval of content existing on the extranet.

Will the internet fail to keep up with the extranet?

Considering speed of processing the extranet may pull quickly ahead of the internet due to reduction of bandwidth making for less to process. It's highly likely that the internet won't be going anywhere for a long time. Reducing bandwidth does reduce the price point of processing data. The reduction of cost, by way of reduction of processing, offers consumers cheaper services for the same or similar information retrieval. Search engines accessing the data available on the extranet have the ability to filter content to ensure user friendly variables are made optional. However you set your search engine preferences today a comparable will likely exists. It's possible that the extranet will offer a decentralized search engine optimization offering that's irresistible to cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The value of processing speed, search engine optimization, and savings are all great topics for the blockchain. Providing providers with a gateway that offers consumers access to data condensed or reduced in bandwidth size is a natural evolution for the community. The BandZ Network whitepaper is available for those that are interested in the future planing for the extranet!

What kinds of savings will be available to consumers on The BandZ Network?

Blockchain solutions traversing microtransactions over a network with integrity can mean great things for processing speeds. The connectivity surmises that the BandZ node is flexible enough to meet a number of challenges.

Privacy is a consideration are there VPN offerings?

The BandZ Network offering includes virtual private networks for consumers. Encryptions assist the settling of worry when considering the BandZ Network consumers privacy concerns. Hypothetically; The extranet is decentralized from the internet. Therefore, aggressive data extracting tools may not be supported to access information sent by the gateways created within The BandZ Network. Hosting providers feeds to domains on the extranet are accessed through a sophisticated gateway that compresses bandwidth. This functionality applies that the nuance of extranet can offer an additional layer of protection for consumers. Applications of legislation are awareness that considers users privacy from the very start. Extraction of data by investigation would require a warrant for said information of users that's been made public or can furnish a judge signed silent order. If, anyone begins attempting to extract data as an investigator. Than, be assured that the tech savvy people comprising The BandZ Network enterprise are fully aware of how to respond to illegal investigators. Attempts of illegal forms of investigation may result in a process that awards damages in consideration for illegal data requests. The harassment or continued investigative requests without proper documentation will likely be reported in most all cases to the appropriate authorities. The potential for damages awarded to The BandZ Network, in event lawsuit results in award by a judge, can reduce the privacy concerns of the extranet community. However, there are always instances where the potential of hackers may evolve to find ways to extract data stored by servers belonging to the extranet community. The likely-hood of protection when compared to the internet is partial to the fact that decentralized extranet is uncharted waters for hackers with aggressive devices seeking intellectual properties. The people of The BandZ Network know how important the right to privacy is to protect! This information should give consumers a great vibe about The BandZ Network buzzing into the conversations of the connected blockchain community!

Find out more about IPS Evasion Technology by watching this video on the BandZ Network YouTube Page!

What's the most important part of the infrastructure BandZ2018?

Find out more about the routing protocol of the BandZ Network in the video below! If you're already secure with the security offered by Bandz2018 thank continue reading this article! You'll find links to the BandZ Network's social media and more valuable information by reading further! Bookmark this page to preserve this informative BandZ Network article link in your bookmarks!

How can The BandZ Network improve the blockchain?

The blockchain community will absolutely have the ability to become a part of the extranet and witness improvements over the blockchain! Reduced bandwidth reduces processing. Increasing the ability to process means a larger capacity for processing data can be configured with hosting by The BandZ Network. The same device processing more or less data? Less data for the same feed would result in a larger number of users that can pull information in a single moment. While, The BandZ Network is relatively a nuance in the blockchain environment. This revelation is one that can be proven with practical information. As The BandZ Network furthers the extranet's plan the possibilities of benefit become exceedingly great news for the blockchain community.

Can the extranet to offer preventatives of processing failure with by reduced bandwidth?

Costly processing speed failure can result in losses to coin holders. The BandZ Network aims to increase the capacity of processing with reduced bandwidth compression programs algorithms. Whereby, condensing processing offers the ability to increase the capacity of processing over time that may result in less processing kills. We all know processes are sometimes overloaded. The extranet may reduce the need of developers to kill processes because condensing materials on servers allows for additional process consideration. High volume processing happens for different reasons. A benefit to the blockchain community supported by developments hosted by VPN offerings of The BandZ Network are another great attribute of the extranet. This means that the BandZ2018 can alleviate some of the pressures that come for coin offerings when entered into high volume cryptocurrency exchanges provided developments are housed on The BandZ Network servers. Which, is great news for those whom expect to have their initial coin offering or cryptocurrency tokens listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges in the future!

With all the great news about BandZ2018 where can you find out more?

Now that you're facilitated with the basics of this crypto blockchain technology offering the BandZ network. Further research is one click away! Join the BandZ2018 movement because you are going to want to keep up with all the great offers of this blockchain enterprise!

*Read the whitepaper for yourself with this link : *

BandZ Website :
BandZ Telegram :
BandZ Linkedin :
BandZ Facebook :
BandZ Reddit :
BandZ Github :
BandZ YouTube :

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Thank you @contestbot for accepting my entry into the BandZ2018 contest!

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