Interview With Erik Zhang of NEO on Chinese Mainstream TV - Two Other Blockchains Mentioned, EOS and Ethereum.

in #crypto6 years ago

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The video does have subtitles but they only kick in when the interview actually starts. There is a lot of fluff but there are some interesting titbits. Although Neo 3.0 starts soon Zhang says the platform won't be ready for mass commercialization/adoption til 2020. He believes that Ethereum won't overcome its congestion issues by that time and Neo will actually be at an advantage over Ethereum. The goal for 2020 will be 1000 TPS. Now that is quite a bit slower than EOS. The first time the interviewer brought up EOS (just after the 9 minute mark) Zhang skipped over it but the second time (just after 15 minutes) the only criticism he had was that it was a young chain which I think was a bit weak as it it is building off mistakes of earlier chains. Considering that EOS can already do 1000TPS that means EOS has already met Zhang's goals for mass adoption/commercialization. The problems just lie in the governance, however Ethereum will have governance issues if it moves off POW and Neo's are far from sorted out.

Considering that this is mainstream news they do get pretty technical at times. Also throwing in Ethereum and EOS must mean that that the Chinese public are pretty well up on The Cryptosphere. Kudos to them, but it does show how much catching up the English speaking world has to do. I've a bad feeling we are going to get left in the dust.

The video also starts with "you have no choice but to watch these adverts". One really struck my eye - Durian and pineapple pizza with mayonnaise. Now I'm used to mayo on pizzas as I lived in Japan for quite a few years. Pineapple, well that is a contentious one as some people think it is an abomination whereas others, like me :D, think it makes a pizza taste even more heavenly. But Durian :/ - OMG that...that....that is beyond belief. You'd have to be insane. For those that don't know Durian is quite an experience. It is banned from all airlines and many cities ban it on public transport. Even the uncut "fruit" (fruit seems so wrong a word) reeks. Reek is an understatement too, it smells like one of those you have to flush while you are still sitting down x10. There are people who love the stuff however this is a clear indication that aliens from another solar system already walk among us. They clearly have a non-human physiology.

Brrrrr .....Durian Pizza - gives me goosebumps.

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