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RE: heading for Malta, Knights Templar (and weed!!!).

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Very good article and really thrilling analogy with the Knights Templar.

I am concerned by the disruptive power of crypto on existing social and political constructs (see Blockchain and the End of the Western Civilization if you haven't read it already) and, prior to that, on the profound impact crypto will have on money creation and the power that it confers (see Blockchain revolution: Money and Credit if you haven't yet).

Note here that when Estonia appeared too enthusiastic about crypto, Mario Draghi immediatly reminded them that their official currency is the Euro (which he happens to have the privilege to mint ...).

Unlike Estonia, which has impeccable credentials, Malta is seen a bit as one of the "black sheep" ("brebis galeuse") of the EU - it is well known that corruption is pervasive at many levels and the State is not far from being captured by violent clans, witness the recent assassination of an investigate journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, an act that stirs bad memories of the dark days of the Red Brigades and few thought was still possible in today's European Union.

So if I were Binance, I would have steered clear of Malta (and Cyprus, for similar reasons) and strived to find a more reputable place to land.

On a different note, I followed and became a fan (using steemauto), so steemauto will from now on automatically give an upvote to your posts on my behalf ! How cool is that ? Keep it up !


Thanks for the long and interesting comment @sorin.cristescu, the article above was a bit hard to spin in the right way because the history of the crusades and the templars is quite complicated, so I am very glad you enjoyed it. I also read about the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, and it is tragic, and I am guessing the politicians and journalist or just anyone living on Malta might be an easy target for intimidation and attacks since the place is so small.

But I have also seen Chinese doing business in places in the third-world where other "countries" are afraid to operate, from what I have seen the Chinese are quite strict and smart and they have systems for operating in "high-risk countries".

But god knows what might happen, also I am not too familiar with the team behind Binance.

It will be very interesting to see how this plays out, maybe I am naive but I choose to remain optimistic.
Thanks for putting me on "steemauto", I will look into that application.



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