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RE: News Accuracy Platform Boolean's ICO Has Begun! Get Booleancoins Now!

in #crypto7 years ago

This is an interesting concept I've actually pondered myself.

How will they be able to bring accountability back to reporting news (IF there ever really was to begin with I suppose)???

Any who @biddle thank you for following me!

If you haven't checked out my introduction post yet...

Please, check it out and #UpVote if you like as I faithfully up vote everyone that follows me...or at least I try to!

Thank you so much and have a blessed day.


Exactly; a system like this, using industry standard technology and being furthered with the help of the public, as well as decentralized and open to audit, will allow ratings to be given with explanations for any issues content may have. Welcome to Steemit and I'll absolutely take a look at your introductory post. Thanks for taking the time to learn about Boolean and Booleancoin! :)

Dude that's actually a legit reason for a blockchain to exist I think it's awesome.

I appreciate the way that the SteemIt community tries to weed out the real from the fraud but sometimes I think all of these "spam" bots end up hurting newcomers by working more like censorship than spam fighting, which is the intention but people (online marketers and entrepreneurs like referral marketers) still need to make a living regardless of the platform that they market or promote, be it Amazon or USI Tech which NOW has a blockchain and a coin.

USI Tech as a company has been around trading on the Forex for the last ten years before they started trading cryptos and now have their own coin.

The trick is weeding the fake from the real which is sensitive because what some consider marketing some consider spam.

What some consider "fake" sometimes others consider to be their effort to promote their online business whatever it may be.

I realize that this is tackling news, but I am also relating it to the fact that SteemIt is touted and promoted as censorship resistant yet, there are bots created to consider legit referral links to be spam and that is unfair to the person who is Steeming to promote an Amazon store say.

Now how does this relate?

How do you incorporate into a blockchain the necessary function of weeding out what is real from what is fake when that may simply be based on opinion?

I have been on SteemIt for quite some time and watching it grow and have seen some of the censorship wars take place right here on SteemIt which is (SUPPOSEDLY) touted as "censorship proof or resistant" which it is clearly NOT if you can have members of the community censor other members of the community simply because they differ in opinion or investment, marketing, business, strategy or choices.

So when I think about the little guy who can't even share a reference link without some bot coming on here and slapping his post down so that his post is never seen or makes any money which creates a DISincentive to post, curating and deciding what is NEWS or news WORTHY on a blockchain without the OPINION of humans getting involved is a TRICKY sticky feat EVEN WITH artificial intelligence helping because it begs the question...

If you use AI in this blockchain then, who decides the "intelligence" input into the AI software to decide what is real and what is fake?

Is the "intelligence" in the AI based on OPINION or is there some kind of OBJECTIVE way to program this into the software algorithm?

And I'm glad you took the time to respond as well @biddle thank you for engaging.

Hi @somealaskaguy , thanks for reaching out! So, Boolean will allow input from Users in regard to helping rate/discern Accuracy of content in a Stochastic way, constantly self-correcting and gaining additional accuracy as additional information is brought into light concerning validity.

That said, Boolean's goal is NEVER to censor, but rather to rate and inform. If, for example, something was deemed misleading or inaccurate (including misinformation by omission) to some degree/percentage, we would provide those metrics that led to that conclusion using our Boolean Prioritization Model (VTS Rating System) with additional qualitative reasoning from contributing users on the platform.

This qualitative and quantitative information is meant to make content consumers AWARE, but NEVER to censor. We would never hide/censor content, but we would bring into light any issues with validity to better equip a user who otherwise might be victim to Fake News. It is a rating system and a system that links news together to provide a lateral view of content across the web, rather than the isolated view that you would get if you went to just one site.

Our plugins/mobile notifications and scripting services, which can be used on a site to automate the administration of content will not have functionality to hide content from users by default, except as part of specific Enterprise engagements where the client has that as a requirement and we provide custom code to them. In those cases, this information will be publicly available on the Ethereum Blockchain. :)

I'm really liking it so far I really hope this can be pulled off even more than with the success we've seen right here on SteemIt. I'm watching very closely.

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