Why the world doesn't need blockchain..but may just choose to.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #crypto7 years ago

There is Nothing better than a decentralised eco system that relies on a trustless peer to peer network to solve hundreds of problems. Wait a sec... No it's not an ICO with a dodgy team with absolutely no imagination and who have just won the lottery.


My brother has zero interest in crypto currency and blockchain, but he did point out a complete layman opinion that left me thinking.

"If the projects are that good, they wouldn't need an ICO, did Bitcoin have an ICO?" erm....


I replied. He then said

"Surely it must be very hard to motivate a CEO or team who has just raised 30 million in 15 minutes."..

ERM... great point I thought. I don't see my brother that often so I enjoyed trying to convert him into understanding this new hobby. You know the usual...

"Well you have Ethereum that enables people to code smart contracts, and Litecoin that has a fast payment system and so on..

"So if I have a smart contract and I can automatically get paid for stuff" ?

"EXACTLY" I SAID..." He then asked me what the biggest application or most popular smart contract on Ethereum was.

At the time the network was being congested by Crypto Kitties. I did feel embarrassed to bring up Crypto Kittie's, I felt like a man who has just gone onto Dragons Den for investment and then presented a box of matches as my new invention.

"So if I have bitcoin or ethereum right now what can I do with it apart from change into Money when it goes up" ?


"Hold it incase it gets really big" I replied.

I wasn't doing a great job flying the decentralised flag here. I didn't want to go all technical on him, so I thought

"that's it!!! Steemit will convince this caveman to see the future" I told him that you can blog , write , share content and get paid direct. He said

"What in cash?"

I said "no you can get paid in STEEM that you can swap on an exchange for other crypto currencies and then cash if you sell the BTC or ETH"

He took a look at steemit on my laptop. He asked me "This is the future?" but...Why doesn't a blogging site just create a cash system that automatically pays each other in real money...."Well this is where the Blockchain comes in"...

He replied , "I've lost interest already it all sounds time consuming and a bit to complex for me, did you see the Man city game last night?" I lost... I didn't fly the flag very well, he walked off into a land of FIAT. None the wiser and didn't give a single shit. Better luck next time.... What I did take from this conversation is that do Crypto companies do enough to convince those who don't know that it is all amazing? ICO's are making it all look proper crap. I did agree with him when he said "Surely it is hard to motivate a CEO who has just made 30 million in 15 minutes"...., when you think the best start ups usually come from a hungry thirsty talented kid who started in his garage....Maybe we are gifting these guys a little too much for their greed to handle...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61224.26
ETH 2383.35
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55