in #crypto7 years ago

Today’s commercial services sector’s microelectronic interchange environments do not offer possibilities to trade with claims, invoices and factoring contracts (assignments, receivables etc). Receivables market is commonly human trading in real analysis. Electronic trading platforms for receivables, like stock exchanges, do not exist. There are some entrepreneurs and startups that rely solely on the workability of the conventional institutions to function on daily basis. The trading platforms are eBay-like online invoice trading and human-backed excel-based systems. There are no direct connections to investors. Fresh comers of the industry are not too sure how secure they are investing into the field of endeavor while old timers are not too optimistic what will come out the unsecure mechanism employed by the Blockchain technology. To completely ensure that the system is working in line with the expectations of the modern world, was created a completely decentralized ecosystem.
PlanetZiggurat goal is to bring projects on Ecex.Exchange transaction platform. The bionetwork will fill the gap by creating a market environment and system for dynamic trading platform of assignment agreements. This means changing of possessors of a multitude of agreements and documents, such as claims, invoices and factoring agreements etc without the hitherto rigorous procedures. The market system will be akin to the stock market such that it will be very translucent and fast and it will allow trading claims, invoices from the moment they are being issued until the disbursement date. Claims, invoices will be traded until the obligations are either met or erased due to bankruptcy or likely end of the issuer. The owner of the invoice or claim can delist his right any moment (and exercise his right to realize their own requirements). PlanetZiggurat will start on the Estonian market due to the trivial size of the country as a test market and comparatively high level of IT development in the country. This will allow to get a functional system up and successively fast, have the system compatible with EU regulations and use a small market as a test site for further development in order to be able upscale in full range and functionality at bigger markets at the right time The stock exchange in Estonia is very small.
There are 50 000 trades per year, the depository and market systems are designed for small volumes and are relatively cheap. PlanetZiggurat knows the involved persons and companies and is planning to build its systems with the same software and legal background. The illustration that follows describes the entirety of the system and where different variables fall in, for the purpose of emphasis.
To get comprehensive details of the methodology of the platform, download ‘White Paper’ at
As a decentralized platform that works with the assistance of community membership, the token that will be employed to transact, interrelate and interexchange valuably on the platform will be the Ziggurat token. All service fees are for Ziggurat Token holders’ payable with Ziggurat Tokens. Let assume that transaction cost is 20 EUR. Ziggurat Tokens holder will pay 20 Ziggurats. Let assume that guest service fee is 50 EUR.Ziggurat Tokens holder will pay 50 Ziggurats. For paying for Exec.Exchange Trading Platform services Ziggurat Tokens can be used on exchange rate 1 ZIG = 1 USD (this rate only Ecex.Exchange Trading Platform if paying for services). The price of the token and of course cost, terms and conditions will be released 1st of January, 2018. To get updates, offers and analysis, click
You can also connect with other participants of the platform and find out more about the products and services of the platform, log on to;
Authored By:;u=1156227
Wallet address: 0x855382E202d3DCaDfda10f62969b38DcEe558270

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