in #crypto7 years ago (edited)


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When I first looked up HOQU, I saw a lot of talk about decentralization. I believe that it the pivot point for HOQU and what makes it exceptional.

According to Denis Degterin a Senior Full-Stack Developer at HOQU, decentralization consists, first and foremost, in the fact that we do not store the key data ourselves, all platform data like offers, merchants and leads is not kept by us and not by anyone, it is all decentralized in the Ethereum blockchain. And because we do not have a single repository, anyone can organize their system to work with platform data. We create our own applications as an example, but this does not limit the system, we only show how we can do it, but we do not limit anyone from doing the same on our platform.

Did I lose you there? :) HOQU is simply saying that it is going to get rid of the middle men and thrust the merchants right in the faces of the affiliates so they can interact directly!

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By cutting away middle men, the platform will encourage trust between merchants and affliliates, it reduces fraud and reflects in the costs of transacting business positively.

In dealing with cutting down cost, every affiliate and advertiser will gain free access on HOQU, HOQU will not charge for platform use, and blockchain solutions reduce the cost of storing platform user data and reduce the commission for affiliates and advertisers. Talking about time also being money, while traditional platforms and networks may take months to process contracts, HOQU smart contract payments will take up to 10 minutes.


HOQU is serious about riding blockchain off its issues and making things easy at both ends. As I have seen quoted in several places, the CEO of HOQU, Alexey Shmonov, has said that HOQU’s mission is to make affiliate marketing fairer for everyone involved, and to set new standards of transparency and efficiency in the industry. Its goal is to make internet marketing easy and profitable for merchants, affiliates, and affiliate networks, everywhere in the world.

Don't believe me? Ask him on twitter.

But like everything in life even pleasurable things, there are considerable risks. Cyberattacks, legal stuff and what have you. Weigh your costs and benefits and if you want to dive right in, do so now! There is no better time than the present.

Chop, chop! Clock's ticking on that special offer!

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Still not convinced?

Check out their white paper here.

Have questions?

Channel them through their various social media sites. HOQU is on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Telegram (Rus), and Telegram Bounty.

HOQU also has various blogs. Why don't you go there and get reading on some of their articles.
These are their Reddit and Medium sites.

Happy Crypto-ing!


Good work done. It is really a great project.

Thank @sieemma. The whitepaper is impressive. Hope they are able to launch it soon!

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