
Sometimes what bothers me the most is not that they don't do what they preach, but that they want to be more Catholic than the pope and have more copetes than Donald Trump. Businesses, churches, platforms are full of these types. I see with terror as with a little experience and with google people think they are investors, doctors and even saviors of the world. In my country they are called "bocones" and the fish dies by the mouth. Greetings, @rok-sivante.

Hahaha everybody tried to preach to others as if they are wiser with thier funds, as if they also do not keep their cryptos in exchanges. To me everybody is a victim of leaving their crypto coins on exchangers most especially day traders like us. So to me it does not makes any sense to blame others just because they lost their funds on exchangers platform


The nature of my business with them: quick BTC/ETH deposit it, quick trade for fiat, quick withdrawal.

Smart way to deal, that is what I do

The nature of my business with them: quick BTC/ETH deposit it, quick trade for fiat, quick withdrawal.

Some confused yet thinking they are the smartest

People are often quick to judge others in order to feel superior (as you suggested). In such cases, they say that it's the individual's fault - for being stupid or some nonsense. But then something interesting happens. When they themselves get screwed over, suddenly the the story changes. They then blame the situation or some other extenuating circumstances. This is know in psychology as the fundamental attribution error.

Posted using Partiko Android

Fair point.

I watched some dudes, "I lost everything" post, and my first response was ridicule. But I paused and thought this guys had it hard already, and I think I ended up commenting "that sucks".

Posted using Partiko Android

There's a lot of sense in what you have written, it is paradox in disguise. A lot of people want their voices to be heard which is why they poke nose in all matters, acting like too know. There was a time here on steemit. Many talk of not holding unto sbd as it will crash but now the sbd value is more higher than the steem though, one don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Whatever, I know you were writing this about me. :) You are right though, I probably don't make as much in a year as a lot of people were moving around in one day. Stupid public education job. In fact, I will probably never see half as much as that. Just remember though, don't ever invest more than you are willing to lose... :)

there should be someone who can prevent this, because propaganda is bad for each crypto

It seems likely you have misunderstood...

@rok-sivante, We have to understand one thing very clearly and that is, it's individual perception and if one individual feels that they are not in control of their funds then they should not keep their funds on Exchanges. No matter where we are keeping our funds we have to make sure that we are in control of our funds that's it. Stay blessed brother.

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