
It's good to read this post before I go to sleep. Today I have worked hard, so your post is an oasis, a pleasure. I remember when last year, by chance, I found some of your "long" posts, published in other years and on other platforms. First I approached out of curiosity, as a child does, then I stayed to learn, as the mature man does. Since that day I have felt your help and your support, not only with your vote but also with your words. Since your publications won thousands of votes and profits, until today, you have maintained the same impetus, the same emotion, the same experiential energy that impregnates your publications. Maybe saying thank you is not enough, that's why she receives a strong and sustained hug from a Venezuelan woman who respects and appreciates you. A pleasure to read to you always, @rok-sivante

Maybe saying thank you is not enough

Your continued feedback & appreciation is more than enough.

For real: your input is always like cotton-candy-kisses and bubble-gum-hugs.

Sometimes it feels like all the time and energy I continue putting into writing here isn’t worth it. Though to hear/see/read that it’s of value to even one person, the way you express it, is worth far more than the few bucks my posts earn.


I like this post very much.

This really captivated my thinking power to find the right sentence. For me I forget like the time machine that brings us back to what ever existed even though we need many ways to rediscover what has been lost or maybe we forget about it.

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