
Thanks for the information and sharing of strong feeling of excitetedment!

I sure wish for you and the people influenced by this highly positively biased article that this project will see the light of day and grow to become a giant among the forest of cryptographic currencies and tokens and so forth...

Do you happen to know if it is based out of an Ethereum or Bitshares platform? This detail alone should give you a VERY strong indication as to its probable life span as well as its efficiency.

Thanks for the sharing and updates, namaste :)

Very interesting. I checked out the website and although the idea is very well formed and the website looks great (which means a lot) - I just can't see myself using it and that's the difference between something I put money in to and something I just watch.

For now I will keep watching this project and seeing where it goes, but I wish you the best with any investment and hope to see it turn out well!


fair enough. that's quite a respectable, sound strategy.

I just downloaded their app today to test it out - it's definitely very well designed, excellent UI, very slick, looks and feels great. Is rather fun and interesting to use as well. Not sure if it's something I'll continue to use myself, long-term, although I am rather curious to play around for a while and see what types of rewards actually might be made through it. As Steemit taught me, there can exist a window of opportunity for early-adopters - and it feels like it might be fun to play around with and learn a few things through the process...

Fascinating. I'm going to look into this a bit further once I get off my webinar. I'd never heard of this before.

Very interesting post @rok-sivante thank you for sharing this..

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