Last month of the year

in #crypto5 years ago

Well, hell of a year, wasn't it?
We started thinking this is the YEAR OF CRYPTO MOONS LAMBOS and we finish it wondering if it was all a dream.

Going forward, I believe we all learned a lesson. I know I did. What was it now...Oh yeah, that no one knows anything, that you must learn and research on your own if you want to take any responsible decisions. I'm not referring to GOOD decisions but decisions that you can live with. You HODLed STEEM at 5$ because some guru said it will go to 20$ now you have 90% loss and you hate the guru? Tough luck, the guru doesn't care, and you must live with the decision.

And example abounds. We all did this, I'm sure.

Second lesson for me is that emotions are H U G E in this game. In the bull we were all too exuberant, too "this will never end weeee". In the bear we're all doomsayers. What's the truth?!
The truth is that emotional decisions are almost never good decision in the market.

Now am I saying this is THE END? or....

It's weird, because you know all that, but damn if we don't like to follow someone's advice and just chill. Damn if that's not that the de facto human nature. Damn if we don't need to fight it. Try and be mindful of this.
Also while you're at it...try to be mindful of the fact that you are lazy and that's another reason to just be spoonfed.
And if you don't give a fuark. Let me say again:
Follow a guru and enjoy your life!

For the rest of us, the bear is a time for trenches, heads down and lots of reading.
Enjoy the weekend!!


Anything can happen in a month XD

Bad stuff mostly :D

Ah what a bright time the start of the year was. I was already planning my retirement!! Lol

Why retire? You;re so young!!

Wahahahaha!! Indeed!! ;0)

I guess this is the time of change. Considering Steemit Inc.’s changes and what Ned is really looking to do onwards, I feel this is the time that this blockchain will have to grow-up. It will either become a grown-up or watch himself being abbandoned in time. I’m part of the optimists, must say :) and I’m one of the many enthusiasts who came in december 2017 and hasn’t made a buck on this ecosystem. But somehow I fell in love with the mechanics behind it and I still see that as revolutionary. And no, I don’t think that those who try to copy it will have any major success or at least it will not be the case that the copier will thrive and the original will die.
The opportunity right now is for who ever knows how to and is willing to develop and for people/organisations that are looking to help and at the same time to invest in Steemit and the social media side of the blockchain. I think a discussion in this sense should be started with Steemit Inc. and the community to bring forward the people ready to invest in keeping up nodes (as an example) so the whole social experience of the ecosystem will not crumble. The blockchain on its own will have near zero value...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.28
TRX 0.12
JST 0.033
BTC 69624.90
ETH 3615.21
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.73