Proof That The Plutocrats Are Terrified Of Crypto

in #crypto7 years ago

image from Pinterest

Have you noticed that the anti-crypto propaganda has gotten ridiculous lately? Like, ever since it hit those highs near the turn of the year and more average Joes started to learn about it and take notice?

"Crypto uses so much energy, it's making global warming worse!!"

Does mining use a lot of energy, sure. But how much energy does Facebook use? Google? Amazon? Nasdaq? Wall Street in general? Cars? Planes? Are we hearing calls to shut down the internet because of its energy use? No, we're not, because the MSM doesn't care about energy use if it keeps the dependent cogs on the corporate machine turning. Also, renewables exist. If I was going to mine, I think it'd be worth it to install a windmill and some solar panels, both environmentally and cost-wise.

"Crypto has been used for CRIMES like DRUG DEALING!"

Uh has fiat. Are you abstaining from using dollars now? Banks? Decongestants because it can be used to make meth? Vicodin when you go to the dentist because of the opioid crisis? Poppy seed bagels because opium? Didn't think so.

"Right wing nazis use crypto!!!"

And they use fiat. And banks. And Facebook, and Twitter, and YouTube. Did anybody expect YouTube to be shut down, or to just delete the hate speech content? That's what I thought. Nobody wanted to give up their cute cat videos because the platform had been used by hate groups. Instead, YouTube mowed down a bunch of innocent people (like me, for not being popular enough, which makes my cooking and craft how-tos and cat videos suspect, apparently), and advertisers were happy.

And just recently:

"Child porn was found on the Bitcoin blockchain, which could make owning Bitcoin illegal!!!"

I'm sorry, what?

Child porn was found on the internet, which could make owning a modem illegal!
Child porn was found on hard drives, which could make owning a computer illegal!
Child porn was found on Reddit/Facebook/YouTube, which could make having an account illegal!
Child porn was found in books, which could make books illegal!
...see what I mean?

We are currently on stage three of the Gandhi scale of posing a threat to the establishment. They are scaring off the sheep who still believe Saddam had WMDs, Vietnam attacked a US vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin, and whatever other bullshit they are fed if a nice man in a suit said it was true on the six o' clock news. They already ignored crypto ...they laughed at crypto they are trying to smear it and make it seem "dirty" and "bad" so the masses won't adopt it. They see how it can COMPLETELY ELIMINATE the middle man of banksters and make them go the way of the dodo. Crypto is to money, banking, finance, and contracts what the internet is to shopping, communications, media, and data.

It floors me when I see gullible people buy into this nonsense who don't actually have the slightest clue what blockchain technology can do. We could be voting on the blockchain soon, what will they say then? Voting is bad for the environment?

Don't let the ignorant - and the plutocrats who want to keep their power and those people ignorant - get you down. Ten years from now, when we're buying houses on the blockchain, you can have a chuckle as you pay for your latte with Steem in a cafe that used to be a bank.

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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Child porn was found on the internet, which could make owning a modem illegal!
Child porn was found on hard drives, which could make owning a computer illegal!
Child porn was found on Reddit/Facebook/YouTube, which could make having an account illegal!
Child porn was found in books, which could make books illegal!
...see what I mean?

The ban on crypto to me is a political movement. World leaders are scared that a decentralized system might lead to a revolution against the present style of leadership.

That's why there is so much ranting about crypto. To be sincere, crypto has its own weakness too but it's been exaggerated.

Oh for sure. I'm very left politically speaking, and I know a lot of lefties don't like crypto because they see it as a libertarian, capitalist thing. I see it as the stepping stone to wrest power away from the oligarchs and give it back to the people. That's not a left/right thing, that's a 99%/oligarchs thing. Pretty anarchist awesome to me.

It isnt the government's in my opinion. They are just puppets.

It is the banksters who control the governments ie politicians pushing this. They are the ones who see the immediate threat. Although blockchain does present a threat to government since it will, one day, render that institution meaningless too.

Oh for sure. But the pols are probably down with what the banks want because cushy kickbacks and job funnel after office would go away if they had to only work for their constituents.

Hey u won my 10 truths, one lie game! Transferring the winnings to you!!

Oh, hey! Thank you! 💚

The stage 3 will be interesting to follow. Also, another important aspect when a community wants to advance in the right direction is almost impossible to stop the machine.

I laugh since their FUD isnt even true.

"Child porn was found on the Bitcoin blockchain, which could make owning Bitcoin illegal!!!"

Bitcoin wishes porn could be found on the network. That blockchain cant even have a smart contract programmed into it at this point let alone accept video uploading.

I do not use Ghandi's steps but I posted the banksters m.o.

  1. Demonize it
  2. Send their government hacks to regulate it
  3. Buy it up with all their fiat

For Ghandi we are at stage 3, for the banksters, this is just getting started.

I had wondered about how dinosaur Bitcoin would be the one, but then, I'm not a techie programmer type, so I figured it was just something I didn't know about.

Power to the people. Here's to hoping a new way is rising!!

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