IAGON - manage data effectively and efficiently

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Data continues to grow, and organizations are faced with a tough decisions, as how to manage them effectively and efficiently. What if I told you that there was a way to effectively and efficiently manage data in a way never seen before? Come with me, let’s talk about IAGON.



IAGON is an organization that ensures decentralized cloud computing and storage services for emerging Artificial Intelligence centralized services and applications, albeit, at a very low cost (a cost less than 80% of AWS Amazon Cloud Services).

With IAGON, an Artificial Intelligent decentralized architecture called the Alexandria Protocol is birthed. This AI decentralized architecture would make use of unsused computing power and storage space distributed around the world to create a super-computer that can compete with the various current cloud computing kingpins. Infact, IAGON would offer services that are more efficient and effective than the ones offered by these kingpins.

The impact of IAGON is that, resources would be available at the exact places they are needed, and the users involved in the IAGON platform get to make cool cash that would have obviously gone to waste if their computing power and storage space had been left idle.


Features of IAGON:
Some features includes:

Dencentralization/Multi-Chain Support:
IAGON runs on Distributed Ledger Technologies, hence it is fully decentralized. This means that there is no single point of failure or possibility of attack.

IAGON supports both the Ethereum Blockchain and the Tangle Blockchain to run its cloud storage and processing. With this, users can decide to use either Ethereum or Tangle to perform activities on the IAGON platform.

Security (Secure Lake Technology):
The IAGON platform takes security to another level with its secure lake technology. With this technology, a user securely uploads a file, the file is sliced, and then the slices of the file are strongly and anonymously encrypted, in which only the user that uploaded the original file has the password/key to retrieve and decrypt. Thus, no other user can access the slices of the uploaded file to either decrypt, delete, change, retrieve, identify their source and/or even associate a slice of the file with other file slices that are generated from the original, uploaded file. Even when information systems are breached, IAGON ensures that data and files used cannot be accessed, deleted, and/or modified in any way with this secure lake technology.

The Smart Computing Platform and AI tracker technology:
IAGON is going to be operating based on their smart computing grid technology. This technology can be likened to a power grid. This is the brain behind the allocation of resources in IAGON. The Smart computing grid has a lot of functions, and they include:

  • Serves as a connection link between multiple producers and consumers.
  • Gathers all unused resources and places them in an allocation pool, so as users can access them.
  • Determines the way CPU and storage are distributed and allocated among users
  • Gives miners an opportunity to earn when they are not using their servers and/or computers.

The “brain” behind the Smart computing grid is the AI tracker. The AI tracker contains 100+ unique machine learning algorithms. Some of the functions performed by the AI tracker includes:

  • Powers the allocation of resource done by the Smart computing grid.
  • Uses historical data to ensure that resource allocation are optimized.
  • Management of node (ensuring nodes are stable, and then removing unstable nodes from the grid)
  • Ensuring performance is optimized at any given time (by fine tuning the grids attributes)

    The AI tracker continues to improve and grow with the entire network as it continually evolves and optimizes its own distribution algorithm while performing the functions listed above.


Architecture of the IAGON Platform:
The architecture of IAGON platform consists of three sections viz-a-viz, blockchain and the miners, machine learning algorithm, and the encryption/decryption protocol.

Blockchain and the miners:
This is the section that enables data to be broken down into blocks. These blocks are then sent across the nodes(miners). The blockchain’s hashing algorithm makes use of the SHA256 algorithm to hash each block with its previous hash, thus creating a chain. The SHA256 algorithm also ensures that miners are incentivize to honesty process data and guard against deliberate manipulation of data output.

Machine Learning algorithm:
This is the section responsible for sending blocks of data to different miners (nodes). These blocks of data are sent for either processing or signatures matching.

The encryption/decryption protocol:
This enables the secure storage of data within external or internal platforms. However, external platforms need to be first integrated via an API to utilize IAGON’s platform.


Now, I know the question on most of our minds is, “WHY SHOULD I PICK IAGON?. Well, lets see the reasons

Reinforcement Learning:
IAGON learns over time, and to achieve this feat, IAGON makes use of reinforcement learning. Reinforcement learning is the act of making a decision that best handles a dynamic environment. The AI learns the practices that are best needed, to perform optimally, and it also improves it’s rewarding system.

Check out the picture below that shows reinforcement learning as the intersection of various paradigms in science.

Use of Blockchain:
The blockchain is used to ensure security and also to monitor the nodes. IAGON makes use of the SHA256 algorithm to achieve security, by ensuring that a chain link is only created between a data and it’s previous state only if the data has been validated.

IAGON also manage costs, research and development through the private blockchain. Also, to ensure that there is no single point of failure in the services rendered, IAGON has the option to use multiple private chains.

Data Mining:
IAGON achieves data mining through the use of public network protocols which are used over API networks on the private blockchain.

Block tasks are given to miners via a method called the proof of variance. The miners do not need to store any of the data they are given to process, all they have to do is to match the data signature from the data input to a corresponding data object in the block and then subsequently return the output data. Once the data has been confirmed and validated that it belongs to that specific block, the mining is complete, and the miner is then receive rewards.

Mining Algorithm:
IAGON uses the Proof of Variance to determine miners’ contribution and rate of processing. With the proof of variance, miners are classified based on their contribution into a pool. Miners that reside in the same pool can then compete with one another. Miners that resides in a pool can be upgraded or downgraded, depending on two factors, which are rate of processing and amount of data found. With this mining algorithm, miners are managed effectively and efficiently.

The Tangle Technology:
IAGON supports multiple blockchains. IAGON's Smart Grid Computing and Secure Lake Technologies are supported by Tangle ecosystem, and this aids scalability and usability.

Resolution Protocol:
This is a set of rules that enable anomalies to be resolved automatically/manually.

This is used to secure the data stored on the IAGON platform. Data can be stored unto the IAGON platform via different methods, which includes SQL, NoSQL, private blockchain, third party facilities etc. However, this method has to be up to the standards specified by IAGON


IAGON’s services includes:
Some services includes:

IAGON’s Cloud Storage Services:
Cloud storage services gives users the opportunity to store data outside their local systems. Take for instance, I decide to run a database for my school, instead of me buying and assembling a local server to store the data, I can just purchase cloud storage services and store my data on the cloud storage, thus reducing cost of buying, assembling and/or maintaining a local server.

IAGON’s cloud storage services ensures a high level of security. IAGON achieves this through the slicing of data and military grade file encryption. Through the slicing of file, IAGON ensures that no single miner has access to an entire file, thus ensuring security.

IAGON also incentivize users by giving IAG tokens to users that share their unused space. Miners are not left out of the picture, as miners get incentives that is based upon the number of process they perform. Hence, the larger the data processed by miners, the higher the incentives.

IAGON’s Computing Services:
I bet, we all like it when we use our face or voice to unlock our phones or computers. To do this, a high amount of computing power is needed. This type of computing power is not made accessable to individuals and smaller companies. Infact, large companies pay through their nose just to use supercomputers and/or centralized computing services.

However, IAGON plans to build a global super computing grid that is readily available to everyone at a cheaper cost.


Check out some initial adopters lined up for IAGON:
  • Neureal
  • BitNautic


Use Cases:
Use Case 1:
Ugbeo & sons is a startup company that requires cloud storage services. The cloud storage services provided by centralized organizations are very expensive, hence the startup is halted. However, with IAGON, Ugbeo & sons can get cloud storage services at a lower cost.

Use Case 2:
Ogheneovie is a user of the IAGON platform, and he has some unused space. He decides to let IAGON make use of his unsused space, while he makes cool cash along the way.


The demand of computing power and cloud storages would continue to grow, and with IAGON stepping into the industry, with a cheaper, effective and more efficient services, the industry is set to hit a growth that has never been witnessed before. Infact, through IAGON, individuals like you and I stand to make money from sharing our unused computing power and storage services.

Check out the image above, which shows the comparison of IAGON with other platforms. As seen from the image, IAGON is set to make those big players in the computing power industry think twice. And, I for one can’t wait.


The IAGON Tokenomics:


The IAGON Team:


The IAGON Advisors:


The IAGON Developers and Marketers:


The IAGON Partners:


The IAGON Roadmap:


Some IAGON Videos:


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Hehehehe...Iagon Marking scheme😂😂
Nice one!

Lol. You're funny bruh

Nicely pur together, congrats.

Thanks a lot

Congratulations mate.. Cheers!

Hi @okipeter, IAGON is definitely one of this projects which aims to revolutionize the mechanisms that we are used to and provides great solution for problems faced by AI (I mean generally a lack of computing power) .

Vision of AI based on powerful decentralized network of blockchain is really encouraging and I strongly believe that this synthesis will be one of the most important in the future world.

Thank you for your review!

All the best

Yes. Iagon is going to solve the problem of computing power faced by AI. Iagon is like a knight in shining armor for the AI industry!

On a beautiful white horse - blockchain :)


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