Kleros. Decentralized court system, a chance to justice in blockchain.

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)



In an imaginary world everyone will always agree in everything, but in our world having different opinions and points of view is quite normal, this is perfect while it doesn’t crash with performing a job or any agreement done.

Until now, if a person were in this position he or she would have to sue the counterpart and assume the cost in time and money without the sureness of recover the money or get the job done. Because of that and applying in this field the advance of the technology, today people can use Kleros and make easier all this process.


How does Kleros works? Basically two parts made an arrange to do a job, then create an smart contract in Kleros platform in order to protect in a certain way both parts, if there’s no problem, then the payment will be released to the person / company who made the service but if there’s any dissatisfaction from any part, then Kleros platform will become active and make the trial process.



The Following video explains better what is Kleros and how can help you in your daily problems:




Any type of disput can be solved by Kleros, it works very similar to a real trial process, a jury is selected randomly according to the proposal , then they have access to the information of the case, and make a vote for one of the parts involved.


This is a trial, so the losing party have the right to appeal the decision of the first jury, in this case Kleros select a bigger number of person and repeat the process again. These appealing process have an extra cost too but never as high as the normal trial and appealing process. Just a small portion of that, that’s why Kleros become a perfect solution to those cases where a trial is needed but there’s no chance to waste time and money in a regular procedure, Kleros works as good as a real trial and cost a portion.


One of the Kleros strength is that, even though a smart contract is one of the best ideas to make arrangement and make both parts fulfill the conditions stipulated, there’s something missing, because a smart contract is “square” to say it in a way, there isn’t an opportunity to subjective judgments, more than necessaries in some cases That’s why Kleros has a tremendous opportunity to grow , now that smart contract, blockchain and subjective judgments are together as an reliable option to set disputes.


Small business and innovative business will benefit from an initiative as Kleros due to the fact that their work will be assure by a system very difficult to manipulate, and having the sureness that if any problem the parts may have the jurors will be wise and fairness to select the best option.


Also, it’s important to mention that, the information and the options a jury have are totally protected and encrypted so nobody else could read and use that information. The options aren’t available in the blockchain and only the jury would see them.



The Token.


Kleros, has a particular name to the token , is called pinakion (PNK) this name came from a little plate of bronze used in old times to identify a person, was the ID of that remotes times. In Kleros, pinakion is how the service is paid and according to their number is how jury will be elected to act in any case. This eliminates the possibility of choose a jury that’s inactive in the platform, in fact, to become a jury in a case people has to propose themselves to be drawn as jurors.


As Kleros relies on truth and commitment to truth and justice, the system applies some rules to prevent that a juror try to manipulate the system, for example the PNK of a juror can be steal, if someone can show the commitment of a juror to Kleros before the vote is closed, that person immediately own the PNK of the juror. That make jurors to be honest and take care of their vote.


Also, if a juror take a decision and this isn’t coherent (with the rest of the jurors) will lose his token and will be distributed between the rests of the jurors who have a coherent decision.


Uses cases.


Carlos and the cellphone


Carlos is a guy interested in buying a cellphone, he saw a great opportunity on the web and write to the seller to know the specifications of the product. The seller assure him that the product was new and perfect. So Carlos buy the cellphone to know better the seller. But, the product was far from the expected, the cellphone was used, not new and with details in the screen. So he called the seller and comment this, the seller claims to be an old sick man that needed the money. But Carlos offer him two solutions: 1) send him the arranged product, a new and perfect cellphone or 2) pay him back the money. Both rejected by the seller. So Carlos active Kleros, and in a few days gets his money back.


Criss, the community manager case.


Criss is a community manager, she works every day in her company as a community manager to several clients. One day a new client approach and she began to work with him, at first she saw that the client has many problems with other employees, but according to what she hears the client is right. Then, months after she began her work the client calls her and tell her that everything she’s doing is wrong! And he won’t pay anything. With big surprise she review the smart contract both of them made and see that she’s fulfilling the agreement, number of publications, topics, images approved by the client, everything was in order and she knew she was right and deserve her money. Without Kleros, Criss would lost her money, but now she can activate Kleros and obtain what she already earn with her work.




Kleros is an innovative application of protocols in order to solve any kind of dispute, from e-commerce, travel, freelancer, finance, crowd founding, social media, anything that involved an agreement could use Kleros to assure it.


The fairness of its platform let both parts feel secure and calm that the decision will select the winner with no influences of third parties,


Kleros the real chance for justice in blockchain.



If you need to more information about this project please review the following links:


To general information you can check their Website

To know the project specifications, you can go to their Whitepaper

Join their Telegram group here.

Also, you can join their Twitter or Kleros Forum

And review others link like Medium, Youtube and Github

All images were taken from Kleros Twitter and video from Kleros youtube channel.


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