COMING EXCHANGE SHUTDOWNS: SOURCES AND RUMORS Kraken,Bimex,Binance All At Risk As CFTC And SEC Desing Regulatory Actions

in #crypto6 years ago


1Broker action by SEC yesterday triggered a wave of dialogue and rumors of closed-door conversation. The encryption of the bottom water coolers is unbridled with the action, which could be at risk and where the flows should continue to cryptodynamics and where they should stop immediately, according to the regulatory risk that could turn out to be the overdraft.

We had in-depth discussions with all the players of the Crypto ecosystem and we met different angles, analysis, rumors, speculations and "ifs" to give you everything you need to make decisions with your customers. Active and cryptographic where they are now. They are executed.

** We use the term "inmates" in this case because their assets are not the "retained" cryptographic signature such as BitMex or Binance. Not even close. This in itself is important to remember here when we review this story. **

The conversations we have had with multiple sources throughout the encryption of spatial, legal, regulatory and "knowledge" asset management ecosystems believe that the SEC is considering more actions based on specific criteria and encrypted exchanges. The basis of these actions is the majority of consumer assets, income and transactions in the United States and the United States. The SEC believes it can take significant liberties in the application no matter where these exchanges decide to establish their legal entities. It does not matter to the SEC.

1Broker was the first to feel the weight of an SEC action and quickly accepted the application of civil law.

Several sources of AML / CFT, SEC, hedge funds and encryption from Illuminati have given us encrypted ideas and opinions on where this could push the roadmap and who could be next. Here are excerpts from these conversations and explanations about who, why, where and when.

A former AML / CFT control officer said the following on the basis of substantive discussions with two SEC contacts:

"There will be more action taken, of that, I am sure, geography is not a factor, as a strategy was formulated and they are having conversations of secondary channels." An important point to be made here has been observed and cataloged, put your thumb on the SEC's nose for the last six months or any other regulatory body Basically it's a stupid challenge for a federal or state agency to prosecute you, which led our conversation to Kraken and the dialogue the CEO decided to issue in public are firmly in evidence here. "

A current contact of the SEC was in fact and cautious:

"The action of 1Broker was serious and appropriate ASSIMILEE by 1Broker and locally We carefully evaluated other encryption exchanges and their consumer protection policies and actions This is an important distinction We are interested in what is printed in an exchange as in what he really does.

A source of hedge speculative funds:

"We see each exchange carefully and take the necessary steps when we believe that there is an additional risk, and our legal team is doing everything possible to capture all the clues in the 1Broker action, can it map into other, more important exchanges? According to these results, I imagine that others in our space are doing the same, you will find that there is only one story in this dynamic, follow where the Crypto can or can not move in the next month and can give you more control over who can hit . "

A different source of hedge funds:

"Whatever the rumors are, you can cross BitMex from this list, have a serious legal architecture and comply with all the possible audit marks that the SEC could question, then add the concept of" geofencing "within your platform and simply can not to establish a connection with 1Broker in any way, have we heard other names in the last 24 hours? Yes, but BitMex has a serious legal coverage here, and they are represented by Sullivan and Cromwell, there is no possibility that they are under the microscope of the SEC ".

A third source of hedge funds has made the distinction between the SEC and the CFTC:

"An important point of all the comings and goings at this time is that the SEC can take action, but the weight of the CFTC would be the biggest story, if that happened." This is a distinction that will be discussed further. , 1Broker received a blow that gave investors access to US securities

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