Running Security Token on Polymath - is it a REVOLUTION? (tutorial included)

in #crypto6 years ago




In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto began a new era of digital economy by creating a blockchain technology and the first cryptocurrency based on it - Bitcoin. It quickly occurred that it is developing very dynamically and has a huge potential to revolutionize our future.

Many people became fascinated by this technology and opportunities that it provides. This resulted in hundreds of thousands of magnificent projects, which use blockchain technology to disturb and improve both common problems of our lives and complex technological issues. Those are called ICOs, which stands for Initial Coin Offering.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have not understood the idea of ICO properly which resulted in many unsuccessful projects that simply aimed to improve the creator's business while not adding anything valuable to the community. Due to such approach, Ethereum price dropped considerably (as most of ICOs are based on it) and blockchain community started to ask themselves a question: are ICOs a future of blockchain?



Security tokens came up as a potential solution to these problems.

Their first and the most important advantage is being based on real assets, by contrast to Utility Tokens which actually do not represent any real value and therefore are hard to properly evaluate.
sto vs ico.png ___________________________

The best example is Bitcoin which started from the price of a few cents in 2009 and currently is worth about $4,000. This happens because the price of Utility Tokens depends on many factors, such as the level of excitement about a particular project or activity in its social media. These factors are very easy to manipulate, so the price can be more or less controlled. Such conditions are unacceptable for accredited investors and results in a lack of confidence.

If it comes to security tokens, their value is determined on the basis of assets such as real estate, venture capital funds or equity and individual houses. This means that they act very similar to traditional securities. Their value will not fluctuate like in the case of Utility Tokens, because real assets are far more stable. If someone decides to tokenize his hotel, you will be able to buy a token which represents your ownership over a part of it. Its price depends only on the overall price of this particular hotel. Whereas if you own Ethereum or any other utility you actually do not own any part of the Ethereum company, you do not gain any voting rights or profit distribution.

So far, there are several platforms that offer to pass through the process of Security Token creation without any trouble, such as Polymath, Harbor, Smart Valor or Templum.

Quite exciting, right? Let's take a closer look at how to run Security Token on Polymath!



Do you think Security Tokens have the potential to revolutionize Blockchain? Will Polymath become the second Ethereum? I would love to hear your opinion!

Ethereum & ERC20 Token Wallet


  • Issuing a security token on Polymath requires performing several transactions with ETH and POLY tokens in a Kovan Test Network. Therefore, you will need MetaMask wallet that supports these features. You can download its browser extension here.
We will issue our securiy token in the Kovan Test Network (it will provide us with a possibility of testing Polymath for free) so you need to set your wallet to it.image.png (pic source:
  • Then, you need to get some Kovan ETH to be able to cover gas costs (transaction fee). Simply join their Gitter channel and post your Ethereum address (you can get it from MetaMask) to the main chat. After a few seconds you should receive one Kovan ETH.



  • Scroll down to getTokens tab and enter the amount of POLY tokens. To receive 20,500 POLY which you will need to complete the token creation process input a 205E+20 value. Then, provide your Ethereum address.


Click Write and the transaction window should pop-up. If nothing happened you need to manually open the MetaMask extension. Click Submit to realize transaction.image.png source:
Open MetaMask, click Tokens, then Add Token.image.png
Input the POLY contract address: 0xB06d72a24df50D4E2cAC133B320c5E7DE3ef94cB. Then, change the token symbol to K-POLY.image.png
Now, your 20,500 POLY tokens should appear in MetaMask!image.png



  • Go to Polymath site: and clickCreate Security Token. Firstly, provide Polymath with your details.


  • After submitting your details, MetaMask notification should pop-up. Click Sign to connect Polymath with your wallet (make sure it is set to the Kovan Test Net).


  • Create your account by providing your name and email.


  • Enter your token symbol and name to reserve them. This operation will charge you with a payment of 250 POLY.


  • Completion of the token reservation requires two wallet transaction. The first one is a transfer of 250 POLY tokens and the second one is used to pay the Kovan Test Net fee. You have to submit both transactions in MetaMask.


  • Check the correctness and verify your email address.


  • Your Polymath dashboard is integrated with several providers to streamline your on-boarding process and access to their services. The information you enter in each associated form will be sent automatically to the firm you apply for. Upon review of your information, the firm will contact you directly to establish the applicable next steps.

Polymath provides you with companies that may help you with Advisory, Legal, KYC/AML, Marketing, and Custody Service. Obviously, you do not have to choose any providers if you have your own.


  • Complete the process of configuration and create your token (this will charge you with the payment of 250 POLY).


  • As previously, submit both transactions in MetaMask.


  • As a next step, you may now elect to mint tokens for existing shareholders, affiliates or for your reserve. Note that manual minting will no longer be available once you schedule an offering for this token.

Alternatively, you can also skip this step.


  • Select an appropriate template for your token offering. Currently there is the only one available.


  • Configure your offering by providing financial details and timing, then click Deploy and schedule STO. This operation will charge you with the cost of 20,000 POLY.


  • Submit both transactions in MetaMask.


  • As the last step, import the whitelist of Ethereum addresses which will be able to participate in your STO.


That's it! You have successfully created your first Security Token! I hope that the creation process will let you better understand the difference between ICO and STO.

Author: @neavvy


Great piece of work @neavvy

In my opinion current market condition will not change until STO will become more popular. This is the only way to recover investors trust.

Right now ICO do not seem to bring much of this trust and even the best projects launchi out there suffer heavily. Security Tokens are the way to go. That's just simple as that.

Just like you said:

Security tokens came up as a potential solution to these problems.

I've been thiking a lot about STO and their future. And what is main difference between them and ICO? Let's look at STEEM (as an example).

Steemit Inc. is holding majority of STEEM and they are selling it to cover their expenses. They can sell all of it if they only want to and nothing can stop them. There is no risk at their end because they are not selling the ownership. So they can drop the price as much as they want without any restrictions and fear.

At the same time what would happend if STEEM would be backed by real assets and those who would purchase STEEM would be purchasing ownership of Steemit Inc? Price would never drop so much. Simple as that. Steemit Inc. would stop flooding market with cheap tokens in fear, that some other giant can buy it easily and become the owner of their business.

That is HUGE difference. The biggest problem with ICO is that currently those companies that are launching them are usually the reason why price is falling down. Because they are selling as much as they can. No matter what.

And this would not happend if they would be selling ownership to their own business. Would you agree @neavvy?


Firstly, I wish to express my gratitude for your constant support @crypto.piotr :)

I fully agree with you. Current crisis shows that Blockchain technology needs radical changes. ICOs were sufficient when the level of trust among community was quite high. Unfortunately, this trust was based on constant growth of Bitcoin price and success of every ICO. When bear market has begun companies and community got panicky and started to sell their tokens rapidly (btw your comparison to Steemit is brilliant).

However, I think that current crisis may lead to a positive consequences. In "traditional" economy it is a time when market is cleaned up of unprofitable businesses. The same thing may happen in Blockchain, as it is no longer profitable to run a shoddy ICO. This may also result in a situation when it is only economic to run an STO which will certainly make them more popualr.

The biggest problem with ICO is that currently those companies that are launching them are usually the reason why price is falling down. Because they are selling as much as they can.

That's very good point. The situation when company is selling ownership is probably also more comfortable for itself. They wouldn't be afraid that price will fluctuate significantly which may cause a loss of 30% of their funds overnight.


I love to see how responsive you are @neavvy. That's just way to go :)

Steemit need people like US :)

btw your comparison to Steemit is brilliant

Thank you. I figured that it will be easier "to feel" this kind of comparison since we're all affected with price of STEEM.

The situation when company is selling ownership is probably also more comfortable for itself.

If you would look closer at companies on traditional stock market (like facebook) then you would notice that sometimes those companies are re-buing their own shares. Something that hardly ever happend here in crypto-space. So it's not only constant selling pressure coming out from those businesses launching token.

When the price go down they are sometimes buying "back the ownership" to their own business. This way they also ensure some sort of stability of price of their own shares. Which in long run builds more investors trust.

Cheers buddy, Piotr

This huge difference meams a lot to blockchain and crypto.
@crypto.piotr thanks for inviting me for this great initiative.

Posted using Partiko Android

Indeed it really does @abidemiademok21

it really does ....

You pointed this out very good. If they are interested to keep ownership they could not sell all.
But if they want to take the money and go away they could sell all.
The other question is how it will be possible to get power (not only profit) from your token.
By a private limited company their will be every year meeting of shareholders- would be something like this also by companies based on security tokens ? maybe online ?

Voting with the DPos system like Steem would be interesting since in traditional markets your vote also depends on your stake.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the head's up in my wallet @crypto.piotr. This is 100% over my head as I am a weight loss coach barely understanding most of what goes on here. But I have a lot of crypto connections on twitter, so I tweeted :)

Thank you for your support and tweet @fitinfun. I have taken a look at your profile and it seems very interesting and qualitative. If I want to loss my weight I will definitely get on to you. Great to have so various people here on steemit :)

All the best,

Thank you very much. I hope I hear from you if I can ever help :)

Great insight, my friend.

Namaste, JaiChai

Great article! I was brought here by @crypto.piotr. I have a question though, the tutorial you have written is on the kovan testnet. Do you know when the actual Polymath mainnet will be launched?

As with any utility token, it is important to prove that the network will only accept their native tokens for all functions. This tutorial is good as it proves that POLY is required for transactions on the Polymath network

Posted using Partiko Android

That's indeed very good question @culgin, @neavy

Janek do you know when will they launch their mainnet?


I appreciate your support very much @culgin! Indeed, tutorial is written in Kovan testnet, but this is due to economical reasons :) I just didn't want to spend 500 Poly tokens in order to create the test token. Actually, the Polymath mainnet already exists, so you can freely issue your token.


Very useful article indeed! I think security tokens have better future compared to ICOs. Crypto market has a tough time these days. I hope SCO will change this situation.

Thank you for your support @akdx!

As I stated in one of the previous comments:

I think that current crisis may lead to a positive consequences. In "traditional" economy it is a time when market is cleaned up of unprofitable businesses. The same thing may happen in Blockchain, as it is no longer profitable to run a shoddy ICO. This may also result in a situation when it is only economic to run an STO which will certainly make them more popular.

So this tough time nowadays may have a positive impact on Security Tokens, which may have a positive impact on the condition of blockchain in the future. At least I hope so :)

All the best,

Very well written @neavvy

It's important to bring more awareness about the future of STO. Just like @crypto.piotr mentioned before - the current market will be most likely bleeding out until we reach the point, where the new wave of trust will bring solid investors into this market.

And let's face it. So-called "smart money" will not invest in ICO knowing, that most of them do not follow regulations and can be shut down any moment.

STO is definitely the way to go and building awareness is the best thing we can do.

We on @creativeblue published lately our own post about this topic and we compared ICO vs STO (post written by @focygray).

Thank you for your kind words

the current market will be most likely bleeding out

I love this metaphor :) But you are completely right, we need to put as much effort as possible in order to build awareness among community and bring the solid investors in.


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Thank you so much @steem-bounty ...

Posted using Partiko Android

I love the idea of security tokens.

Sadly, in the United States selling a security without a license is a major criminal offense. To create and sell security tokens, one needs to become a licensed broker. One also needs to have a legal team on hand.

As I understand, this cost to become a broker starts at around $100,000.

What happens if you sell a security without a license is the SEC confiscates all of your property and you get thrown in jail.

I would love to see security tokens happen. Anyone selling a security token in the US needs to have a strong legal team at the ready.

This is why no-one has done this.

Hi @yintercept

I was actually wondering what would happened if company registered in Switzerland would launch their STO and allow US investors to purchase their tokens?

How could they possibly thrown anyone to jail? Any idea?


A large number of companies register on the Isle of Jersey and in small nations in the Caribbean.

The SEC really has a hard time regulating companies outside of the United States. What they do is confiscate all properties in the states. But this, of course, hurts US standing abroad.

Quite frankly, I think a huge number of companies have been taking this route. They create entities outside the US so that they can hide assets from the regulatory excess of the SEC and IRS.

Hi @yintercept

A large number of companies register on the Isle of Jersey and in small nations in the Caribbean.

I did not know that. Interesting fact. It seem that you're very knowledgable. Love the fact that I got to know you.

Im already hungry. And I do not mean that I want to eat some chicken. Im hungry for your knowledge :)

What they do is confiscate all properties in the states. But this, of course, hurts US standing abroad.

That make sense. Thank you for your valuable comment.

Appreciate it a lot. A LOT.

Wow, indeed you are knowledgeable @yintercept. Thank you for sharing with us :)

What happens if you sell a security without a license is the SEC confiscates all of your property and you get thrown in jail.

That's terrible for me. At the beginning of my journey with blockchain I was hoping this technology will break out of the current economical system, defining a new one, independent from the governments. What I am currently observing is blockchain being fitted to this system. Anyone who stands out from the crowd and wants to think differently ends up in a jail.

All the best,

The open ledger used by cyrpto-currency could still completely revolutionize investing.

The open ledger proves that most of the SEC regulations are superfluous.

The SEC has antiquated security laws. Crypto-currency has cracked open the doors to reform.

The crash in crypto-currency prices might be fortuitous. With crypto, people really are investing in nothing and that there is interest in new technologies.

The next step is to start creating real world securities. If people could start trading with real world securities, we could change the world.

Thank you for your reply @yintercept

The SEC has antiquated security laws.

Currently, the governments are afraid of cryptocurrencies because they take away the possibility of controlling citizens. It has to be admitted that users of crypto represent a small fraction of society, so there isn't enough pressure on SEC and governments to allow cryptocurrencies develop unproblematically.

In my opinion we need to build awareness among society in order to create such pressure.

If people could start trading with real world securities, we could change the world.

Indeed, this opens up unimaginable possibilities.


The huge drop in the price of crypto shows that the crypto market can't survive on investing in cyber tokens alone.

My hope is that crypto enthusiasts take the leap from just trading tokens to actually trading securities.

This would put a huge pressure on the regulators.

Unfortunately, what will probably happen is the regulators will use sharp drop in crypto prices to justify more regulation.

I am not master on ICO's and i'm trying to understand everything even it is too difficult for me to understand english languages but i thank you bro for posting this useful information to us!

Looking forward more about your crypto post bro! God Bless!

Thank you for your support and desire for the knowledge even despite these difficulties @bien :)

God bless you too!

just come in and show my support,
i don't understand too much about bitcoin

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your support very much @tanlikming


Hi @neavvy
I know you from @ crypto.piort and I really don't really understand the crypto world, but thank you for your support and greetings from me

hi @anitacarolina

Thank you for showing your support :) Im sorry for bothering you with topic that may not interest you.

All the best

It is okay😊

hi @anitacarolina

Thank you for showing your support :) Im sorry for bothering you with topic that may not interest you.

All the best

Thank you, I appreciate your support very much @anitacarolina :)


In my humble opinion, transparency and honesty of the projects, rather than demonizing ICO or sanctifying STO, are the current problems that affect trust, with the natural implication in the loss of cryptocurrencies, which surely affect both an ICO and a STO and even to pretend to make STO popular in the future as it should be, according to my vision that I share with the good analysis of this publication.

I believe that the characteristics for ICO versus STO should be analyzed and enhanced in order to help restore confidence and even make the whole system more transparent (of course I prefer STO...).

In fact, I agree that security tokens in conjunction with smart contracts are the way forward, but necessarily improved in the transparency and honesty of the Blockchains projects associated with them...

Good Work Team, @neavvy & @crypto.piotr

I love your comment @josevasquez

Absolutely brilliant. You can tell that you know your stuff.

Have a great weekend ahead

Thank you for sharing your point of view @josevasquez :) Indeed your knowledge is admirable.

the characteristics for ICO versus STO should be analyzed and enhanced in order to help restore confidence and even make the whole system more transparent

Definitely we need it in a crypto world.

All the best,

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