in #crypto6 years ago
Greetings dear friends:

IAGON , is centeris an open source platform to take advantage of the storage capacities and processing capacity of multiple,computers through a decentralized Blockchain network. IAGON uses capabilities to store large data files and repositories, as well as smaller file scales, and to perform complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations, within a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates blockchain, cryptographic and AI technologies in an easy to use way. The size of the cloud services market that provides storage capacities and computational processing capabilities for companies and corporations is estimated at 45 billion dollars per year and growing steadily.



The market is dominated by four main players: AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft and IBM, all use less reliable central storage and computing facilities. Due to their oligopoly dominance, the four cloud service providers establish high price levels.
These suppliers are also able to hinder any competition and prevent new market participants from competing with them, due to the large scale of their operations and their substantial investments in data centers, servers and storage facilities. Interestingly, however, the demand for computational processing and storage capabilities is expected to increase dramatically in the near future due to two main trends in the business and information world: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Big Data is the collection, management and storage of large amounts of information obtained from any internal source from external sources (such as the company's computer systems, social networks, sensors, etc.).
The data management of companies promotes the collection and storage of any data related to its operations, customers and competitors, in case it is necessary to analyze some of these data. The other important trend is the emergence of Artificial Intelligence methods that "learn" from data about past operations, patterns and business rules and predict future behavior. The consumption of AI-based processes requires large amounts of calculations and consumes significant processing power from the CPU and GPU processes.
The demand for storage and processing power is expected to increase exponentially by expanding the introduction of AI applications into new areas and with the widespread adoption of multi-channel data collection (such as sensors, social networks, data providers, etc.). and then process them.
The main objective of IAGON is to revolutionize the web and cloud services market by offering a decentralized network of storage and processing. By uniting unused storage capacity in servers and personal computers and their processing power, we can create a supercomputer and a super data center that can compete with any of the current giants of cloud computing. Our goal is to provide processing and storage services at a fraction of market prices and to a better level of security by connecting data centers, commercial computers and personal users and using their free storage capacities and their CPUs and GPU processors during downtime.
In doing so, IAGON overcomes the entry barriers imposed by the high level of investments required to compete in this market. Our token-based economy is based on the owners of computers, servers and data centers that join the electric storage and processing networks. In exchange for sharing the capabilities of their machine, they will be granted IAGON tokens that can be exchanged for fat money, while any party wishing to use their capabilities will buy IAGON tokens to distribute to the parties that provide their services to the grid.


The storage mechanism will be based on the encryption of Blockchain and the delivery of fragments of encrypted files to many storage facilities. Contributors to the grid can publish their skills and free capacity and offer their service based on their experience, the available resources and storage space and the offer in the price. The advanced algorithms of machine learning and artificial intelligence will help recommend prices to the parties involved in this venture and classify them according to their price levels and ensure the continuity of services and access to all products.
As more and more companies recognize the benefits of IAGON platforms for storing files and processing them, demand will increase and so will the token demand: the way customers pay network participant

Cloud storage services allow users and businesses to store data outside their local machines. The purpose of cloud computing is to unburden the burden of maintaining local storage services.
For example, if an individual wants to run a website, it is not necessary to buy and assemble a server computer, but also to run a dedicated Internet service to maintain uptime. You can simply buy cloud storage services and run your website from some type of hosting service.

IAGON, will allow users to share their unused space in exchange , tokens! Miners receive incentives based on the number of processes they perform. In other words, the more data processed, the greater the incentives.
IAGON aims to build a global supercomputing network that will revolutionize the web and cloud services market.
Developed by Artificial Intelligence to connect users with decentralized services and applications
This is achieved through integration in all smart devices, creating a perfect experience that responds effectively and efficiently to the needs of its users. Easy-to-use and features synchronized on all smart devices.Whether it is a single user or a complete company .

The power of computing is in continuous demand. As Deep Learning and other aspects of Artificial Intelligence are adopted in a wider range of fields, there is a growing need to process and analyze large data sets.

As of now, there is a lack of access to a large computing power for people and smaller companies, while larger companies pay high fees to use supercomputers or other centralized computing resources.

Whether it is for facial recognition, speech recognition or video and image processing, it requires a great computing power to evaluate large data sets. This creates a barrier to entry for developers to follow Deep Learning projects without the backing of large companies.

IAGON aims to build a global supercomputing network that will revolutionize the web and cloud services market


IAGON , takes a very different approach to data mining. IAGON, does this by using a private Blockchain with public network protocols over API networks. A miner does not need to store any of the data,to mine, the only duty of the miner is to honestly process the data and send them back to IAGON,automatic learning algorithm for analysis.

Data mining on the IAGON platform does not have the need to perform complex algorithms to solve a equation In contrast, IAGON uses the decentralized computer network to distribute the load and increase the speed for mundane data processing tasks. Block tasks are distributed to the miners using the variance test method. The miners will have to match the data signature of the datamethod. The miners will have to match the data, in the block and return the data output. Miners do not need to store any of the data they process, and once the data has been validated to belong to the specific block, it is considered that the miner has extracted, the block.The miner receives rewards based on the number of data points he extracts, and if no data is found.

Within the block, the miner receives no reward. This will encourage miners to complete mining,full block and to increase the amount of blocks they extract. The incentive mechanism discourages miners. from simply mining a block until the first data output is reached due to the associated speed limitations with the network connections will prove to be uneconomical, since the miners will be encouraged on their own Benefit from fully exploiting the entire block to find all possible data points that match the data entry.

The blocks are generated at a limited pace and there is no communication between the miner's customers.The server that connects the miners with the IAGON platform uses a multiprocess server to distribute and receive,results The blocks are sent through HTTP-based protocols so that the clients within the frewalls can connect. There Currently there are two methods to address the storage and removal of blocks from the mining unit.
The option would be,process, purely in the memory provided by the random access memory unit in a computer or the introduction of a garbage collector program that effectively deletes the disk block. The architecture of the mining client,it should allow it to run as a background process or a GUI application. To support different architectures, the The best approach would be to create multiple threads, where a thread makes communication and data, processing while the other thread handles GUi nteractions (Anderson, 2002). Proof of variance allows IAGON, to identify the typical speed at which miners take to process a block. In case a miner is disconnected, If the calculation is not completed in its block, the block is forwarded to other nodes in the network.

It is wide, fascinating world, extensive all the opportunities that IAGON offers, which allows us to store widely and safely all our data, it requires great knowledge and updating in this matter so all users can get the best benefit that go in advance with your small, medium or large company, taking into account that IAGON, covers all the needs of the computing marke.

This script was made by @ nancyka, directed to the @originalworks contest. sponsored by IAGON



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Just checked your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

post a bit to old to upvote :(

I will follow you closely :)
Take care, Piotr

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