Caspian - Bringing all exchanges into a single market place.

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)


The success of bitcoins has ushered in other cryptocurrencies into the limelight. Today, cryptocurrency is a global phenomenon that is revolutionalizing the digital economy. Digital assets have experienced an exponential rise over the years with an average daily trading volume across all crypto assets exceeding 18 billion USD equivalent as well as a total market cap for blockchain instruments exceeding 325 billion USD as of April 2018 and market experts expect this figure to increase to 10 trillion USD equivalent by 2033.

Presently, there are than 200 active crypto exchanges and an endless list of coins and tokens. As a result of this numerous coins and tokens, crypto investors are forced to chose multiple trading platforms that have different user interface and functionalities to carry out trades. Thus, it is often a daunting task executing orders across these exchanges. Position and risk management are made more challenging and complicated by the diversity of platforms that must often be used to trade for a single portfolio. A lot of companies has turned a blind eye to these recurrent challenges and that's why Caspian has decided to take the bull by the horn by designing a user-friendly full stack financial tool that integrate with major exchanges to give users a single place to interact in the crypto-space.
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Caspian is a user-friendly full-stack digital assets management tool that integrate with major exchanges to give users access to their functions through one platform. Currently, It is connected to more than 25 exchanges and has 12 funds on its beta platform, with more clients expected to join. Caspian is a joint venture of two firms, Tora and Kinetics, each of which have a track record in asset management and cryptocurrency.


Running multiple balances in multiple exchanges often leave users frustrated with unreliable trade execution. They are sometimes deprived of accessing their accounts due to technical malfunction. There is also the issue of low latency, which arises as a result of exchanges not being able to handle large order volume due to their small size. The fragmentation of digital asset management coupled with relatively low trading volume when compared to traditional market often leads to high trading cost for investors. Also, crypto exchanges lack the tool or platform that can help monitor capital deployments for a single portfolio transacting on multiple exchanges.

Exchanges most a time suffer from security breaches as the are often vulnerable to hackers and there's lack of effective customer support team to guide and assist users. Also, there's lack of reporting and compliance tool and traders are left with no other choice than to use spreadsheets in keeping tracks of investment, current pricing and other metrics which is time constraint and error prone. Most exchanges lack the tool to help institutions and other establishments to keep extensive records of both internal and regulatory records.


The benefits of Caspian are categorised into three; execution, position management and compliance.
WhitePaper, Page 14


Crypto investors often go through a cumbersome experience browsing through various exchanges, checking the trading volumes, asking/selling prices and commission fees which is really time-consuming. Thanks to Caspian as it brings the exchanges altogether in a single place.

"It effectively aggregate prices, bid/ask information, orders, positions, accounts and executions from multiple crypto exchanges in a single platform and users can act on this information to send orders to exchanges manually or using Smart Order Router based on existing Tera technology".

  • SMART ORDER ROUTER (SOR): The Smart Order Router works in such an amazing way that it enables users to view all exchanges in a single pool of liquidity. All a trader or investor needs to do is to send an order with specific objectives or key parameters such as price limits, liquidity, commission fee. For example, a user may choose to sell ETH and buy BTC. The Smart Order Router prioritize these objectives, slices this order to various exchanges and comes up with the best outcome in a speed of light.

  • ALGORITHM: An order can be assigned a particular algorithm which can then route slices across multiple exchanges using Caspian smart order routing logic. A trader can control the behaviour of a trading algorithm by applying set parameters that can also monitor its performance throughout the life cycle of the order.

  • USER-BUILT STRATEGIES: Users will have the ability to set their own strategies for managing orders. A trader may choose to create an order that will execute if the price of a digital asset increases by 10% or more at a particular period of time.

  • ALERT: Caspian is designed with an amazing alert system that can appear as pop up or deliver mails to clients depending on the choice of the user and the conditions a user wants it to be triggered.


The Caspian position and risk management system makes it easier for a user to view all its positions and historical data at any point in time. This feature enables a user to maintain a detailed and complete record for a given trading entity which can be viewed in real time or historically. A key feature of Caspian position and management is reconciliation.

  • RECONCILIATION: Caspian record keeping functions make it easy to perform reconciliation. Reconciliation ensures that all parties involved in a business deal carry out the transaction has agreed upon.

  • REBALANCING: It helps generate orders that continually bring fund back in line its objectives.

  • ALLOCATION ENGINE: It handles all aspects of the distribution of the outcome of a trade transparently into corresponding business units, allowing the trader to focus on achieving the best objective for the order.


Caspian compliance enable users to set rules and limits which they can use in their trading strategy. Caspian compliance has three limits:

  • Warning limit: It appears when a rule is about to be broken.
  • Approval limit: It alerts a supervisor to enter a password to override the compliance alert.
  • Absolute limit : This a limit that cannot be overridden by any means.

Caspian reporting allows users to view, use, create, format and receive graphical reports on current trading and position activity in PDF or Excel file format.

Caspian Demo:
Caspian has a demo with an overview of some functionalities.

This is an example of the compliance window:


This is an example of the compliance alert:

View the Position Management demo here!

This is an example of the compliance window:


This is an example of the compliance window:

View the Order Execution Management demo here!

PERFORMANCE: Caspian is specifically designed to handle up to 50,000 orders and 400,000 execution per day per user, with a throughput of over 2,500 orders per second. It has a great performance that satisfies the needs to users.

SECURITY: Caspian runs on encrypted connection over the internet and client can log in into their apps through a set of concrete whitelisted IPs. Also, a strong password complexity involving letters, numbers and special character are required when setting up and logging on into users accounts as well as a two-factor authentication.

REGULAR MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND DISASTER REVOVERY SYSTEM: Caspian has built-in safety net and control mechanism that handles unforeseen issues. Various system checks are run automatically and on regular basis and notifications are sent to production support team to take necessary preemptive and corrective measures. Caspian platform is designed to withstand fault tolerance. It has built-in redundancy and replication which ensures that when there's likely to be a problem, a standby mode is always ready to seamlessly take over, avoiding disruption in service. Caspian has a backup cloud disaster recovery environment that is constantly being updated and is always ready to take over if activated in an event of major failure, avoiding disruption of service to clients.

CUSTOMER SUPPORT: Caspian has a multilingual, highly skilled and experience customer support team that uses enterprise software to give timely and quality response to clients' issues.


Caspian alert takes the burden off the shoulder of traders and investors. A user need not to have his/her eyes fixed on the computer or spend quality time monitoring and waiting for the best time to trade. Depending on the condition a user wishes it to be triggered, it timely and efficiently sends notifications to users via pops up on the dashboard or mail alerting them to make a trade or execute an order. The Caspian limits help users to create and adhere to rules and when there's violation of any of these rules, it is easily trailed and recorded.


Investors and traders don't need to go through the traumatic experience of watching different exchanges platforms simultaneously to monitor position, check current prices or other metrics. Caspian brings all the exchanges altogether in a single market place and have the job done in the most efficient and timely manner. it's amazing record keeping functions keep track of all transactions, smart order router for executing orders automatically, limits and alerts system for notifications, reporting tool for market, audit, position data and compliance report in pdf or excel format, backup cloud disaster recovery environment, great support team, maximum security etc. is really innovative and mind-blowing and will no doubt encourage investors, companies and institutions to embrace and benefit from the endless possibilities cryptocurrency has to offer.

Disclaimer: I strongly recommend all potential investors to conduct their own research and due diligence before making any investments and I would encourage anyone interested in this project to read the whitepaper and always remember that investments may not go as plan.



The senior management team consist of veterans who bring wealth of experience in finance and technology and have held senior roles at well-known investment firms and technology companies.
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WhitePaper, Page 19

More Information & Resources:

Caspian Website
Caspian WhitePaper
Caspian Steemit
Caspian YouTube
Caspian Telegram
Caspian Videos
Caspian Blog
Caspian Events
Caspian News
Caspian Linkedin
Caspian Management

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