Ethereum CRASH!!!

in #crypto7 years ago

Guys i just want to have a conversation and also listen to some of your opinions. So yesterday was the second time ethereum had problems and thus its price crushed. As of this post ethereum price is at 224EUR do you think it will bounce back or will it by the downfall of ethereum. If so will it be replace or will the crypto market as a whole crush. The other day i was watching a youtube video and it explained that the market cap for crypto has dropped to 91billion and if it breaks the 90billion it could drop down to 60billion as the 90billion mark acts like a restrain. Also one more thhing if ethereum price drop then every other currency build on its blck chain will drop as well? Im asking cuz i own golem and i see a pattern with ethereum when one drops the other also drops. waiting to listen to your comments!!1498144207_ethereum-crash-why-some-coinbase-traders-lost-big.jpg


hi @msa117

I, too, like you do not understand all these declines and I would also like to answer people who understand a bit more than me but this whole thing is a game of money always the value goes up and down I pay attention every week stocks that the value rises and falls and there is not so much to do so that if You invest money can also lose it or part of it then in my opinion if you invest already do not invest all of these keep a bit on the side for a rainy day I'm not a gambler wife but there are those who do and have a good luck

It will be back soon . don't even try to sell Ethereum

It really all depends on what you're comfortable potentially gaining or losing. No one has a crystal ball (damn...if I did I would have bought a lot more than 15 ETH back in October when it was $10 a pop. Sigh)

I've learned the hard way DO NOT SELL DURING A "CRASH" - and another tip, don't buy high - when everyone is talking about how 'hot' a coin or a stock is, when everyone is involved, it's too late. Wait, and pick that coin up on a discount when it falls.

I think ETH is in for a bumpy ride. Luckily, I never put in more than I can afford to lose - and I was able to lock in profits from buying when ETH was $10 (DAMN I WISH I'd BOUGHT MORE lol) but even with coins I've 'lost' on - it's never lost til you sell it (or it goes to $0. Then, yes, it's lost).

Just look at BTC over the years.

Longterm - lots of kinks need to be ironed out with ETH...but I'm definitely not selling. :-)

I'm watching closely too. I am not invested in any crypto currencies yet because Im just getting into the idea. But it has been fun to watch the ups and downs from the outside. Just learning and watching right now.

Lots of craziness at the moment for short-term investments, I'm new to trading and I'm going long-term on this. I believe in this technology and it's potentials so I invested in ethereum and I think it's value will go up on the long run. It's a gamble since it haven't proved anything yet.

Nobody knows what will happen, so I guess if you are not a professional trader you should invest in something you believe in considering it's value. Do you believe golem ( or it's potential ) is worth $400 millions ?

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