Upcoming "Drunk-dive" crypto series

in #crypto7 years ago

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New guidelines for the new crypto series (articles).

Why the title "drunk-dive" on the crypto series?

No fluff or BS. Just the bottom of Truth (at least that's our goal).

Practical: we will provide minimal snippets of code.

"drunk-dive" because if you can't explain it to a drunk person, you don't understand it enough.

He/she might not remember on the next day, but it is ok.

How do these articles get generated?

Two step process:

  1. First, BFS (breadth first search)
  2. then DFS (depth first search) for concrete examples (demos)
How are we awesomizing them?

Constantly asking ourselves what's the weakest chain then re-writing that part by:

  1. Googling a heck more
  2. Coding stuff up to get a better grasp
  3. Coming up with a better analogy or flow
  4. Always provide links to learn more (credits + gems to read about)
What's the timeline of a particular article?

Finish it, meditate on it for a least a day. To polish and tighten it:

  1. Shorten it
  2. More concrete
  3. Include novelty (way of explaining, analogy, etc)
  4. Delete fillers "fluff"
  5. Finally add images as we still have monkey brains

one article will take as long as it has to.


Strengthen our understanding of crypto concepts, implications and most of all learn.

Last word?

After every article, I re-read this to either publish or outright delete it for another day.

Do you care enough, call us out when we get something wrong or, if you feel like one article in the series doesn't hold up to these guidelines.

Using "we" instead of "I", who knows, someone-else might start writing "drunk-dive" articles.

Image by Gilles Lambert

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 61240.20
ETH 3247.86
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45