How Bitcoin and crypto-currency saved me from becoming stuck in a foreign country!

in #crypto8 years ago

Alright, this is not directly related to Steemit, but as a whole, made me believe a lot more in cryptocurrencies and technology involved in it.

source public domain image, Google

So I had booked a hostel for 7 days, but in middle of the week I ran out of cash, due to my spectacular financial management skills (read: alcoholism) but I wasn't too worried, because I hoped to withdraw money from the ATM with my debit card... only to find out that my debit card had been limited by the court to only withdraw cash in it's native country, which is not Thailand. I was shocked! So I had no cash, no credit card and couldn't withdraw money from my debit card. Even if somebody would send money to my debit card, I couldn't withdraw it. I couldn't use Westernunion because my hostel booking was running out in 2 days! WU takes 5-10 days, I can't stay on the streets, homeless for 8 days?!!!

I had no friends or family here, no way to withdraw money. Nothing. I paniced, untill I found which is a godsgift! My friend bought some bitcoin with his credit card, sent them to my wallet and through I could withdraw the bitcoins as lucel currency in ANY bank branch around here. It all happened in less than 4 hours! Woa! Western Union just became irrelevant!

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency truly saved my sorry ass.

Sorry for the rushed text, don't go grammar nazi on me now.


What's the plan for the future? How are you paying back your friend?

Doing some freelance work, looking for remote work. Plan is to network. Build a portfolio. I've been editing videos and re-vitalized my audio engineering skills to pick up freelance work.

Stories like yours are important to boost the relevance of cryptocurrencies

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66293.76
ETH 3282.25
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.70