Harmony the first fully fragmented and scalable blockchain.

in #crypto5 years ago

Harmony is the new revolution in the blockchain, its new computational acceleration processes and greater security with its security layer strategies capable of providing a simpler way to scale linearly.


Harmony is composed of the technology based on the chain of computational fragmentation making the processes lighter avoiding collapse in the network, on the other hand its use of the beacon chain which is a record of identities that is generated by randomness. They make it safer and more reliable.

This is a blockchain with great capacity to scale easily, its safety and speed make it much more energy efficient, it is solidly based on fragmentation chain technology that offers transactions per second, streamlining processes and giving better results in large uses.

Harmony gives new precedence by easily scaling and exceeding decentralization standards, becoming the most decentralized way of blockchains, possessing advanced optimized fragmentation technology.


The launch of the Harmony Mainnet was on June 28, this being the first chain of POS blocks and being totally fragmented. Its Mainnet had 600 nodes becoming one of the 15 decentralized networks, with more importance in the blockchain.

On the other hand, the version for phase 2, the objective of the network is to achieve a total of 1600 nodes by dividing into 4 fragments of 400 nodes each, generating more imports to the blockchain. Mainnet phase 2 will include token exchanges to the native ONE token, transfers and stakeout smart contracts.


Harmony works with a top team.

The team of this great project is made up of a great staff of leading experts in both business and engineering, who have taken this and other projects to the highest standards thanks to their passion for looking at a better world!

This team, unlike the others, is honest people dedicated to the creation of new products for the crypto market, these high-level executives have put aside giants like Wall Street to make their way and create solutions to the current computing problems through their Experience, momentum and passion.


  • Blockchain technology comparisons.

For a better speed and fair consensus a fragmented PoS system is the best compensation. Harmony is such an example of the system and for example a comparison of many other projects that have fragmentation technology.

This table has the comparison with other leading PoS block chains:

Comparison Table (PoS Blockchains)

Modern problems of scalability: saved by harmony.

Scalability is one of the most common and real problems among most existing projects, and for those who still do not have that problem, it is very possible that in the near future it will be present.

Cryptokitties is a project that managed to attract the attention of many users just to obstruct the entire Ethereum network. The company behind the project is Animoca, and it has chosen to partner with harmony and thus create new ecosystems for crypto collectibles.

Animoca and Harmony Association.

DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

According to information provided by binance, DeFi has become one of the most common problems of the Ethereum network. DeFi is established in cryptocurrency loan loans, which requires a large number of transaction performance requirements.

Ethereum is largely in a situation where performance is decreasing in large numbers and this is due to high demand, it is only expected not to get worse as time goes by.


Binance DeFi Report

Harmony is a safe alternative for troubleshooting and satisfying the many needs of the DeFi industry. With Harmony's fragmentation chain system, you can achieve better results and linear scaling as the project becomes more productive, leaving your infrastructure secure and free from blocking.

Harmony: the revolution
Harmony has offered several significant advances for the advances and challenges of the distributed ledger, thanks to its advanced fragmentation technology.

Harmony is revolutionizing the market by covering the resolution of problems with the innovative application of 10x at layer levels and not focusing only on seeking improvement for 10%, and thus providing more effective solutions for advanced use.

. The achievements of the Harmony protocol are as follows:

  1. Full scalability.
    Harmony is focused on the fragmentation of processes and the maintenance of network records, resulting in less restrictive storage requirements.

  2. Safe fragment.
    Harmony has a scalable, verifiable, impossible and unpredictable power called the Beacon chain, which is used in its DRG process (distributed random generation).

  3. Fast and efficient consensus.
    More efficient than the PoW alternatives have proved to be the PoS alternative used by Harmony, they are energy efficient.

  4. Adaptive threshold PoS.
    For an adjustment of the staking requirements, the basis of the staking volumes is necessary to be clear that:
    Actors with bad intention may not have sufficient concentration to be able to break individual fragment parameters. The participation of the smallest interested parties will be allowed because their origin is low enough.

  5. Scalable network infrastructure.
    Within the fragments or the Harmony network you can quickly propagate blocks.
    For cross-fragment transactions, it is logarithmically scaled with the number of fragments.
    The new fragments result in the numbers 1, 10, 100 ... this added to the transactions instead of less convenient results such as 5, 10, 15 ...

  6. Consistent cross transactions.
    Through an established direct communication the cross-exchange of fragments is carried out.
    Through atomic blocking, references are provided so that the consistency of the cross fragment is guaranteed.



Fragmentation is the process by which computational responsibilities are separated into smaller segments, these segments are called fragments and are responsible for carrying out their tasks individually, making computational loads smaller and easier to process.

Fragment of Harmony

Nowadays the computational load can become a big headache. Harmony began its fragmentation test through learning that gave good results in the industrial and academic developments of the Zilliqa network, from there this technique was used very useful for the Harmony network. The Zilliqa network was helped by preventing cyber attacks to make their systems incorruptible by taking them to individual fragments and thus also avoiding the bottleneck in the network.

Beacon chain

The beacon chain generates an identity record that is derived from a random generator, this factor differentiates Harmony from other networks. The beacon chain does the processing of the transactions as are the standard fragment chains, but it also has two important key functions.

  • generates the random numbers that determine to which validator a specific fragment will be assigned.

  • It also aims to accept the bets of punters who make the request to become validators of the same beacon chain and is determined in a process similar to that which determines what will be validators of the other standard fragment chains.


With Harmony the processing through fragments and the security provided by the beacon chain the old stereotype of blockchain technology will be at another level and companies that have scalability problems will leave it in the past as it is proof that the Processing will be more effective and the results will be more beneficial.


For more information:

Harmony Website
Harmony OnePager
Harmony WhitePaper
Harmony Medium Blog
Harmony Telegram Group
Harmony Twitter
Harmony LinkedIn
Harmony Instagram


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