Cancun Crypto Currency Meetup - The Bitcuners

in #crypto7 years ago


Hello fellow Steemians. It is a wondrous morning here in Cancun, Mexico. I wanted to relate to you the experience I had last night at a meeting I attended. Through Facebook I joined a page called The Bitcuners. Having made a decision to relocate from the U.S.A. and start my new adventure of spreading the knowledge of Steemit, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general, last night was an affirmation of that decision.

It was wonderful to meet such an enthusiastic group of diverse individuals talking and sharing their ideas. I would like to give proper thanks to the individuals who not only organized but sponsered this event. Unfortunately I met quite a few poeple last night that the names are jumbled in my brain. I promise to remember everyones name next time.

I was pleasently surprised that the event organizer had already joined Steemit. So thank you very much @JZA for your efforts. I want to say that technically this was a DASH meet-up but as I listened in on several conversations many other subjects were broached including python software, podcasts, crypto currencies, marketing strategies just to name a few.


The event was extra special because I brought a retired gentleman who needed some expert advice and @luzcypher was there and both of them conversed and a solution to a problem was solved. So thanks @luzcypher (friend, fellow Steemian and Thomas Jefferson look-a-like--- I couldn't resist).

For me personally some of the highlights of the evening included meeting new people (expats) from all over the world including locals... and an old friend whom I did not realize had become an alt-coin enthusiast. The age group was varied of the attendees from 20 - 60+. Everyone from all walks of life were engaged in converstation but as I stood back and surveyed the crowd one commonality rang true. There was a twinkle in everyones eyes and a smile on everyones face. A huge wave of positive and excited energy was palpable throughout the crowd. I also recieved my first Dash cryptocurrency as well...bonus!

Another slight surprise to me was hearing names of poeple who I have seen on Steemit such as Amanda (from Dash) and @stellabelle. Although I have not spoken with these individuals personally, it just reinforced the harmonious value of community and speaks volumes not only of these individuals but of Steemit itself.

I spoke about Steemit and the great platform that I've become part of and I know for a fact that I've converted two individuals last night to join this community. I do plan to attend more of these meet-ups in the future, although it is more than likely that we will have to find a bigger venue as we literally filled up the whole Starbucks where we attended. I had planned to stay only for an hour but wound up conversing for over 3and a half, feeling exhausted but exhuberant when all was said and done.

Today is a well deserved relax and possible beach day... oh I forgot, everyday is like this in Cancun, Mexico ;-)


follow mithrilweed.png


Voted I love Mexico

Thanks for the vote :-) There are so many beautiful parts to Mexico. Cancun is just one of my favorites and a great base of operations to plan wondrous adventures from :-)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63252.26
ETH 2662.75
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79