Welcome to "The Blame Game" Episode #1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Adorable Wallpapers.Something you should know about me,

I have a low and I mean very low tolerance for Bullsh!t!!!

This is especially true when it comes to people who don't claim responsibility for their own actions and always wants to use a scapegoat. It's true in every community, and today's rant is based on all the complaining in the crypto community. So if your into crypto you've heard the news about Bitconnect and the fact that they are closing down their lending platform due to DDos attacks, Cease and Decease Letters in a couple of states in the U.S. the negative press, etc. First, let me say that when I started really getting into crypto I signed up with Bitconnect but I never invested I heard a lot of mixed review about it so I was unsure. I also heard a lot of reviews about other platforms so when your new you really don't know which way to go. I decided I'd place money into a platform known as Chain.Group. There were plenty of people using it showing a profit it was a simple user experience so what the hell, I've spent far more money on things that don't make me a dime, such video games, food, whatever... I was on the platform for about a month before they quote on quote "Exit Scammed" so for those that don't know the term it means the company closed up shop, took all the money, no explanation, nowhere to be found, nothing. I knew going in it was a high-risk platform and I paid for it, oh well on to the next platform or strategy. Quit crying about your lost money and move on, you knew what this was because even the people making money said so.

Which leads me back to Bitconnect, from what I can tell the company is still around, they allowed people to move their money (maybe not in the form they would have liked ) but they were given options, the exchange is opening back up, and their ICO is still moving forward. I don't have to believe in their practices, to say that I'm not understanding all these "Exit Scam" videos, blogs, etc. bragging about how they were right. Right about what? The company hasn't gone anywhere, the platform didn't collapse upon its self, they are still doing business and trying as far as I can tell to make up for a F**@ked up situation. I wish when I got scammed I could have got some vaseline, with a reach around.


Then you have got the Victims, oh it's Trevon James (@Trevonjb) fault, it's CryptoNicks (@Cryptonick)fault, Oh Craig Grant (@Craig-grant) too. They are all scammers!!! First let me say I hate when a catchword, keyword or phrase gets passed around until no one knows it's true meaning anymore. It's kinda like the term"Fake News" or the word "Snitch" an uneducated person will tell you that a snitch is a person that tells the police about a crime when the original meaning was someone who told the police about a crime that they committed and informed on everyone involved. Today its words and terms like "Exit Scam", "Ponzi" "Pyramid" I didn't see anyone from Amway going to jail and they were the fathers of a quote on quote Pyramid schemes and later companies like Microsoft joined them and built a web mall version of their company...So anyway back to these so-called scamming ass scammers, I myself plan to start a youtube channel & Dtube about making money in general, my goals etc. Now the real part I'm not understanding here is how does anyone think these people started their channels out knowing they were going to be internet famous? Do you think they woke up one day seen an opportunity and said I'm going to make videos and scam the world out of millions of dollars? Hell isn't CryptoNick like 17, what is he a mastermind? Or do you think these guys got some type of glimpse into the future that crypto would grow to be this phenomenon that everyone would follow blindly?

How is that because someone showing you how they are making money, all of a sudden makes them responsible for you making or losing money? Everyone is like "But they knew it was a scam and they just kept doing it"! Ok so two points on this note, If it was a scam and you feel as though they scammed people doesn't that mean they got scammed too? I mean they don't own the company or have any stock. The second point is I believe they knew it was High Risk but was willing to accept those risks and accept the results. Fortunately for them, it paid off and yes before you start with all your damn whining about how much they made from referrals. Yes, they made a lot of money from referrals, so who's fault is that do you think they put the referral link in the description with the master plan that they would make as much as they did? Hell, I've placed plenty of referral and affiliate links on social media and have nowhere made the money these guys have made, I guess thank god or you'd have me on blast in memes. The only thing I blame these guys for is allowing people to see what they were getting and believing people wouldn't be jeolous of it.

And for the love of god can we please stop with this nonsense with you frickin' idiots talking about anybody going to jail!!!
GIPHY link

Listen, good people of Steemit and the rest of the free world and hear me and hear me well. There will be no one going to jail for you being stupid! And I don't mean being stupid listening to anyone, I mean stupid for playing in games you shouldn't be playing in.

I think Blade said it best

GIPHY link

Let me ask the question of what you would do if you didn't have these people to watch and follow to Blame for all your woes?

Better yet what do you think needs to happen to all the other people in Bitconnect that had tons of referrals but didn't host a youtube channel or rise to the level as the ones listed in this post?

Were you ever even apart of Bitconnect?

If so did you ever try and get referrals so what should happen to you?

Oh, I get it, you didn't make as much money, you didn't know what was going on, come on give me more of your excuses.

Ahhh.. Ok, I think I got it all out but I'm sure the next video I see from one of the I told you so idiots It'll start all over again.
Boondocks Huey F This.gif


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