Einstein@home - one of the most exciting Gridcoin whitelisted projects.

in #crypto6 years ago

PULSARS - one of the most exciting discoveries ever made in the astrophysics. These high frequency rapidly rotating stars are now closer closer than any other moment and that is a fact with the continuous support of the Gridcoin community too. Of course, there are a lot of people and computers constantly making complex calculations, but the idle time of our home computers has helped a lot during the last years.

Gridcoin hosts some pretty serious project as well as some not so important ones, but i find Einstein@home to be somehow interesting and intriguing to me. I've always had a passion about Cosmos, the outer space and everything around the Earth and this project is an opportunity to dive in and help with sharing some valuable computation resources with the project team.

In my previous post, I briefly marked how pulsar search exactly works and how our computers can help in the overall researches.

This time I will write about a hidden population of pulsars in the center (or acrually near the center) of the Milky Way.
These researches were made about the beginning of March, this year by the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope. These findings are still potential, but the radiation from about the center of our galaxy rises the hopes of detecting some new pulsar stars. In order to make future discoveries, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Hannover) and the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (Bonn) gathered their knowledge and now work together over the potential new pulsars.

Some recent discoveries claim, that in fact some hidden pulsars are actually existing.
Latest publications reveal two unknown gamma-ray pulsars, found lately, which are called PSR J1035−6720 and PSR J1744−7619 and their exact positions are already found. They are both spinning with more than 200-300 revolutions per second and after the initial discoveries, their astrophysical parameters were refined by a consecutive analyses of the Fermi-LAT collected data.

After the exact parameters and locations were already known, the telescopes were pointed directly at them to make further findings. While PSR J1035−6720 was detected to emit just a fair amount of radio waves, no such were detected from PSR J1744−7619 at all. This discovery makes it the first ever radio-quiet pulsar.
It becomes clear, that the lighthouse compared radio beams, like the most know pulsars emit, are not present in this case and actually do not point towards Earth, while the gamma-ray beams do. Some new models are currently under construction to observe this gamma-ray emission.

According some new discoveries and data analysis, there is observed excess of a very high gamma radiation from the central part of our galaxy - The Milky Way and this could be due to a potential existence of thousands of millisecond pulsar stars. Some future gamma-ray researches might be the answer to the possible existence of such population of pulsars.

All these researches of course are gladly received and approved by our beloved Gridcoin. If you haven't yet started to take part in the volunteering process of sharing some resources, then what are you waiting for? Getting started is very easy and doesn't cost you anything but some little time to install the BOINC client and join a Gridcoin team.

Best wishes and see ya!

Helpful links and sources:
https://einsteinathome.org/ - the main website of the project.
https://www.gridcoin.us/ and https://gridcoin.science/ - official Gridcoin websites.
https://boinc.berkeley.edu/ - BOINC client instructions and download.

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