IAGON: BlockChain Cloud Computing Solution.

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Cloud Computing overview

Cloud computing is an emerging idea in the world of Information Technology, birthed out of the necessity for computing on the go.

It brings about a situation where users access data, applications and storage. Cloud computing on its part, is the delivery of computing services where (servers, databases, networking storage, software, more) are not stored on a particular computer, but a accessed via the Internet (“which is refer to as the cloud”).


Cloud computing can easily be understood as system that delivers computing the same way a power grid delivers electricity.


If you are using an online service to watch a movie, listen to music, store picture, play a game or even send email, then you are most probably using cloud computing without really knowing.

A few things you can do with cloud computing includes:
  • Creating new apps.
  • Store, back up and recover data/information.
  • Video and audio streaming etc.  

  • IAGON WhitePaper
  • Introduction

    With the recent trend in technological advancement, there has been a surge in the demand for large storage capacity. This is propagated by the advancement of artificial intelligence and Big Data technologies such as the Hadoop framework which in turn, has birthed the rapid advancement in server-less, and cloud databases.

    In previous times organizations developed a big data parcel that is driven and analyzed by machine learning algorithm (Artificial Intelligence) at centralized storage system. Its objective was to collect and analyze business data for future applications. This data collected are analyzed by AI programs such as those observed in autonomous cars, telemarketers and assistants as bots.

    With big data companies came also the requirement of memory space for storage and processing information, this can largely be observed in systems of large social media networks. But with this surge in demand of large storage capacities, emerges the rise in demand in AI learning algorithm. We are a going to observe a super drift towards this demand as many more public institutions switch over to the application of this technology in time. This will then required a huge improvement in there process which require large data handling and advance the improvement in A.I.

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  • Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence is therefore a computational program or device that perceives its surrounding environment like human do and takes corresponding actions, the processes of AI are similar to that of the human brain, such as "learning" and "problem solving. These models and tools of AI are such they do not interfere with the user’s interaction.

    A perfect example is observed in Google machine learning algorithm used to narrow down search results that provides users with most probable answer to their searches. A close watch will find out that result of the same searches varies from day to day due to the continuous learning process of AI in cognizance to the variation in the demand of searches of people as each day slides to the next.

    IAGON’S Confluence With Artificial Intellegence

    A huge part of the activity of organizations, constitute processes that generate data and different information that might be required by the firm in future. Most of this organizations tend to use program (AI) set that are vast in learning, analyzing and generating inference for the datasets just as humans mind does but most times at a faster speed.

    But a problematic situation is birthed where these programs require huge ever-increasing streams of data to create inferences that might tend manage those data properly. And as more and more Internet of things, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence enabled devices come online (with learning algorithm) creating an expansion in the grid of connected networks, there arises a huge demand for super-computational machines.

    This large computation power or super computational machines is most probably out of reach of most organizations. This therefore births a demand of additional processing power by this organization.

    This pushes this companies to the verge of the temptation where the services of cloud storage is required. But with this option comes the vulnerability of putting the entire bulk of the information of one’s company into the hands another firm breaking every form of privacy and confidentiality. This option is one option many firms will tend to shy away from in the process turning it down.

    But with decentralized, cloud-enabled storage and processing grid hinged on blockchain, the venerability associated with cloud service subscription is disrupted. _This is what IAGON brings to picture._ IAGON emerges with its technology, offering an innovative, decentralized blockchain solution to the world’s rising computational demands.

    IAGON and Its Solution.

    IAGON is an Open Source platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple computers over a decentralized Blockchain grid. IAGON utilizes enables to store big data files and repositories, as well as smaller scales of files, and to carry out complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations , within a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates blockchain, cryptographic and AI technologies in a user-friendly way.
  • IAGON WhitePaper
  • IAGON envisages to birth a Global Supercomputer that might provide, a decentralized cloud storage system, powered by Artificial Intelligence & the decentralization of Blockchain Technology.

    How Does Iagon Work?

    IAGON is a platform that is largely dependent on machine learning algorithm AI technology. It will connect users and services through a dApp. It features are easy to understand and operate. The functionality of the software is easy to sync across available smart devices, weather you’re a mere user or you are sliding at the level of a huge cooperate organization. IAGON gives everyone the advantage of getting aboard by contributing unused storage for tokenized reward.

    IAGON will disrupt the trend of centralized cloud services by bringing security into the process of cloud storage through decentralization processes of blockchain. This it will do, by enhancing the cost effectiveness of this service against what the norm entails, by loosening the grip of the big players in this industry who generate and claim large revenue through the monopoly they propagate in the industry.

    Problems of Cloud Storage and Computing

    With Cloud-based storage is becoming a normal method of file sharing in recent time, both on personal devices and in the workplace, there are some problems that have come up strong with the process of cloud storage services. These problems include:

    •  Storage capacity limits
    • Slow responses
    • synchronization issue  
    • Cost

    Adopting cloud services for small scale and a short term purposes might be required by small businesses, but it obvious this service might be unduly expensive for small scale businesses thereby discouraging the firms from investing in the process.

    • Security concerns

    With cloud technology there is a loss of control over sensitive personal and organizational data when the data is store with a service outside the frame of the parent company, this means the privacy of the data is outside the control of the parent company or individual which might birth the fear of hacks and data leakages.

    IAGON Security

    With data security been a huge risk to be considered due to malicious hacking and data theft or leakage cloud computing is stalled but with decentralization of IAGON, the trend is different. IAGON is protected by an unbreakable encryption technology. This solution provides a prolific protection of client information. This solution hinges on what is called the Secure Lake.

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  • .The model is such the information store in the lake can only be accessed, altered or retrieved by the individual who securely uploaded the file. Even in case where breaches occur the system is such that the target information cannot be access by the intruder.

    IAGON Cloud and Computing Service Cost Effectiveness

    Relying on the centralized solution available, it is crystal clear that cloud storage and computing services have been hi-jacked and trapped by a few giants (Google, Amazon, IBM etc) who have made it a bit difficult for small organization to venture in the process of delivering this service.

    This therefore has given rise to the monopolization of the industry, birthing a huge hike in the cost of subscription to cloud services. This hike has sequentially streamlined small business out of the advantage of utilizing cloud services due its huge cost. But with IAGON, cost is made effective.

    With the cost of accessing cloud storage reduced, small and big firms alike are given the leverage of been able to use large IT infrastructure of cloud storage facility provided by IAGON which cannot be accessed due to the huge financial engagement, if this companies to hinge on centralized. On top that is the fact that this companies might not be able to attract the professions that are require to design their centralized storage systems. There is a huge advantage that IAGON bring at a fraction of the cost that centralized organizations proffer.

    This cloud computing power offered to this organization (great and small) by this blockchain solution at reduced rates, birth a situation where there is no need for hardware or software need as data increases. what might be required in decentralized setting might just a switch in subscription plan. That is to say with benefit of been able to access IAGON cloud computing at reduce cost the firm can scale up or down depending the requirement of the company at different times.

    Using cloud computing enhances collaboration with other professions regardless of their geographical location.

    Cloud storage technology offers anytime access to programs, dataset stored, from any web enable device, at anytime or geographical location.

    IAGON’S Multiple Blockchain Support

    With IAGON the fluidity of flexibility is hinged on the freedom given to user and miners to choose between the different blockchains (etheruem and Tangle) to pay or receive tokens for computation processes

    IAGON’S Smart Grid Platform and AI-Tracker

    With the surg of machine learning and major AI development come a huge demand for space for storage and computing. With the surge in technology which is experience in autonomous cars, voice recognition etc, there will tend to be an exponential global demand for computational processing power to support this developments.

    IAGON’s Smart Computing Grid is equivalent to any other power grid (such as solar production of electricity):

    It connects multiple producers to customers

    Smart Computing Grid fulfils the demand for the necessary resource

    It transfers unused resources to customers in need (CPU and GPU processing power and storage space), and

    It benefts the miners providing processing power and storage space to the grid without requiring efforts when their servers and computers are not used by them.

    The Smart Computing Grid is based on advanced Artifcial Intelligence components that include more than 100 Machine Learning algorithms , methods and techniques that integrate to form our AI-Tracker system.

    AI-Tracker is the “brain” behind IAGON’s Smart Computing Grid .

    AI-Tracker is a dynamically learning system that continuously analyzes past and current data streams that reflect the availability of storage space and processing capacities of miners

  • IAGON WhitePaper
  • It tends to bring decentralization to the spectrum of businesses and consumer markets. IAGON is designed to naturally integrate and slide into existing infrastructure without to employ a noticeable switch in processes or technology that might turn to be expensive. IAGON serves as a middleware between server- database and frontend-backend in existing IT infrastructure.

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  • IAGON WhitePaper
  • This existence of IAGON can slide on a public or private blockchain making provision for data to stored securely of the frame.

    IAGON impact on AI and Big Data industry

    Artificial Intelligence has over time become a trendy technological innovation in recent times, noticed in almost all sectors of our lives. But with this AI processes and computation, comes a demand for consumption of processing or computational power.

    This AI programs get themselves involved in an in-depth learning processes of bulky data obtained from past accumulations, such that over time inferences can be derived from the analysis of such previously gathered information. This information is most time used by AI programs to sequentially forecast future trends after analysis in the directed area of study or consideration.

    But with the demand for huge data and AI expected to rise exponentially, we left with a problem of storage capacity and computing power. This is where IAGON make it impact of both AI and the Big data industry but affording both its supercomputing machine to AI and large storage capacity for data assembly, bring about a positive upturn to the trend of events in both field (AI and Big Data industry). Mind you, it is eminent to note that IAGON is powered by AI.

    The Advantage of sharing computing power and storage

    It is an open fact that big players and moguls have gotten a firm grip on the cloud computing service creating centralized supercomputing machine that are relative effective in modest words. But with IAGON there is an advantage that can break the streak of the moguls.

    With IAGON framed on blockchain decentralization there will an advent of a huge revolution in cloud computing processes. This will therefore birth an era where unutilized storage capacity of different individual’s personal computer,


    smart devices, data centers as well as large company’s server and their computing power will be integrated to the grid. This innovation will create a large distributed network of a large supercomputer with a magnified storage capacity. This technological advancement of IAGON will differentiate itself from anything that has been noticed in times past.

    IAGON does just stop at creating a decentralized supercomputer from different machines, it goes further to grant incentivized rewards tokens (IAGON token) to individuals and firms that provide computing power and storage capacity of their devices to contribute to IAGON’s innovation.

    This IAGON token that is granted to this contributors can be traded for fiat currency. On the other hand any party that wishes to utilize the leverage of IAGON supercomputing facilities will purchase IAGON tokens to distribute them to the parties that provide their services on the grid.

    IAGON Partners

    The buzz of IAGON is spin around on the wheels of steel, hinged on the advantage it promises to birth to a new dawn in cloud computing and it surrounding industry. This has facilitated a good number of partners coming aboard. These partnerships will move IAGON to a firm footing when it finally hits the ground running.



    Conclusively, IAGON is a technological innovation that will build a huge supercomputing machine from individual personal computers, smart devices and large servers via blockchain decentralization technology all of which connected together across a grid network.

    This innovation will birth a high level of security to cloud storage at drastically reduced cost, this will further encourage everyone to leverage off the solution birthed by IAGON.

    This individuals and firms that contribute to the IAGON cloud computing or supercomputers will be incentivized by IAGON tokenized reward.

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