
It's not so complicated. Very easy really! Just takes a bit 0f time to understand what's the whole craze about when first starting out. After you get passed tht, easy peezy!
It's more complicated to someone who is just starting because their hearing too much too fast!
Initially, I didn't really understand how it was set to disrupt basically ALL businesses but all I knew is that it was a good investment and I felt that it would be HUGE! I just kept reading, reading, and reading and then one day it really made sense. But along the way, I was representing this new money to the fullest and still am ;)
I tell my peers around me all the time that if they would just carefully listen to what I'm saying and if they watch me work, they will grasp it in no time compared to ME being the 0ne that had to read, read, read, watch videos upon more videos to fully understand BUT they don't listen and they obviously dont' wanna learn. You have to WANT IT basically ;)
Not f0r everyone but I tell you this, they will wish they had listened and learned when that times comes when they all see me 0r us in our big ass houses, nice rides, wit hot girls drippN sweat by our sides on a nice summer day haha .
And it's really not even about the money! I'm loving just being apart of the movement writing and talking with people alike. L0ve hearing how it's saving ppl in third world countries, financially including myself ;)
If it wasn't for crypto, I would be trapped in some wherehouse RIGHT NOW still complaining of my situation lol

Crypto brought LIFE to us all! To Crypto BEBE!

amen brotherI think i used the wrong words. I feel you big time.

Before I knew how to tranfer some currencies, damn reading and trying. Now I can explain it to a starter. It just like you said a lot of info and new info. But it is doable.

And due to the money, I agree also. Its the fun while making it. If i spended my time at mc donalds in stead of steemit. i even would have make more money.

Crypto is really changing my future plans, but i still focus on more things. But crypto is my hobby now, And if i can make my living from it one way or an other. ''That would be awesome...

I talk to you later. Im gonna smoke some..

sDZ nice ;) I decided to put smk on hold f0r a sec after that moon-r0ck session ha! I have my kid wit me and I'm studying so, I want to feel alive when I wake haha Moon had me deep in sleep!
Cnt wait till we can chill & smk one up together. That'll be the day ;)

aLSO, when I was working 9-5, crypto highly motivated me and gave me hope. so to those out there working tht 9-5, I feel your pain believe me and we gone be good if continue investing and believing ;)

haha crypto stoner living there man. Respect man, taking care of your son.

Me 2 would be crazy bro, crypto stoners with a cause :)

I can't complain, but you know how it goes, bills, fines, etc. But that's life and i take the challenge :)

peace homie have a good day there.

btw which city exactly do you live?

TemecL.A. ;)