IAGON Is The Most Disruptive Blockchain Alley Technology For Generation Z

in #crypto6 years ago

IAGON is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple smart devices
over a decentralized blockchain/tangle grid. IAGON utilizes and enables storing big data files and repositories,
as well as smaller scales of files, and carries out complex computational processes, such as those needed for
artificial intelligence and machine learning operations. IAGON operates a fully secure and encrypted platform
that integrates Blockchain/Tangle, cryptographic and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in a user-friendly
way. We focus on delivering Decentralized Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence services. In order to
develop the IAGON platform, we continuously use cutting edge technologies, including machine learning, big
data, data mining, decentralized and distributed systems, as well as Blockchain and tangle technologies.
Under IAGON’s platform you can imagine a world where anyone can profit by joining a massive processing grid.
IAGON will provide a fully automated platform for carrying out the storage and processing tasks of users on the
basis of unutilized storage and processing capacities that are contributed by the “miners”. The miners will be
able to convert the tokens back to fiat money, to accumulate them or to pay for similar services that they need
with the tokens. For each transaction, IAGON will charge 10% commission and the rest of the tokens will be
transferred to the miner. This decentralized cloud platform will operate two grids, i.e. a storage grid and a
processing grid. Both grids operate on a Blockchain platform powered by Machine Learning capabilities to
optimize the allocation of tasks and files to miners.

IAGON is a company legally registered in Hamar, Norway and will provide its services globally.

Iagon - Decentralized cloud services Video

IAGON uses the world’s leading technology for developing and establishing two online grids to connect users
that demand storage capacities for Big Data and large processing capabilities for Artificial Intelligence
computations. The allocation of storage space and computational tasks to miners who contribute unused
storage and processing capacities will be conducted via a series of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The
processing tasks will be largely distributed to miners on the processing grid according to the characteristics
of each task and its creator (the user). The results will be stored and managed on the Blockchain and will be
visible only to the user that initiated it.
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IAGON aims at revolutionizing the cloud industry by providing a fully secure and decentralized cloud storage
and processing platform based on the Blockchain and Tangle technologies.

User Market - IAGON’s main share of the user market consists of corporates, public institutes and SMEs that
require large secure storage and processing capacities (including cloud services, database storage, historical
data archiving, data analytics, batch processing, etc.).
Miner Market - The major part of the miner market consists of data centers that do not fully utilize their
storage and server capacities and can dedicate portions of them to IAGON’s grids.

IAGON aims at supporting the growing demand for cloud computing due to the emergence of Big Data storage
and Artificial Intelligence processing by developing and providing decentralized cloud computing based on the


The global market is going to experience exponential growth in the demand for low-cost and reliable storage
with the increasing collection and generation of huge volumes of data. For example, corporates are expected
to collect large amounts of omni-channel (meaning: multiple channel) data about customers and competitors.
Other data will be collected from IoT devices, such as sensors, medical devices, autonomous cars, Industry 4.0
controllers, smart home systems and more.
Companies will need to analyze these vast amounts of data by applying advanced analytics and Artificial
Intelligence techniques to derive managerial, operational, business and functional insights to react to changes
and trends in their environment. The application of AI-based tools (such as Machine Learning and Deep
Learning) requires vast processing power. Additionally, many companies gradually shift from on premise
architecture of their information systems to cloud computing. Thereby, IAGON’S solutions will support all these

Cloud computing is a cost cutting technology for businesses. It is based on the use of computing resources
that are delivered to customers with the help of Internet technologies and communications, regardless of their
locations. When a company moves to a cloud-based service model, in practice it moves away from the
traditional capital expenditure model to an operating expenditure model. Cost cutting is a major task for the
CFOs for the smooth running of their business, where most of the times the IT budget is a worrisome matter
for them. It is difficult to manage the IT Infrastructure with a small number of IT workers within the
organization to keep on changing, maintaining and managing the IT infrastructure of the company.
Additionally, most of the costly IT hardware is employed for occasional computing purposes and is not fully
utilized. For each and every node, smart device or server, IT people spend long hours installing, configuring and
making it ready for the use. Consequently, businesses that are purely concentrating through their online
portals find it scaling up their operations difficult. Agility, performance and capacity planning become
increasingly difficult for IT managers to handle. IAGON will provide very cost effective and reliable solutions to
the CFOs, IT managers, and CEOs in any sector.

The Blockchain is an undeniably ingenious invention, which created the backbone of a new type of Internet
communication. Originally devised for the digital currency, Bitcoin, the tech community is now finding other potential
uses for the technology. Bitcoin has been called “digital gold” and for a good reason. To date (As of February 9th,
2018), the total value of the currency is close to $142 billion USD. Yet, the Blockchain can make other types of digital
value as well.
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The Blockchain sphere offers the following unique benefits:
• Decentralization - This is a core concept and benefit of Blockchain: There is no need for a trusted third party
or intermediary to validate transactions, but rather a consensus mechanism is applied to agree on the
validity of transactions.
• Transparency and Trust - As Blockchain is a shared ledger and everyone can see what is on the blockchain,
the architecture allows the system to be transparent and, consequently, trust is established. This attribute is
relevant when disbursement of funds or benefits with personal discretion is of importance.
• Immutability - Once data is written into the Blockchain, it is extremely difficult to modify them. Unauthorized
changing of data is extremely difficult and virtually impossible, thereby maintaining an immutable ledger of
• High Availability - As the system is based on thousands of nodes inter-connected in a peer-to-peer network
and data are replicated and updated on every node, hence the system becomes highly available. Even if
nodes leave the network or become inaccessible, the network as a whole continues to work, thus making it
fully available at any time.
• Highly Secure - All the transactions on the Blockchain are secure at the highest cryptographic level and
provide complete data integrity.
• Simplification of current paradigms - The current model in many industries (such as finance and healthcare)
is rather disorganized, as multiple entities maintain their own databases. Data sharing can become very
difficult due to the disparate nature of the systems. Nonetheless, as the Blockchain can serve as a single
shared ledger among interested parties, it can simplify the data model and management by reducing the
complexity of separate systems maintained by each entity.
• Faster Dealings - In the financial industry, especially in post-trade settlement functions, Blockchain can play
a vital role by allowing the quicker settlement of trades, as it does not require a lengthy process of
verification, reconciliation and clearance, as a single version of agreed upon data is already available on a
shared ledger between financial organizations.
• Cost Savings - As the Blockchain model does not require any third party or clearing houses, it can massively
eliminate overhead costs in the form of fees paid to clearing houses or to trusted third parties.

The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing Big Data becomes a key basis of competition,
underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation and consumer surplus, according to research by MGI and
McKinsey's Business Technology Office. Leaders in every sector will have to grapple with the implications of Big Data,
beyond the few data-oriented managers that currently do so. The increasing volume and detail of information captured
by enterprises, the rise of multimedia, social media, and the Internet of Things (IoT) will fuel the exponential growth of
data in the near future.
Some examples of sources from which Big Data repositories are generated are as follows:

  1. Medical Sensors and Equipment Data: Data generated from medical examinations and from continuous
    recordings of indicators of the patient’s health condition (from multiple sensors and devices) generates vast
    amounts of data per patient. This data is highly sensitive and private due to the awareness and legislation of
    the patient’s privacy rights in most countries.
  2. Black Box Data: Data generated by airplanes, jets and helicopters. Black box data includes flight crew voices,
    microphone recordings, and aircraft performance information.
  3. Social Media Data: Data developed by social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest,
    Google+ and more.
  4. Stock Exchange Data: Financial data from stock exchanges, including prices at any time, share selling and
    buying decisions made by customers.
  5. Power Grid Data: Data from power grids that hold information on particular nodes, such as usage information.
  6. Transport Data: Data includes capacity, vehicle model, location, availability and distance covered by a vehicle.
    With the introduction of autonomous cars, research suggests that each autonomous car will collect and
    generate more than 25GB of data per hour, including sensor data, inter-car transmissions, geographical data,
    video and audio.
  7. Search Engine Data: One of the largest sources of big data. Search engines have vast databases from which
    they obtain their data
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Our vision is to provide a safe and secure cloud service powered by Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain/
Tangle technologies. Our goal is achieved through the integration of information technologies across all
smart devices and platforms, thus creating a seamless experience that fully serves the specific needs of its
• Provision of cloud computing for processing tasks and for storage by joining the abundant
computational capacities that are not used by personal smart device owners and data centers (CPU,
GPU and disk space).
• The storage and the processing will be fully protected by encryption on the Blockchain, and therefore
they are 100% secure and resistant to hacking.
• 24/7 operation of the storage grid, the processing grid and the Blockchain/Tangle.
• Attracting large numbers of users and miners to match the demand and supply of storage and
processing power.
• Valuation of the IAGON token.
• Harnessing together the storage capacities and processing power of multiple smart devices over a
decentralized Blockchain grid.
• Unique proprietary, secure and encrypted distributed storage solution that utilizes the Blockchain /
Tangle and sharding protocols.
• Trusted and integrated decentralized applications within a single platform that serves any type of users
from Fortune 500 companies, through SMEs to daily users.
• Miners generate revenue on our platform by sharing their smart device’s resources, including storage
and computing power.
• We use a combination of machine learning algorithms, neural networks and the Blockchain/Tangle to
develop a reliable, secure and efficient platform.
• Integrated cryptocurrency wallets help manage the transactions across different decentralized

• Platform design and architecture – September 2017 (COMPLETED)
• Platform development kick-off – October 2017 (COMPLETED)
• Whitepaper – November 2017 (COMPLETED)
• Platform launch – December 2017 (COMPLETED)
• Smart contract implementation – March 2018
• Pre-Sale – April 2018
• Token Sale launch – April 2018
• Distributed storage implementation – August 2018
• Distributed processing implementation – November 2018
• Integrated DAPPS completion – January 2019

Cloud computing matures in the IT industry domain, as many enterprise companies adopt it into their
infrastructure and business processes. Research of International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that the
cloud computing industry will grow from a multimillion to a multibillion dollar industry. IDC reported that in
2013, the market growth rate in cloud computing had hit a $47.4 billion mark, predicting increase to $107.2
billion in 2017 (Figure on right side). In addition, Figure (next page) presents the diffusion of cloud
computing virtually to any sector and use.


The use of Big Data becomes crucial for companies that aspire to outperform their peers. In most
industries, established competitors and new entrants alike leverage data-driven strategies to
innovate, compete and capture value. For example, health outcomes of pharmaceuticals widely
prescribed are analyzed to discover benefits and risks that were not evident in the limited clinical
trials. Other adopters of Big Data use data from sensors embedded in products ranging anywhere
from children’s toys to industrial goods to determine how these products are actually used in the real
world. Such knowledge contributes to the creation of new service offerings and to the design of new
Big Data contributes to new growth opportunities and entirely new categories of companies, such
as those that aggregate and analyze industry data. Many of these companies that are positioned in
the center of large data flows about products/services, buyers/suppliers, consumer preferences
and intentions can be captured and analyzed for profit5.
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Big data analytics helps organizations harness their data and use it to identify new
opportunities. That, in turn, leads to smarter business moves, more efficient operations, higher
profits and more satisfied customers. In the Big Data in Big Companies report, IIA Director of
Research Tom Davenport interviewed more than 50 businesses to understand how they use Big
Data. He found several ways in which they generate value from their data6:
• Cost reduction: Big Data technologies, such as Hadoop and cloud-based analytics, bring
significant cost advantages when it comes to storing large amounts of data and can
identify more efficient ways of managing businesses.
• Faster, better decision making: With the speed of Big Data analytics combined with the
ability to analyze new sources of data, businesses are able to analyze information
immediately and rapidly make calculated decisions based on the insights from the data.
• New products and services: With the ability to gauge customer needs and satisfaction
through analytics comes the power to give customers what they want. Big Data analytics
enables more companies to create new products that meet their customers’ needs.

Leading digital economies are acting to grow their national AI capabilities and subsequent market
• UK: The UK will need to raise its level of investment to match the support of other global
competitors for their AI sectors.
• France: Launched an AI strategy in March 2017. The government’s recommendations include:
Establishing a strategic committee for AI; establishing a program for identifying, attracting and
retaining AI talents; funding a mutualized research infrastructure; a public-private consortium to
identify or create an AI center; ensuring that AI is a priority for all innovations in public bodies;
investing €25 million in ten AI startups within five years.
• Singapore: The National Research Foundation (NRF) is investing up to S$150 million into a new
national program aimed at boosting Singapore’s AI capabilities over the next five years.
• United States: The government invested US$1.1 billion in unclassified R&D for AI systems in 2015
and an estimated US$1.2 billion in 2016. The Information and Intelligence Systems Department of
the National Science Foundation and the programs related to AI from the DARPA are reported to
have been around US$300m-$400m a year for the last 15 years. The 2016 White House reports
include strategic planning for National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development.
• South Korea: The government announced that it will invest 1 trillion won in AI research over the
next five years, a 55% increase in annual funding for AI.
• Germany: The Research Center for AI (DFKI) was founded in 1988 and has an annual budget of
€41m. It is one of the world’s largest AI labs, with nearly 500 researchers.
• Canada: A Pan-Canadian AI Strategy funds research and talent acquisition. The funding is worth
C$175m and aims at attracting and retaining top academic talents in Canada.
• China: China’s ambition is to create a US$15 billion AI market by 2018 and its government
prepares a comprehensive AI strategy for this purpose.

Iagon ICO Review Video

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