IAGON: Beyond the Cloud

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

"Imagine a world

with a global computational grid, more

powerful than a supercomputer

where anyone can profit by joining a massive

processing and storage platform

where data is fully secure and data breaches

are no longer a threat

that Artificial Intelligence becomes accessible

to all and produces powerful insights

Imagine IAGON"



IAGON is an open source platform that leverages the storage capabilities and processing power of multiple computers in a decentralized network that employs Blockchain technology with complete security.

Its main objective is to provide data storage and processing services to companies and individuals at a fraction of the market price, and with a better level of security by connecting data centers, commercial computers and personal users, using their storage capacities free and their CPUs and GPU processors during periods of inactivity.


How will IAGON impact the AI and Big Data industry?

The increasing development and the dramatic increase in the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data technologies, translates into a continuous and exponentially growing demand for storage, which exceeds the capacity and the power of computational processing in the face of more extensive adoption of these technologies.

Although these technologies are only in their early stages of implementation, most corporations and public institutes have begun to examine their application to improve many aspects of their operations.

The storage of data in the cloud is based on the delivery of files from computers and local servers to remote control. In this way, the reliability of cloud storage services and the privacy of users (that is, the protection of files from being accessed by any party that is not their owner) are fundamental.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a set of advanced computational models and processes inspired by the research of the human brain. It is often used to generate a better user experience. A simple case of this would be Google. Google uses advanced machine learning algorithms to reduce its search results and provide its users with results that match what they are looking for. As the algorithm learns and refines its search definition, users may sometimes notice that search results may vary from day to day.

Like a human brain, AI and machine learning algorithms require data inputs to deduce an inference. Data mining is the process to discover patterns in large data sets, and helps reduce large sets of data structures to allow machine learning algorithms to make decisions and inferences.

However, AI and machine learning tools for analyzing large amounts of data require large volumes of computational power that organizations often lack, therefore, they must subscribe to a commercial cloud, or a service for uploading their files of confidential data on the servers of another company. Due to the confidential nature of the data and its commercial value, many companies avoid doing so, and therefore do not benefit from the potential value of analyzing their databases with advanced methods of Artificial Intelligence.

IAGON offers a novel solution, since it will be possible to cover huge amounts of data, using Blockchain technology from a decentralized network, which makes it very safe in turn, with a very innovative method, with miners and with tokens that support the platform, and will present far fewer problems than there are currently in the other storage services.



How IAGON works?

Artificial Intelligence

Using a combination of machine learning algorithms, neural networks and blockchain technology to secure our platform

Integrated DApps

A trusted and integrated decentralized applications are on a single platform for every type of user


Generate revenue by sharing your computer’s resources including processing power and storage

Smart Contracts

Anyone can create their own smart contracts on an easy to use user interface without writing any lines of code


The Team


Dr. Navjit Dhaliwal - CEO

A serial entrepreneur with a keen interest in business and technology. He is leading the IAGON team in an effort to be at the forefront of the decentralized cloud services industry.


Dr. Elad Harison - Co-founder and COO

An AI and Machine Learning Expert, Economist and Industrial Engineer. His everyday work integrates the technical, scientific, business and economic aspects of the organizational processes at IAGON. He is responsible for fostering a success-oriented, accountable environment within the company.

Dr. Claudio Lima.png

Dr. Claudio Lima

A seasoned executive and thought leader in advanced energy and telecom/IT, working with emerging technologies, new businesses and digital transformation. Dr. Lima has extensive Fortune 500 industry and high tech start-up experience as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and VP of Innovation, including R&D Labs, leading teams in advanced energy systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Enterprise Blockchain and AI, Smart Grid, Microgrid and Distributed and Intelligent Energy Resources (DER).

And many others, who add years of knowledge and experience in the best companies in the world, and who are now a fundamental part of this great project that seeks to: revolutionize the cloud


Finally, I want to share with all this introductory video about IAGON

For more Information & Resources:


This is an entry for the OriginalWorks Sponsored Writing Contest: IAGON, you can participate clicking here: CONTEST Thanks so much to @originalworks and @official.iagon for this Contest.

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