What's that? Is that Institutional Investors I hear making their way into crypto?

in #crypto6 years ago

Institutional Investors may finally be making their way into the cryptocurrency markets.

What almost seemed like a fairy tale up to this point may finally be starting to happen.

This morning, Coinbase announced that they launched their Coinbase Custody business.

It is specifically designed for institutional grade investors.

Last week they accepted their very first deposit, this week, they are open for business and it appears the markets like the news...

Check out the volume on bitcoin in the last few hours:

(Source: https://www.ccn.com/coinbase-custody-officially-launches-for-institutional-investors/)

What's the big deal?

Until now, it has been very difficult for institutions to invest in the cryptocurrency markets. Mostly because there wasn't a suitable custody solution for them.

Meaning that they didn't want to have to worry about having their funds hacked or stolen by leaving them on an exchange or keeping track of their private keys.

Coinbase has built a potential solution to this problem by launching Coinbase Custody.

Coinbase Custody’s unique features include:

  • On-chain segregation of crypto assets

  • Split, offline private keys that require a quorum of geographically distributed agents to use cryptographic hardware to sign transactions

  • Multiple layers of security

  • Robust cold storage auditing and reporting

(Source: https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-custody-is-officially-open-for-business-182c297d65d9)

On top of that Coinbase already holds over $20 billion in crypto assets, has been around for over 6 years, and to date has never been hacked.

But wait, there's more!

Coinbase also announced several other plans for their business.

Currently, Coinbase Custody is only available for US and European based clients, but the plan is for Asian clients to have access as well by the end of this year.

They also said they would be adding new coins in the coming weeks/months as well as continuing to build and add new and exciting features to their platform.

This is big news folks.

(Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/get-ready-for-the-investor-stampede-back-into-gold-commerzbank-2017-03-23)

This may be the very beginnings of the stampede that is likely coming in the form of institutional money.

The bulls may finally be running.

Stay informed my friends.

Image Source:


Follow me: @jrcornel


Run Bulls Run! 🐂🐂🐂

Ironically, I am getting on a flight to Spain in 2 hours and I run with the bulls in Pamplona in 3 days. A crypto bull run coincidence would be amazing. HODL everybody!!!

Haha yes it would. Stay safe out there!

Would you say thats ironic or serendipitous ?

OK people, I ran with the bulls three times. Almost gored once. Most insane thing I have ever done. There were 10 in our group. Bruised, bleeding but head unbowed. No one ended up in ER. The people of Spain are awesome.

I love the image choices to match. Yes they are coming. Ask any friend you know in a financial planner/advisor position. Average investors are asking how to place a portion of their retirement into bitcoin and/or altcoins.

We had a taste of institutional m0ney over the past few years but nothing compared to what is set to come 😏Great p0st👏

I think this announcement might mark the beginning of a major move into the space by large macro funds. Even a 1-2% fund allocation into bitcoin will move markets much higher.

Hello, they have turned their eyes to the project that is already a reality for a while as is the cryptocurrency, they know what the future is and they will not let the opportunity go by. I consider that the news is good. I invite you to know my blog, as well as those who have been able to read my comment, in it you will find interesting publications about my work, hoping it will be of your liking. Greetings.

I hope coinbase remains a sole company and isn't bought by facebook.

I actually hope the opposite. Can you imagine how many new users Facebook owning Coinbase could bring in?!

Also ...300 Million more reasons to bolster crypto pricing


Yep, though if you read what they invest in, most of their investments are not outright investments in existing well known cryptocurrencies.

Still a strong vote of confidence for Crypto ecosystem and ofcourse they want to get in on the bottom floor of any project.

We can't let ties to Fiat survive. Fiat means banks. Banks means centralization. Centralization bad. That's the whole point.

What about a crypto bank? There are several in the works right now.

Great news! This will create huge bullish headwinds for us.

I agree, though perhaps they will even be tailwinds! :)

im confuse guys, you know tailwinds is pushing forward the plane
and headwinds are pushing back the plane.

@jrcornel I think worlds like these pictures are running towards cryptocurrency, there are so many exchanges of the world, millions of new parson registrations are being registered in cryptocurrency, all of them, when they will start investing, then market will start running what do you think Sir??

Sounds reasonable to me.

@jrcornel Thank you that you seem reasonable

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