Crypto didn't rally on Consensus 2018, but a rally may still be in the cards

in #crypto6 years ago

Tom Lee and Fundstrat said they expected a significant rally around the Consensus Conference based on previous years.

That didn't happen.

In fact, bitcoin and the cryptocurrency markets FELL by roughly 10% over the course of the conference.

Talk about a kick in the shorts!

However, Tom Lee and Fundstrat put out a report yesterday saying why the rally likely didn't happen.

It can be seen here:


Basically, the big takeaway as to why markets didn't rally has to do with continued regulatory uncertainty. Until there is clarity in that regard markets are finding rallies tough to come by.

Kudos to Lee for owning up to his call being wrong, however, I am not so sure I would say he is wrong just yet.

If you look at the research he and Fundstrat put out, it showed there was often a rally during the conference, followed by a sell off shortly after, which was then followed by a larger rally that took place over the following weeks/months.

One of their models can be seen here:


Yes, there is really only 3 data points to go off of, but this entire asset class isn't that old so there really aren't a ton of long term patterns to go off of.

As you can see, the post Consensus rally often tended to be bigger than the initial Consensus rally, which means there may still be some gains to come.

For better clarity on what I am talking about, check out this chart:


As you can see in previous years, bitcoin prices were higher 20-45 days after the conference, and significantly higher 55-80 days after the conference.

If that trend were to repeat, we could still see a significant rally in the coming weeks, even if we didn't get the expected Consensus pop.

Stay informed my friends.

Follow me: @jrcornel


i think crypto will rally in few years after the bitcoin halvening

Hope it happens soon...

There's no stopping cryptos! I can't wait to see what happens!

This party is just getting started. All of the ground work has been laid for s huge EOY when everyone has accumulated BTC and are ready to let it be great.

I think once there are clearer regulations and custody solutions in place for institutional clients, bitcoin will fly.

Absolutely. Folks are really losing sight of the end game and it is sad.

Not losing sight of anything I don’t think. People were notified to invest. Retail investors that is. From some creditable individuals who know about cryptos and mostly bitcoin. Why trust in the end game of predictions when current predictions are wrong.

Maybe it's just a case of some of the novelty/pioneering enthusiasm (and resulting value) having worn off. Seems to me this might be a suggestion that we're moving from the

Exciting New Technology!!!

stage to a more stable "now we actually need to BUILD something with this technology..." stage.

This is purely an intuitive flyer, but there seem to be a few whispers that (part of?) the reason Steem is lagging other alt coins is that it is seen as more of a "utility" coin, and high flying investors (although I think of them more as "lottery players") evidently prefer the "purely speculative."

That would certainly make sense and likely is part of the drag. Which means we might need to see some real development and deployment of the lightning network before we see a meaningful price increase in bitcoin.

Regarding steem, that is certainly possible. It seems the value of many of the coins currently is not directly related to potential of the project even in the slightest. I think the coming year will go a long ways in discovering a more honest price for many of these projects.

Don't get me wrong, we owe a lot of BTC, but the bloom is a bit off the rose on that one. For all the hype, I still can't walk into a store and buy a couch with BTC. I still can't viably take it at my own art gallery because the confirm times suck. So I have to pay fees to some third party who assumes the risk. Given that, I might as well just take MasterCard. Ideologies are great but if they can't be readily translated into functional application....?

I have been watching Steem and the market for a while now... as you suggest valuations seem unrelated to the potential of projects. From where I am sitting, Steem is under increasing "upwards pressure." We have the most capable blockchain out there; easily the highest number of transactions; occasionally there are more transactions on our blockchain than ALL OTHERS added together. Weiss ratings sees this as one of only FOUR coins to rate a "B" or better out of hundreds. Now the Chinese IT Ministry ranked Steem no. 2 of the 28 blockchains they looked at. To me, that looks more and more like the pressure building in a champagne bottle... at SOME point, it has to "pop loose" and suddenly we'll be looking at $25.00 Steem because someone, somewhere (with the investment bucks to back it up) suddenly realizes that most of these other projects are little more than houses of cards.

"But that would give Steem the 5-6th largest market cap at over $6.5bn...."

And that's a problem HOW, exactly? As I recall, there was a time when Steem was ranked third in the world... the fact that so many others blew by us is perhaps even more of an indication that it's about time we saw some movement...

Great points. Can't say I disagree with any of them. :)

I also think there is no correlation at all. It's just coincidence of chart and conference in the last years.

There is some major seasonality to bitcoin trading. Whether that has anything to do with the conference is up for debate.


There was a need for rallying workers. But it did not make the rally a lot of tie problems. Which will affect the whole world to blaze. This rally was beneficial for everyone.

thank you. Ilove this article so much

I think it’s more related to the Mt God selloff personally which may continue in 2018. This is similar to a public company that has a large concentrated owner that continues to unload shares and put downward pressure on share price.

That could be part of it. Plus if people KNOW selling is about to happen, they will hold off on purchasing. So, the effect could be greater than just the downward pressure the one seller could inflict.

Exactly. And will they continue to selloff throughout 2018? If so, what does that do to prices for the entire crypto market?

In the grand scheme of things the amount they are looking to sell isn't THAT large. It's a big number, but if done even remotely responsibly it shouldn't have that much of an impact. In my opinion at least. Hopefully he learned something from selling large chunks at the bid last time.

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