Debt – The Biggest Financial Problem

in #crypto6 years ago

Two hundred and fifty trillion dollars of debt litters our global economy. That’s the equivalent of $35,714.00 each for every man, woman and child on this entire planet. With the current growing wave of increasing debt, these numbers aren’t going to shrink by themselves. With current people’s mindset to borrow more money, and sink further into the debt hole, than to repay current debt, our global economy won’t survive for much longer.

With our current debt system, the debtors are given way too much freedom, and can basically just take out new loans to cover previous ones, causing an unhealthy cycle of increasing debt. We need a much more modern approach to this problem, and currently there is none. Joos provides a simple solution to this and we call it the ARM Network.

The ARM network is simple, efficient and scalable and ensures account resolution faster than any other model in the market. We are disruptive because we are both faster and cheaper than all incumbents and we strip away all the resource and labour intensive processes in traditional debt collection. Furthermore, we circumvent industry restrictions and remove human empathy from the collection process, making sure no-one is offended/triggered.

Debtors nowadays have so many options against the debt collectors, and can easily escape/delay payments, and if worse comes to worse, they can declare bankruptcy. Here are just some examples of ways that the debtor can put of his/her current debt.

The Debtor is allowed to

  • Ignore the creditor via phone, emails & other forms of communication.
  • Change phone numbers, details, cities, countries.
  • Provide fake information, or arrange a fake payment plan.
  • File lawsuits for harassment/assault.

With Joos, we hope to solve all of these problems, and make the process of collecting debt emotionless, transparent and convenient for the creditor and the debtor. Let’s stop the bleeding with Joos and create an easy to use platform for everyone!

Feel free to check out Joos at the following Links

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