My 2018 Journey Begins...Here's 3 Ways To Set Yourself Up For A Great Year!

in #crypto7 years ago

It's the new year! And with that, as we are all hoping for, another amazing year in the crypto space.

I've got some big game plans for the next 12 months and I've been so excited for this new year to begin. However I think before ANY of us dive into the trenches it's important to do a few things before we go crazy...

1. Set A Budget - This is so important. And for me, it's a weekly investment into my portfolio. I want to treat crypto like I do any investment and every single week, no matter what...'Pay myself first'. Simply put, every week I will put the exact same investments into my portfolio whether or not the markets are up or down. Simple. Easy. And I don't need to think about it. Huge tip though, NEVER invest more than you can stand to lose. This is a crazy market and takes big swings up AND down!

2. Take A Count Of My Inventory - I love pie charts and it allows me to see exactly where my investments are. I love to diversify my investments and this way I can check what I'm at in each coin and rebalance after a month. I'm spread out and because of the drama with Coinbase recently, I've got money stuck in there that would have gone into my bitcoin position. But here's a peek at what I'm holding....

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This chart will adjust a lot over the next few weeks as I figure out the Coinbase situation I'm dealing with, but gives you an example of my thoughts on how I'm going into 2018. Lots of risk but still want to hold BTC forever lol

3. HODL! - Sure, taking profits out are a good thing and we need to remember why we are investing in the first place...However I heard something the other day that really hit me as to why we should hold our positions for an entire year. Take a look at Ripple (XRP) this time last year, what was it at? About a half a penny per coin. Now it's over $2.00 a coin. If we would have bought just 1000 XRP this time last year (and paid peanuts for it) and held for the entire year, we would be over $2k. Something to think about and why holding is the best strategy in this crazy market.

I hope you had an awesome new year and enjoy this huge opportunity in front of you! Let's go and have some fun :)


Doing the same on my end too. Taking inventory, establishing a budget and holding on.

Dude it's huge! I need to get into the habit monthly and just taking inventory. Helps me put everything on the straight and narrow.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63315.26
ETH 2668.31
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79