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RE: Release the Kraken? Narrow escape by the sounds of it!

in #crypto7 years ago

It's a shame that you have encountered this. I was thinking of opening an account myself, but now I'm having second thoughts about it.

Okay, so, as someone who has worked customer support before, I'm going to share an unsolicited view regarding this. I hope you don't mind. Now, this isn't meant to sound as a defense, but rather it's my hope to allay some negative sentiment.

The support staff are in quite a bind. They're the first line of defense against the customers' ire, but they have very little power in terms of bugs or something internally wrong with the system. They can help with the process if it's just a miscommunication between the customer and the documentation, or things that have undocumented easy fixes. That's about it. They can forward customer concerns to the development or support team, but that's about how far their power goes.

Granted, auto responses doesn't really help, and a genuine human response would've been better in this case. If there are let's say a thousand customer complaints, with only a support staff of, I don't know 10 or so people. You could imagine the bulk of complaints that they have to sift through.

I remember times like those whenever something went wrong in the server or code. No matter how bad I feel about what's happening, I was completely powerless to do anything. All I could offer was reassurance that the development team is working their butts off to fix whatever error.

There are times when I go off-script and reply based on the customer's concern, but it's a hit or miss. As a customer myself, I know that it's frustrating to have to go through something expecting a frictionless process. But, everything is fallible. The key thing is compassion for each other.


I've worked in Customer Service too and I agree, it's not the CS representatives to blame, but the company. They obviously can't cope but are not willing to invest in more/better resources to help the customer.

This weekend, I've had two other dealings with Customer Service - one was 'so-so' and the other was exemplary. One company will find I'm looking for another broadband provider and the other has secured a loyal customer.

One thing I never do, is blame the frontline staff, the Customer Service staff (unless they're rude of course).

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