Bandz: A secure global Extranet powered by blockchain

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)


source:steemit @originalworks

Bandz derived from the world bandwidths. The way internet is used these days to surf webs or download which is measured in kilobytes, megabytes ,Gigabytes, terabytes, etc can be referred to as bandwidth. The total accumulation of data used can also be referred to as bandwidth. The total transferrable amount of data from a source to other subordinate sources can also be referred to as bandwidth.

In the institution I attend in Nigeria, we pay for bandwidth at the beginning of every session and access is derived from a device (spectranet), this device is distributed at specific areas throughout the whole campus to allow wide access, through wifi (wireless communication), the fee you pay will determine the amount of internet access that'll be accredited to you, that means the amount of Internet you can use.
With the blockchain now becoming the operating system for most internet facilitated industry. Bandzalso wants to make use of this blockchain technology to create a platform whereby the availability of data to the public can be done globally as they look forward to decentralizing the internet. In using the blockchain technology and to create a non-bias platform and to achieve the reason behind the establishment, the internet has to be decentralized.

When the internet is decentralized ,it is followed by some benefits;

When the internet is decentralized, users enjoy a wide range of usage accompanied by the use by large independent users and broad community users which then makes the internet less vulnerable to attacks. With blockchain technology at center of it all , denial of service attack can be prevented or let me say ELIMINATED !. Rather than everything being tied to a single source which controls it all in which there could be a breach of security and all information lost. As blockchian is available to anyone as long as he/she makes use of the internet ,if so, why not make it available for everyone ?. That's what BANDZ is working towards and with a plus ,THE BANDZ TOKEN- this token allows every user the utmost freedom to exchange bandwidths. The token is not something that can be put on your shelve or store in banks, the the reason as to which the system was founded was to turn internet service into a commodity at cheap rates.

Benefiting from Bandwidths exchange:

After subscribing to BANDZ network and am in an area where the citizens there experience bad network , I can share my BANDZ with them by allowing many people to connect with my device and in turn they pay me thereby making some cool cash, I would have love to trade it for some BANDZ token but the people in this region are not exposed to this system yet.
The internet, which has now turned to a must have thing is what most people use to meet their ends, and as such ,Bandwidth has become a major business in many regions ,like my resident(a city in Africa) we buy telecommunication internet packages from telecommunication companies which comes with time frames, it gets hard when we leave our locality to another place where the industry's networks isn't avaliable. What do we do ?, this is where most problems come from. But with BANDZ,you can enjoy your network at your time of convenience wherever yoiu may be. Isn't that astonishing ? All you have to do is just to get the BANDZ token and you're good to go .


source: steemit @originalworks

In my institution , various wifi spots are created throughout the campus and anyone can connect to them directly as long as u can find a wifi spot to connect to,.so I can say a mesh network is a process whereby various mobile phones at basically devices can connect together on a single platform to allow the interchangeability of networks to create a wide array of access and to ensure smooh surfing of the internet which can be easily achieved because in the process of using this mode of connection , congestion is eliminated as every single node gets to peer with different source ,which means there is no single source connection as this leads to congestion where some gets smooth surf and other experience bad networks.
The vision of BANDZ is to create a platform whereby device can peer with each other and exchange on a plain level accompanied with low maintenance cost with little or no user experience.
" the BANDZ model consist of three roles for nodes: providers, consumers and gateways. The provider nodes kick out bandwidth from BANDZ internal traffic to the outer world internet. The consumer nodes accept application traffic (socks5, iptables, vpn, etc) and send it to providers. The gateway nodes provide services like STUN, TURN and GeoIP resolution, receiving a tip for their services."

As I explained , the bandwidths connection in my institution is only accesible "IF AND ONLY IF" you're on campus,once you're outside, you won't have access. But with BANDZ, the connection can be extended to both within and outside as well as when a student leaves the country !. Who wouldn't want that?.

How can BANDZ vision impact locations with lack of infrastructure?
BANDZ's promise is a system whereby everyone ,everywhere, cross country,home and abroad ,in short wherever you may be enjoys the use of Internet.
Here , in areas that have little or no infrastructure ,I.e the means to connect to the internet is few and the infrastructure avaliable isn't strong enough for all, since the internet enabled blockchain, BANDZ vision will make blockchain as well enable internet. The vision of BANDZ is commodize bandwidth, this will ultimately make the availability of bandwidth avaliable just like any other commodity even where there are low infrastructural facilities, accessibility is ensured. As each day goes by , they work towards achieving their theme of establishment which is to create a secure global extranet accompanied with low cost and smooth usage powered by blockchain.

BANDZ will then make use of the mesh network which extends users range of network therefore, no matter where you are , you will certainly get the best.

The problem which keeps occurring everytime one travels our of the country is the problem of accessing the internet with your sim-card which is of your country code(+234) and visiting a country with (+91) , the only option one has is to use the super-expensive method which is roaming, not everybody can afford this and it is not always avaliable for all, even when they are made avaliable, they are relatively expensive. BANDZ look forward to solving this issue as a system whereby everyone can enjoy fast roaming with low cost anytime anywhere is their aim.


BANDZ is here to create a new age of Internet where users can surf the internet at low cost with smooth usage. When compared to using the local internet package method, the way the roaming is controlled is not at the knowledge of the user ,everything is determined by the industry that owns the Sim-card you're using, you're charge based on what the industry wants and not what you want even if it is at your expense as they know you don't have a choice. But with BANDZ, all these could become things of the past. Even though the price at which their service will be acquired will be relatively low compared to what was promised by them ,which is a vast service, that won't ,in any way affect the quality of what they are ready to give, that can be guaranteed.

The Global Extranet dream;

source:steemit @originalworks

BANDZ look forward to globalizing the use of the internet i.e Extranet instead of privatizing it(intranet). The intranet is used by organizations to keep secure their information,datas,electronics, etc. But when a user of intranet decides to grant access to an external user ,that's Extranet.
Extranet help strengthen Relationship among organizations as information can be disseminated between many organizations such as data , plans, schemes etc. "It also help companies to connect with customers in a more controlled environment than the intranet ".


source:Bandz website

Never used it before though, but with what have heard from friends, if you want to hide who you are,your location , your details, or even lie about where you are(location), if you want to scam someone undetected, if you want to trade illicit material and all sort of criminal acts, if you want to hide your communication, I even heard it up to the point that you can clone your identity and act like your inside the white house in USA whereas you're in one town in Africa, thought this wasn't thrue until I saw it with my own eyes , if you want to engage in any dark web stuff, VPN answers your question.
VPN is virtually undetectable which is why most organizations who use intranet can't work without one. The estimate of Internet users that currently makes use of VPN is 30%. As secure as it is , BANDZ wants to make it super-secure and easily used at no extra cost with your security super-maintained by decentralizing it.

You can choose to participate as a provider or a consumer.

To participate as a provider ,all you need to do is to run a BANDZ node on your device. Works on the likes of Android, iOS, Windows ,etc. The provider is the one who distributes network or let me say the source. The provider then gets paid in monetary form for every package transfered or preferably with BANDZ token which can be used to purchase network some other time.

To participate as a consumer ,you can decide to run a BANDZ node or a BANDZ pool. A BANDZ "node may be done via basic proxy protocols like Socks5 or HTTP". BANDZ pool will allow users to enter into the BANDZ network with making use of BANDZ pool or operating directly with BANDZ. After the mode has been selected , consumer can now decide on the networks strength they want to use depending on the infrastructural situation of the environment or locality, be it 2g(outdated), 3g(currently the most common) ,4g( limited users) or LTE( which is the fastest mode).


(1) My self as a scenario, travelled to a neighboring country sometimes ago on a visit to the heritage of a tribe in the country, it's a local place as expected and lots of videos and pictures where taken, the problem initially started from the car when I wanted to upload a pic of me and my colleague on our way there but to my surprise, I was only able to get an connection strenght of 44bytes maximum, which is relatively low to open an internet page not to talk of uploading, this really made the whole journey look a little less interesting because we couldn't show those at home what they were missing live. Had it been I have BANDZ at hand, with wide connectivity using the mesh net which provides wide range connection and i can conveniently enjoy the use of Internet as I can upload as much pictures as I want and a very cheap rate.

(2) When Natural disasters takes place in an area be it earthquake or land slide, the whole area as at that time experiences bad internet connectivity,which is the result of the disaster which destroyed the service centers. Now, James a member of the community who has access to the BANDZ network can then allow others to connect to his device. He can decide to use it as a means to help people relieve themselves of the disaster a little ,by giving them the opportunity to connect with their far away relatives or he might charge them and ask for future payments.

(3) Jonny an accountant who works for an auditing firm can decide to make use of BANDZ network if the firm has been experiencing the difficulty of exchanging information with other industries.





To learn more about the system&how it works Visit The Bandz website
Also The Bandz whitepaper

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