MOONCoin (MOON) is rising

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)


Hello crypto jedis! I want to talk about Tesla's theory of 3x6x9 and yesterday's super moon and the MOONCoin (MOON). I've been a big fan of morphic resonance and harmonics and sound. I've been studying the crypto market, specifically the smaller upcoming markets look for patterns. I found one in New Zealand and I believe this is the 6 of a 3x6x9 tripling in a new crypto coin called MOON.

I am not giving financial advice, this is just for fun. I own shares in about every tiny cryptocurrency available and you should know MOONCoin is one of them. I noticed on Dec 8th spike that interested me. You can see it on the smaller circle on the left. Notice the recovery in particular.


This is what first caught my eye but when it hit again on the 16th I knew i need to track the recovery. On Christmas morning I had my suspicions it would hit again on New Years Eve which you can see on my Twitter feed. I believe this will happen again very soon for several reasons.


  1. MOONCoin (MOON) has sat dormant for a long time and has had little if any attention. As of this writing a search on YouTube has zero reviews in the last three weeks. This means it's market quiet.

  2. MOON is the first kind of non-crypto crypto. It's ideal for stores like Target where shoppers want a personal relationship with the company. Pizza shops can have directions and preferences saved inside the coin so there's no confusion about who wanted pineapple on their pizza.

  3. Just like the internet boom happened first with a few "shady" industries, it eventually opened up even bigger to the actual consumer model. Right now, crypto is in the "porn" phase where only things like privacy are leading the top of the list of what's important in a coin.

  4. Okay this one is a fun one, but Tesla was fascinated by the numbers 3x6x9. He understood harmonics and the relationship of 3x6x9 sets up a resonance which automatically triggers octaves higher in the same wave pattern. If you've ever hit the harmonic on a guitar string you are experiencing what 3x6x9 does. Basically, you are only playing 3 notes but you are actually hearing 12 notes because the resonance makes other tones sound sympathetically.

MOON has a very practical future

Quite simply, the average consumer will find a shareable currency token very important and valuable as this opens up. Think about two sisters from across the country being able to exchange target tokens built on the MOON platform. As each sister shops are target, they each gain Target tokens (MOON). The system is already crudely implemented in grocery stores with the buyer reward program cards.

I'm not giving investment advice! This is just for fun. I do recommend you buy 1 MOON just so you can watch it prove me wrong or right. I'll be here to take the criticism regardless! Happy fishing whales! I've got a lot of krill here just waiting for your warm belly. Yummers and to the moon!

Sometimes i do live predictions when i see something happening in the crypto-market. My handle is @jarue369 This is NOT financial advice. I just like resonance and crypto and our future changing in leaps and bounds in only an instant. If you're into crypto already, you totally get it. Love and Light people! It's beautiful to share this world with you.


I do agree with the poster, Mooncoin has a bright future! especially 2018/2019 we will see a huge jump in value, because much more people will see the potential of smaller coins. They have seen what ripple, verge, etc. can do within a year.
I have watched and own moincoin for a few month. Lately, it got a lot of attentions and activities.
The new developer (a former developer of BurstCoin) doing a great job fixing and making mooncoin better than ever. If he can get moincoin close to BurstCoin than we have many moons to celebrate. Also the marketing team starting doing their job on twitter, facebook, telegram,etc. It would be stupid to not jump on this ship now!
short-term-investments: 2x-5x
long-term-investments: 10x and more

Awesome to hear your perspective. I'm a huge fan of Moon and the new Dev, Vassilis is really rocking it. I'm also very interested in resonance and Tesla's interest in the 3,6,9 relationship. I've never thought about applying it to crypto. Onward and upward. Here's to the best year yet for Moon!

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