So BTC Has Once Again Shown Who Is The Boss! Time To Take Advantage Of That.

in #crypto7 years ago

Learning the Crypto Trading trade is not all as simple as what the basic rule of thumb says:

Buy Low, Sell High!

Or is it?

I'm still watching and learning.

The past few days I watched BTC jump to $6,000 USD.
Literally watched it step by step, minute by minute, what I tried to watch frantically as I only have the one computer screen in front of me was the SELL SELL SELL behaviour of all the other crypto out there, which to me = everyone jumping on the BTC bandwagon.

Well now that the BTC crew has done their "I'm The BOSS of Crypto" show of power, it is time to sit back and think about it!

not "rush into anything" or is it?

As I consider myself a Steemian in the making, "HOOK, LINE AND SINKER" as the old saying goes, I have been watching, monitoring should I say all the behaviour of people who own Steem and SBD.

Note: I have limited myself to Bittrex only as I found it too hard to keep track of all the changes on two trading platforms, again, because I don't have the hardware to do so. I can see myself investing into the hardware in the near future, because I am obviously "hooked" now and shall need it.

Back to the topic of my post here:

What Crypto to invest in now that the BTC has jumped to approximately $6,000?

My choice would be STEEM and /or SBD.

Sure, it may be a little one sided as far as my views go, but there is a lot of logic behind this for ALL of us here on Steemit.

a) If you own BTC and want to ensure that you make the most of the jump in price as far as trading goes, your safest bet would be SBD, which is aimed to be at the $1, backed by Steem.

b) If you want to ensure that your profits over the past week multiply themselves, then STEEM is the way to go, as it is a WIN/WIN situation, for all of us here on Steemit. You are investing in your Crypto and the entire Steemit project.

c) If you feel that the "HOLD" theory is the way to go, then hold your BTC, simple as that, but from what I have learned so far in the Crypto market trade of things, if your Crypto just sits there, then it isn't trading, its the same as putting FIAT into a bank account and waiting for it to jump in value one day so that you can go on a holiday where you will get more for your money! While in actual fact all of the other currencies are being bullied by the big time FIAT currencies and losing in value in what we call "inflation" often not seen just in the number of zeros printed on the notes, but in the local prices in the host state/nation of that currency.

The main reason why it is the logical choice is that we are all part of Steemit, we are producing/sharing Steem with every upvote so to say.

So it is in fact in our best interest to ensure that the value of Steem rises, so as to attract others out there who are not yet here with us to join in and expand Steemit and the production of Steem to higher levels.

Now, I understand that many may think "he is new to this" but as stated above I have argued my points of views.
I have also bought another $1400 worth of Steem in the past week, with FIAT, I don't own any BTC.

Why? Well, as a Steemian I wish to contribute to Steem and SBD to be shown in the USDT market, along side BTC and all the others!

I believe that the new SMT's are a huge step in the right direction, based on what all I've read about the ERC20 tokens elsewhere, so it has been a proven method of expanding and adding value to our blockchain and alongside that to our base currencies Steem and SBD.

I would really like to read what others have to say on these views and points here in this post, as this post in itself is me sharing what I think and why I think it and as such anyone is welcome to add to it with their views and arguments/logic behind them.


yah would be nice if it is as simple as buy low sell high... at the moment Im losing a lot because I thought I bought low but then it is just getting lower and lower.

So that is when they say HODL and hope it will go high again to at least break even. Still sucks though, looking at the prices every time and never seems to recover...

I guess that is what it is... "like they say if we all pick the right one then we all be millionaires.

Yeah, once the fork is over and everyone has made a "bunch of money" things will probably get back to normal. But then again, Steem went from under a dollar to $1.75 in no time after the last scenario with the last BTC fork.

& taking human nature into consideration, as we are creatures of habit, there is a very good chance that it shall happen again after this fork..... maybe humans stop being humans, but I highly doubt it.

So, unlike the lambs following the sheep in the BTC hype, better to be sitting up on the hill as I was the last few months and just watching what the flock is doing, likewise the black sheep among them seem to be doing their own thing and still getting to munch on some damn good pasture out there, but without all the competition!

Patience is a virtue, that is a saying that came about as a result of watching humans behave the way they behave, doing the same old things, over and over again!

I like Steem because it's a actual tech using a blockchain and has innovated a social media industry. The price will definitely rise next month but not by much, the price never falls below 1.2 and never higher than 3 when the market isn't in turmoil.

What will happen when Steemit releases a full product out of beta, it'll definitely go up as the company has proven success. Only thing that worries me are the constant network issues Steemit has recently, but it's a beta and is pretty normal.

This is a good write up mate, when I trade I adapt to the market, at the moment I am just flipping penny stocks for small profits that accumulate. Thanks for sharing

steem blockchain has been a blessing sent from heaven to alleviate poverty and suffering, its one of the core need for humanity to earn from what we enjoy doing best.

Yes BTC was the the 1st Crypto be use for monetary transaction but i Don't see BTC having any other use aside from a means to transfer money. Steem is the next big thing, Hop in the Ship before it sails to the moon.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62952.72
ETH 2429.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.56