See How Extrabit Plans to Return 185% to Investors

in #crypto6 years ago

I'm just a normal person living a normal life who sort of fell into crypto because of a few friends. If you asked me about mining I would say it had to do with coal or precious metals like gold. This new age is crazy where computers can mine digital currency that has huge value and growth potential. This is the California gold rush all over again.

No one would describe me at a techie person so mining crypto on my own is out of the question. I still want to benefit by backing some of the crypto mining projects and ExtraBit in particular has caught my attention.

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There are of course problems with crypto mining, most notably energy consumption and cost of equipment. Most people realize these two factors make any crypto mining operation hard to pull off so Extrabit reached an agreement with a local suppler entitling them to free electricity for five years and long term low cost electricity.

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The main sale Phase 1 is going on now with 30% bonus. Current Price 1 EXB = $0.35. Act soon to take advantage of this price.

If you are interested in this a idea make sure to visit the home page of Extrabit to learn more. I recommend reading their whitepaper before backing any project like this. Most ICOs will answer your questions if you contact them via their website or telegram.







I am no crypto expert and this blog is not intended to be investing advice. I'm just a normal person like you, so always do your own research. I’m interested in promoting projects like this. I may own these coins soon but do not own any at the time of writing this blog. Learn more about projects I am following via my Twitter and Bitcointalk pages.


Set your goals high and don't stop until you get there.

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