Qurrex to create the first blockchain based hybrid cryptocurrency exchange

in #crypto6 years ago

If you are following my blog you know that I am investigating different upcoming cryptocurrency exchanges that are due to open this or next year. There are dozens of new crypto exchanges coming out and each one has different features and benefits.

We all know the potential if a crypto exchange takes off. Just this year an exchange called Poloniex was sold for 400 million dollars. That exchange didn't exist five years ago and it just sold for 400 million! (https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/26/circle-acquires-cryptocurrency-exchange-poloniex/)

Yahoo Japan (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/yahoo-japan-launching-cryptocurrency-exchange-135233755.html) is launching a new crypto exchange too. Step one was the investment 2 billion yen(19 million USD) for a 40% ownership on BitARG which was already approved by the country to operate a crypto exchange. Over the next year further investments will follow with a new exchange launched in April of 2019.

What other exchanges are coming out and how can we get in early? The Qurrex project caught my eye recently. Calling itself the first hybrid crypto exchange combining the traditional stock exchange infrastructure with a decentralized network. This combination will create a platform fitted for both newbie investors and big time long term institutional traders.

Some of the key features of their platform include High End Performance, Maximum Transparency, Next-Gen Security, High-Speed API, Liquidity, Social Trading Platform and Broad Functionality.

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There so many websites rating blockchain projects like Qurrex but not all of them are created equal. The four sites below are well respected and provide quality information about blockchain projects like this. I encourage you to read different sources before committing to any particular project.

ICObench.com https://icobench.com/ico/qurrex has Qurrex rated 4.1 out of 5 starts. The rating was broken down into 4.9 for ICO Profile, 4.2 for Team and 3.9 for both Vision and Product.

TrackICO.io https://www.trackico.io/ico/qurrex/ gave Qurrex a 5 out of 5 noting Description, Milestones, Video and Whitepaper.

ICOMarks.com https://icomarks.com/ico/qurrex has a 8.2 out of 10 rating on Qurrex. This was broken down with 8.4 for ICO Profile, 7 for Social Activity, 10 for Team Proof and 8 for Domain Score.

ICOHolder.com https://icoholder.com/en/qurrex-18150 has a positive 4.1 rating on Qurrex with ICO Profile, Vision, and Potential rated highly.

One big thing they have going for them is the experience of the team. The Founder and CEO Matthijs Johan Lek (LinkedIn) https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthijs-j-lek-8671822/ has 20 years experience in finance including banking, brokerage and development. Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder Slava Baikalov (LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/baykalov-vyacheslav-02819b155/) has over 10 years in corporate finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, fundraising and investment analysis.

Two key members of the team include Konstantin Sviridenko (LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/konstantin-sviridenko-55a032154/ and Andrey Sitaev https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrey-sitaev-0a6291b9/. Konstantin has developed trading & clearing systems and worked with the creation of financial instruments at stock and derivatives exchanges including RTS, St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, Investment System Voskhod and Ukrainian Exchange. Andrey leads a team of developers responsible for building the Forex analytical trading platform TradeSharp. The combination of these two men will benefit Qurrex as they build out their platform.

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If you are interested in this a idea make sure to visit the home page of Qurrex to learn more. I recommend reading their whitepaper before backing any project like this. Most ICOs will answer your questions if you contact them via their website or telegram.

Homepage https://qurrex.com

Whitepaper https://drive.google.com/file/d/1klzZPHdjCBnurHCJjJbjwsed_5rx4W1U/view

One Page Summary https://qurrex.com/files/Qurrex_Onepager.pdf

Telegram https://t.me/qurrex

BitcoinTalk.com https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2899211.0

Twitter https://twitter.com/qurrex

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/qurrex/

Medium https://medium.com/qurrex

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAsSGdCEHA96fUJWWGDL5g

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I am not a crypto expert and this blog is not intended to be investing advice. I'm just a normal person like you, so always do your own research. I’m interested in promoting projects like this. I may own these coins soon but do not own any at the time of writing this blog. Learn more about projects I am following via my Twitter and Bitcointalk pages.

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