Quadrant: a global data constellation

in #crypto6 years ago

The generation of data is a constant and permanent situation that is happening at every moment, while millions of users surf the Internet. This generation of data has created one of the most valuable intangible assets, for which companies are willing to pay very well. But beyond these truths, there is a reality in terms of the intrinsic justice of the ownership of the data and its veracity in terms of the source and modes of obtaining, affecting even ethical aspects. All this has affected the health and transparency of the data economy, which has motivated the team of Quadrant to develop its solution proposal with the help of Blockchain.

Quadrant is defined as a blockchain protocol that allows the access, creation and distribution of data with authenticity of origin. Among the objectives of Quadrant are to build an economy of data around the silos that large data companies like Google and Facebook they create, at the same time as their duopoly power is diminished, to address the problems of lack of transparency in the data industry, which lead to a large number of frauds, guaranteeing companies the due transparency in the sources of data collection in a that they get exactly the data they paid, and ensure that all data providers within the chain receive adequate and fair compensation.

The Quadrant team believes that the data economy is similar to space; not mapped and chaotic. Through its blockchain protocol, Quadrant seeks to serve as the plan that will provide an organized system for the use of decentralized data in the global market. Quadrant will support the test of authenticity and origin of the data through the sealing of data, the creation of "constellations" (intelligent data contracts) for disparate data sources, and the fair remuneration and exchange of incentives for the actors of the ecosystem. .

Quadrant anticipates that consumers can trust the authenticity of the data they buy; the "Nurseries" (data producers) will receive fair compensation each time their data is used, and the "Pioneers" (data providers) will be able to create innovative constellations. This new ecosystem guarantees that companies obtain the authentic information they need, and therefore, they guarantee quality of results.

Within its own terminology, Quadrant has a greater potential impact on the capacity it provides to "Elons" (the brightest data minds) to find links between different ecosystem constellations allowing them to create mega constellations that can be used by data consumers to solve real-world problems. Promoting an ecosystem of its own, decentralized and transparent.

Explaining a little more the actors within the Quadrant constellation ecosystem, we can mention that the main participants are:

  • The Nurseries they are data providers that create the original data records. These create stars, which can then be grouped into constellations.
  • The Constellations they are smart contracts that map multiple data sources into a single data product. These data products are processed between the parties.
  • The Pioneers they are the entities that create data products with Smart Quadrant contracts.
  • The Elons they are the entities that create new and unique products and services. They are based on constellations and constellation plans to make sense of the data space through which they will travel.
  • The Guardians they are the master nodes that protect the integrity of the chain, ensuring that it is not compromised.

The native token of the ecosystem is the eQuad , a compilable token with the standard ERC20 , which will serve as a functional token for all aspects of marketing, remunerations and incentives. The referential value of this token will be $ 0.05 USD = 1 eQuad in the ICO that will announce opportunely.

To know more technical details about this ecosystem, we recommend checking your White paper , and to stay updated with what the Quadrant ICO will be, we also recommend joining your channel. Telegram .


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They are based on constellations and constellation plans to make sense of the data space through which they will travel

Take care of your life and the Lord will take care of your death. George Whitefield

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